Writing out "spice" and then removing the entire word seems not great. Though SINGER as an anagram of INGERS is also underwhelming.

The same reason your keys are in the last place you look: you stop looking after that.

I'm irrationally bothered by the fact that she skips the blaugh.

I read about 5 books of the Bible in high school too. We also read The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid. They're important in the context of western literature!

Yes it does, but not all uses of "point of view" are the same, and POV implies a specific use of it. Like, F stands for female, but people would be confused if you talked about the F pipe fitting.

ā™¬ My MySpace page is all totally pimped out.
ā™¬ Got people begging for my top 8 spaces.

Third person point of view exists, but that's not what "POV" means.

From my point of view

This doesn't help your case because this isn't what "POV:" means. The post just doesn't need to say POV and would be better without it.

Fighting over agreements like this is so crazy to me. Don't these people like each other? You shouldn't be angling for that "good deal" that benefits you at the cost of your partner. Work together!

It's something that OP actively wanted and was denied. So no, not everyone mourns this, but it's meaningful to some people. It's also a bit different when you see your friends with varied hairstyles and you're not allowed them yourself.

You don't have to give her all the details. You can just say something like "Thank you so much. It really meant a lot to me that you did my hair."

I love the idea of making single songs from made-up musicals.

There are some trails around Sunnybrook Park. I think they're on the west side, at the south border of the hospital. There is also ET Seton park.

Silks, Acroyoga

Open gym time. Class time is so expensive and there's never enough time in class. If you want students to actually talk to each other, you need slower practice sessions.

Fuck is the verb.
"Fuck shit hell" is the predicate.
Hell is the direct object.

Thanks for the edit, by the way.

Not RTS and not a topologically interesting surface, but a geometrically interesting surface, playable free online: https://roguetemple.com/z/hyper/

I like my explanation better, lol.

I saw part of that rope, but it kind of looked like a glitch in the photo. And I did not see her side of the rope. Thanks!

Is she just casually free soloing beside a rope through anchors?

Maybe not entirely, but they'd certainly see each other less. And who knows what the crappy dad would have done. Sarah had no good options.

I was frustrated by Sarah's actions, but these are good points.

Speaking of being punished for outing affairs, I just saw this post from an hour after this one. https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1do53au/i_told_on_my_moms_married_boyfriend_and_ruined_my/Ā 

I'm definitely not saying OP should pay even a cent, but think for a moment about the position that Sarah was really in. Telling OP about the affair could have lead her to have zero adults on her side. Sarah was just completely screwed by her dad's shitty choices.

Ah, I might have figured out to check your other comments. Thanks!