That is an interesting stock, but I have to wonder what will happen to their earnings during a serious recession.

Bad idea to open carry with a holster that lets anyone snatch your gun.

My first thought was that both Sports authority and Modell’s declared bankruptcy. This may be a pretty tough business to be in during a recession.

Usually there is a sticker or marking on the battery that shows when it was manufactured. Assuming it is really new, it could be that your alternator is bad and is failing to charge the battery. Regardless, be wary of anyone who asks to be paid in cash.

At one time Federal employee social security numbers were on their ID badges which they wore on display every day. Before the internet came along ID theft was not a big concern.

If you have to ask this question, then it’s time to move to a better area.

Have your uncle file a complaint with the bank. And file a police report.

My Schwab checks say Bank of New York Mellon. In the distant past I recall have Schwab checks that said JP Morgan on them.

I find this hard to believe. Please post scans of the court documents to show it really happened.

Never buy anything extra when you get a car. Extended warranties, fabric protection, paint protection, etc. It is all wildly overpriced. And they try to trick you by telling you it is included in the monthly payment, without mentioning the total extra cost you will have to pay. Last time I bought a car the finance manager said our monthly payment would be $1080, and that includes an extended warranty. He made it sound almost like we were getting it for free. But I had already calculated that my payments should be only $899. So the extended warranty was actually costing an extra $181 per month. Times 48 months. For a total cost of $8688. Outrageous! Needless to say I said no to that “deal”.

Consider suing them anyway. Maybe a lawyer will take the case on a contingency basis.

Just the name alone would have kept me from sending them money.

Look at what happened to Fannie Mae. It went from an all time high of over 80 down to the current $1.30.

Maybe he planned to scan a gift card and have to bill added to your total.

Have you googled the name and address where you sent the package? Does it show up as a match? Is it a house that is currently for sale and may be vacant? I am just wondering how the scammer operates.

Maybe somebody bought a gear wrench and then returned a cheaper Husky tool.

Your wife was a fool for co-signing the loan. The only reason anyone ever needs a co-signer is because the bank thinks the person cannot be relied on to repay the loan!

I hope she is making contributions to the tsp plan. You don’t want to miss out on the 5 percent matching contribution.


What local government? I have never heard of any pension that pays money to your kid for the rest of the kid’s life.

How are you calculating that you will get a $150K pension from a government job that pays $180k? If you worked at a federal job for 30 years and retired at age 50, then the calculation would be one percent of your salary times 30, which adds up to only $45k per year. Is this some sort of state or local job with different pension rules? Fire department or police?

How can you say that wounds on somebody’s face are defensive wounds? Typically defensive wounds affect the person’s hands from when he or she tries to stop a knife attack.

I would send it back. Why accept a factory second after you paid full price?

My father in law's condo in Mclean charged $1150 per month in condo fees. Yet the management still imposed a special assessment of $42,000! I will never own a condo.

I need a non retirement account because my income rose to the point where I am no longer allowed to contribute to my Roth IRA.