2024 and conservatives still do not understand satire

Neighbor Dan was his name.

It was the genie episode. She wishes for him to "move on with his life" he ages instead cause genie, then she wishes for him to move on emotionally once the age thing is fixed.

It is because it is so terrible and subjective they use it. Lets you harass people by making them go through it then deciding they are on something anyway and arresting you.

And if your refuse in a lot of states you lose your license.

Depends entirely on context. Could be how Bojack does have insightful moments of calling out BS now matter how petty.

Or could be the self-sabotaging asshole creep part.

In many places you lose your license for refusing a field sobriety test

Personally think tricks like that should not be allowed.

Would be like asking every witness for the prosecution if they have been talking with the prosecutor at all or talked to law enforcement. Maybe that is allowed to but do not think either should be.

Something you need to do to function in the case should not be used as some mind trick for the jury.

Or ten minutes of a Jordan Peterson video

Man who fell asleep at his own trial, confuses Biden for Hillary with superpredators quote, and thought the penicillin price decrease occured under him not Biden...and he is talking about being incapable...uhuh

Except they have been discusssd on both sides. So a dishonest question at best.

That a defendant consults their lawyer should not be evidence against them, they functionally have no choice.

Have always worked jobs that paid you for Jury duty. Guess that is not everywhere in the US

Think that is more the meme being beaten into the ground.

Just deciding the impact from Brexit was somehow not really brexit but the shadow government punishing you is one way to view it I guess.

So no matter how bad things get for the UK you can just blame it on "the establishment".

So there is no way for brexiters to admit it was a bad idea, they got conned by Nigel and Co, and it backfired because some day 50 years from now it will pay off...

Gina did a scene with someone she knew was not in the right state of mind. Do not view her as a victim in the first place because she endangered others.

If Bojack knew someone was out of their mind on drugs and said nothing up to the moment that person strangled an innocent person or even him, Bojack would not be seen as a victim. Do not even pretend lol.

These double standards are obnoxiois

None of that helps first time players who will not know about those items

Yes...if you know about them

Issue is he starts hungering so early you legit might not have something you want to give up

Yeah Piper would never I dunno...cast a spell on her ex to make him "move on with his life", overiding his feelings

Otherwise might feel it was karma paying her back.