I guess any government will just send any physically able body when the chips are down.

Maybe not their own though.

Did you want to type "Tokyo drift"? Cos I'm lost here bro.

I'd they dodge don't forget to turn around and do it again until it hits.

First time I fought one I was like, "ohh it's just charged in a straight line, seems easy enough."


Yeah I waster sure it was a joke or not but too many people actually think that so I wanted to add my comment.

Maybe. It's just one date though.

Dont forget, even if you think you are "unworthy" it's not up to you to decide. It's theirs.

No SA though. Only consentual inanimate objects doing it.

Omg it's so funny and cute. Love simple and expressive designs.

Yes but the r/rule34 sub should be almost exclusively about those and similar.

Something silly and surreal. As it stands now the sub is just popular anime/game characters that are already beautiful humanoids.

Yeah. Lol. I know most of it probably exist but a sub for that topic should be more comedy based.

There's a famous porn Japanese comic. In it is about a doorknob. A normal doorknob that was anthromorped in the readers perspective as a cute girl.

The owners would use his normal key and had a trick to open the lock and it would be drawn as an orgasm.

So a burglar came and tried to lock pick her. Since it wasn't her owner she resisted so much he couldnt lockpick in.

After the cops arrested the burglar the owner decided to keep the faulty doorknob lock Becuase it protect his home. Happy ending.

And then they made a live action of it. It's bizzare how they made a doorknob sexualized.

Speaking specifically about the subreddit of r/rule 34 though.

Kids made a mistake but seemed to have a fun new experience. So awesome.

Throw pillows? I think the show Big Mouth has you covered and more.

That should be the running gag but the sub is just flavor of the month of animated porn mostly.

My friend who is a little bit shorter than me is getting married this year! So happy for him!

Slide designers, are u fucking stupid?

Makes sense to me.

I kinda wish the rule 34 subreddit was more rule 34.

Most of it is just established characters in lewd. You know, generic popular characters people would have relations with.

But it would be more entertaining if they had really weird porn that doesn't make sense like a sexy traffic cone (Ted Knight) or a sexy doorknob (if you know, you know).

People often forget that in psychology these things are all interrelated.

Sometimes ADHD causes depression. Or the other way around. Or something else caused one of them and then and so on.

Relatively it wasn't that long ago that the person who invented the labotomy procedure was given a Nobel Prize. Psychology and mental health is still in its adolescent years. Public knowledge even less so.

Yeah the part where Ted Knight wanted to cut random holes into Hughie to fuck should have been the focus.

Its by every metric, more painful, more rapey, more violent, more weird, more lethal.

No wonder he broke down. While the tickle torture was not a good thing, he was almost tured into a meat fleshlight. No wonder he broke down.

I think some dude tried to get over rejection by asking 100 women out on a date so he would get used to it.

I mean a hundred women is a lot! Someone is bound to say yes eventually.

Just to be sure, they meant the tickle torture scene, right? Where he was trying to figure out the safe word?

Maybe I'm old and have been desentized as while tickle is a form of torture it's been a "joke" torture ever since Flintstones and older in cartoons.

I love that she had the power of 1/5 of an entity that is so powerful it can take on Galactus if fully unleashed.

And her costume has a metal g-string.