This would be very hype but uhhh... lemme guess, PSN account required?

Based on the new PC ports and Helldivers fiasco, I'd bet my left nut on it being locked that way


Could just be that the devs consider these config settings not mods, since from your pic it is respawn time/speed/damage (all just server settings values)

Not sure if there is a way to filter that out currently

Scrottius! Back to the dungeons with ye

Not at all related but I think this is McDonald's

Pretty much, yeah

Jamie pull up that clip of the man getting a pineapple shoved up his ass

The person is subtly agreeing with you lol heavy sarcasm

Mmmm I love the taste of boot in the morning!


"So you'll need a semen sample right?"

"Sir, I'm your dermatologist."

To be charitable, it could just be that recommendations are the bare minimum and you could do more to protect yourself by washing fruit and vegetables for lingering pesticides and chicken for cleaning agents (?)

I have so many questions. How? How did it taste besides just generally soapy? Did your throat burn? Did it cause indigestion or stomach pain?

Step 1: Put ash in cake

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Profit.

Fuck, the bread opening. I gotta consult /r/anarchychess for the best counter

To add:

Potassium gets its name from Potash (pot + ash) which was/is used in bleaching textiles, making glass, ceramics, and soap.

It's essentially plant or wood ashes soaked in a pot. It was processed by chemists to derive elemental potassium, hence the name

Me when people say that about my gf: Thanks I know :)

Or: "Lmao Ikr what was she thinking smh"

This kills me to say as an OG watcher, but new as in Season 7+ right?

The clip is from at least 2019 (5 years old)

Bro never took statics or dynamics and it shows 💀

Native Speaker

This. Most business jargon in my experience has been leaning towards direct reports and supervisor (for the other side) in my experience

Boss is still definitely the most popular, but I have seen an effort to move towards supervisor or something else just like HR doesn't like you saying "job" like its a chore and instead use "profession" or "career"

Native Speaker

My thoughts exactly lmao

It's got evil henchman kinda vibes

I am in a developed country and definitely did not have free food lmao we charged to a lunch card my parent's would have to load up for us to eat

Actually you need to tag me for more than 5 seconds for it to count. I didn't even feel it, you clearly missed.

SES Hammer of Wrath

I wonder if non-dev playtesting came primarily from Sony as part of the publishing deal and now they got it pulled post-launch because bean counters go "well why would you need it now? It's launched and everything should be polished"