Har hørt om noen som kastet en hel eske full av splitter nye iphones i søppelkompakteren på lanseringsdagen, og de ble ikke trukket i lønn. Altså en verdi på rundt 50k+. Bare for å gi deg noe å sammenligne med. Sjefen din er en skurk.

Cyberpunk does almost always give the option of saying you're busy, or at least make it so you have Tl make a call

Hvis du blander ut grønt i bongen kan du bare ta og ikke putte tobakk i. Hvis det er brunt så er jo det helt jævlig i bong uansett. Kjøp en pipe med grunn og bred bolle så du kan tenne på klumpen også brenner den av seg selv som røkelse. Samme prinsippet brukes til "hot knives", kjøkkenglass med røyk ol metoder.

Kan uansett anbefale alle som driver med brunt å lage no enkle edibles av det. Bedre high, varer lenger og krever mindre.

Even if she betrayed me, I respected the hustle and gave her a chance. Because fuck Reed, what a two faced dicklet! Always lying, always manipulating, and always sacrificing his soul for his overlord, Myers.

I half knew she was playing me, but I completely knew I was being played by NUSA. And even if I could get revenge on SoMi, it was very satisfying to shoot Reed in the face and give the finger to a corrupt and power abusing government.

I have a Nissan Qashqai thats like 13 years old. It cost 8k when it was bought and it seems waaaay more practical as a truck than the cybertruck

At the time, it was probably one of the worst and most heinous videos available to watch without going really deep into the Web. But it also taught us kids that if you dig deep enough, you can find some real fucked up shit. I puked at two girls one cup, but the snuff videos my cousin ended up showing me after we found that video was just awful.

9 year old kid hacking off the head of a prisoner with machete.

The dude that got fucked to death by a horse.

The woman who crushed a kitty with her shoe.

The one man one jar video.

Those are the ones I still remember after 15ish years. Thank god I forgot the rest...

In Norway, after the age of 60 or something, you have to get medically cleared to renew your license every year. Which is a real good thing! But I sell phones to mainly the elderly, and they often show signs of clear cognitive decline and tell me they drive there. Older men also tend to drive way faster than others around the parking lots and are way more likely to not bother signalling where they are going. It's also almost always an elderly person driving when you have a car right up your ass. So it can definitely work but it should probably be stricter. And it would require a lot of infrastructure so as to not have thousands of elderly people unable to get anywhere.

That's just not true. Mals bees will also pollinate.

Guys if you type dns.adguard.com into your phones as a custom dns server you just stop getting adds on all apps not native to your phone's OS. Doesn't work on iPhone as its not possible to edit. Doesn't work on youtube, but it's still amazing for games and anything through a browser. In adventure capitalist and many other games you get all benefits of watching adds without seeing an ad!

Id probably agree if I read what you just wrote but your formatting is severely lacking mate. Add some paragraphs!

Jegerbrød fra coop, ikke oppskjært men tykke skiver. Og nystekt dansk rugbrød dra meny er himmelsk. Tar alltid juliusbrød når jeg skal ha ostesmørbrød/toastbrød

I once played charrades with a group of russians on a beach in India. Didn't understand much, but at one point when we had gotten a bit drunk, one of the guys grabbed my shirt and looked me deep in the eyes. He said

"I am not like them. I am from StPetersburg, and we are not like them. We are like you. We want to be Scandinavian. We are just like you!"

He was extremely intense and earnest. He was not happy being affiliated with Russia. I don't think independence from the russian empire is possible unless it crumbles to the ground, but I could see the region seeking independence if the opportunity was there.

Databrus hørte jeg for et par mnd siden, ligger i topp 3. Veldig glad i gøye ord for mat og drikke. Alltid likt når de voksne kalte øl for voksenbrus. Hørt kokain blitt kalt nesepils, som jeg syns var veldig artig.

Mamma kaller pølser for langmat, tror det er favoritten.

Just don't call them Michael and Pichael.

Hahah det visste jeg ikke! De jeg kjenner brukte løk, men virker som de fleste bruke banan da ja!

The challenge is the stealth part,and to do it all smoothly

I want everything the first 3 games had that was good emphasized with more freedom. Own a star ship, being a captain with a crew, the feeling of taking control of it the ship and doing something meaningful together, with our choices having an impact. I expect interesting alien races and systems inspired by cool alien speculation/theories/thought experiments. I want to drive around and explore planets, encountering exciting alien life and surprising stories. I want to shoot hordes of enemies and feel like an action hero, bang aliens and save the world.

I liked that you had a pilot and plotted the destination. It's fast travel made into something that feels like an action. But I would love to design the ship or alter it to an extent, and maybe the option to take control. Starfield got a lot of hate for packaging the fast travel but I almost loved it. Would've liked it more complicated or stylistic when it came to approaching planets from orbit and landing but still liked it. I hope mass effect will find the optimal solution to this.

Did acid in Kathmandu and took part in the ongoing ritual around the Buddha Stupa there. Walking in a karmic circle with hundreds of people, ringing the bell etc. It was an amazing spiritual experience.