You can manually shift it in to nurture to start it . Just have the wheels blocked and you’re friend hold the brake and manually put it in drive and reverse. Or just zip tie it back on to get home. I had to do it once I was 2 hours away from home and couldn’t afford a tow


Reminds me when I was a kid trying to melt toy cars .

They need people to building drones ,medical ,equipment , camouflage netting, defences , mechanics , a lot of other things you could do to help that aren’t combat rolls now a day . Selling war art is popular right now all the proceeds go to the troops to buy more gear .

No theirs different groups of people protesting . Ones about getting help for the parents autistics kids , Palestine, and some other about treason and the WEF . Dude managed to unite all the different protesters

The woman got fucked to .

women were not allowed to work, nor were they allowed to be educated after the age of eight. Women seeking an education were forced to attend underground schools, where they and their teachers risked execution if caught.They were not allowed to be treated by male doctors unless accompanied by a male chaperone, which led to illnesses remaining untreated. they prohibited women in Afghanistan from working in most sectors beyond health and education.

Women were mandated to wear face coverings in public, and barred from travelling more than 45 miles (70 km) without a close male relative.

Taliban also shut down beauty salons and banned women from accessing gyms and parks.

Young girls were forced to marry Taliban soldiers and women were forced to stay home. Amnesty was denied to those who worked with the former republic. Ordered imams/clerics to bring lists of unmarried women aged 12 to 45 for their fighters to marry You can also have 14 wives.

They faced public flogging and execution for violations of the Taliban's law. It’s Still happening

We betrayed them all a little after we pulled of Afghanistan They lost pretty much all the rights we fought for . And everyone who helped us their got fucked over .

women were not allowed to work, nor were they allowed to be educated after the age of eight. Women seeking an education were forced to attend underground schools, where they and their teachers risked execution if caught.They were not allowed to be treated by male doctors unless accompanied by a male chaperone, which led to illnesses remaining untreated. they prohibited women in Afghanistan from working in most sectors beyond health and education.

Women were mandated to wear face coverings in public, and barred from travelling more than 45 miles (70 km) without a close male relative.

Taliban also shut down beauty salons and banned women from accessing gyms and parks.

Young girls were forced to marry Taliban soldiers and women were forced to stay home. Amnesty was denied to those who worked with the former republic. Ordered imams/clerics to bring lists of unmarried women aged 12 to 45 for their fighters to marry You can also have 14 wives.

They faced public flogging and execution for violations of the Taliban's law

The Taliban stopped girls' education beyond sixth grade because they said it didn't comply with their interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia. They didn't stop it for boys. In the past two years, they've shown no signs of progress in creating the conditions they say are needed for girls to return to class. The Taliban banned all girls' schools and learning centres. Women and girls were forbidden from going outside of their homes without accompaniment of a male relative. If girls were caught going to school, they would be severely punished by the Taliban, from flogging in public up to the death penalty.

I think you need a bigger jack . I had the same jack it didn’t lift it high enough. I went to a 3 ton jack and it works perfect.

Worked good for Shalomyah Bowers, also known as Christman Bowers,dude made 10 million.

Maybe they should have stayed in Canada that’s just smart thinking 🤔.