I'm in Illinois, so I have more protections than most places. That said, it can't hurt to prepare for self-sufficiency, however possible. For that, I enjoy listening to the podcast "It Could Happen Here." They have a plethora of episodes about all sorts of things related to left wing organizing and survival in the face of a hostile government. They even have at least a few episodes about survival while trans. And at least two of their contributors are trans.

My thoughts exactly. They also don't make content about "before and after highschool". Boomers haven't been in high school for 50 years. Even my millennial ass hasn't thought about high school for a decade. This is a gen z meme.

Look up the "It Could Happen Here" podcast. There are a plethora of episodes on things to do for self-sufficiency, community building, and resistance.


It is difficult to assess your appearance when you're making that strange kissy face in every picture.


Lol, oh okay. No, I couldn't, but I'm on my phone, so my resolution is on the lower side.


You're welcome! Personally, I really hope this catches on. I dislike Mx almost as much as being misgendered, and this seems like such an elegant solution.


Also discussed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NonBinary/s/UCOl80rGOR

I personally really like the slightly longer Magister for married individuals and Mage for the unwedded, just like we have Miss and Missus for women.

I think I've seen this one about a dozen times now on this sub. Still terrible though


Lol same. The beach will not be seeing me until after I have vaginoplasty.

Also, I am "Me" 100% of the time. I am never not me, regardless of the clothes I'm wearing.

Japan puts on a progressive face when you are a tourist. Their LGBT citizens, however, have very few protections.

Well, in civ 5, the penalties for expansion for all civs (not just Venice) were very steep. That is why civ 5 players often have trouble playing other Civ games because they are used to playing super tall. Civ 4 and 6 both reward wide play much more heavily.

Exactly. Cultural practices surrounding food change over time, but inefficiencies in agricultural production aren't things that most people consider when crafting their diets. If it were, the world would be eating very different things!

Thanks for the reasonable explanation. Some prominent trans femme accounts have gotten destroyed and that's terrible, but the vast majority of us are unaffected. In fact, nobody I follow has been hit. Hopefully things get better.

Thanks for the support! I dunno why this sub suddenly has this very specific blind spot. Like, where are people hearing this? I feel like it comes from a misunderstanding of both feminism and trans theory, but where is it coming from?

I am going to get downvoted to hell for this, but I don't care. Transmisandry does not exist. Of course, you don't have to listen to me, a trans femme, say it. This is Devon Price: trans man, doctor of psychology, and author of such books as Unmasking Autism and Laziness Does Not Exist. Read this.

Note that the patch gives the pokemon its hidden ability and that ability can be bred to offspring. The capsule, on the other hand, will give the pokemon its other non hidden ability (flame body to magma armor or vice versa in this case), but when bred, the capsule pokemon will still pass on its original ability 80% of the time.

You're 4 months on HRT and you have the audacity to call the rest of the community a fad?! The only one acting cringe here is you.


Changing the culture is something we all do incrementally just by living our truth and being outspoken about our beliefs. In the meantime, though, the best thing I can do to help and protect minors is to warn them about the dangers of the world as it exists TODAY. Posting on trans subs attracts creeps. Posting selfies attracts a MOUNTAIN of creeps. The youth of our community need to know that.