Alot if people think they'll be able to reasonably transact with gold and silver . I just don't see it. Food, water, guns n ammo. If you need to buy any of this stuff, an AR 25 might cost you 2 ounces of gold. Need ammo? Another ounce? Supply and demand. Can't eat or drink gold.

It may have been her plan to stay with you , unbeknownst to you.

Those credit cards are gonna take forever to pay off . Stay home and knock that debt out! Start the next phase of your life on solid financial footing.

NTA. Has he thought of what would happen if the whole family is in the car and you get pulled over? Add a child endangerment charge.

As little as possible. Never pour money into a depreciating asset. That's one way to stay poor.

I'd let her go see her sister and you go have fun at your annual family reunion.

Bad idea to plan your life around that. I wouldn't worry about what you think you might get. You might not like the answer you receive, causing a rift between you and your parents near the end of their lives. Just enjoy every day you can with them. Trust me, you never know when you tell them you love them for the last time.

NTA. Your husband has a fantastic sense of humor !

NTA. Anything that destroys a family is so hard to forgive. It's a wound that time does not heal.

Im sorry for your loss. As long as her name is not on the credit cards, she is not responsible. Make sure you tell her this: very important that she does not talk to anyone from the CC company. They get sneaky and will try to get her to pay. As long as she doesn't acknowledge them, she'll be ok.

Sounds like is gonna learn a much harder lesson if he gets charged with manslaughter. I'd keep him in there a while.

Definitely take them to the same park. It doesn't belong to that dragon of a woman.

Sounds like nobody wanted to hear you. Or the truth. The only thing you could have done was told your girlfriend soon after the incident. Sill, the lack of trust by your girlfriend is very telling going forward. Her making you out to be the villan because ypu wouldn't just let this go is also concerning. Unfortunately, you should probably break up with her. Not an incident I would be able to get past.

Me and my wife are going through the same thing. 20k. She got a loan against her 401k at 9%. Good luck.

Does she have a 401k she can take a loan out against? At least that would lock in a lower intrest rate.

You will both have your credit run to qualify for the heloc. Sounds like you will be opening yourself up to a larger problem if she gets access to more $$ (depending if you qualify at all). If the credit cards are in her name only, I wouldn't make this your problem as well. Have her try to get another cc with a 0% introductory rate with balance transfer. Can she work more?