Also, check along the frame where the gas tank sits, another rust prone spot.

Use phantom, solflare, backpacker linled to your ledger Ledger live is garbage.

I mean, a simple 10 to 15 dollar mod hardely seems like exploitation, useful or not.

I just finished the book and found it, OK. Much better than "Number Go Up" and while I don't agree with some aspects of the book and I personally see more sense in layered scaling solutions, I appreciate what bch wants to do. That said, I also think xmr does a better job at p2p cash than bch and find both LN and xmr easier to spend/use than bch.

Of all the various risks one takes in crypto and digital assets, this is not high on my personal risk radar. If you are dca'ing a few dollars a day straight to cold storage, well, that is a different story.

Lol, r/bitcoin is the last place I'd look for advice, but that goes for pretty much all the crypto subs on reddit.

Not really. Saving money is not investing as there is no 3rd party risk or implied returns.

Agree on your second point

It's simple to manage, but one must consider utxo management.

Why do you look at it as investing? How do you calculate the value of money?

No, you are trusting ledger to a degree, especially if you use a ledger to generate a seed phrase. They are not open source. Generate your own keys and use an open-source wallet if you're so paranoid.

Replace everything, and make it run for another 30 years!

All money eventually fails...

I feel you are starting to understand the issues with POS and governance...

The problem I see is that, yes, the world will go down with the US. However, most of the world's population is already used to dealing with high inflation and all that it brings. Americans simply have no idea what's coming and how to deal with it.

Oh, and name calling, too, keeping it classy, I see!