Cool thanks I just ordered one. I had the red magic one but hated the form factor.

I’ve got a 36 hour travel day this summer so def need reliable charging w the glasses

I don’t experience this at all. Suspend resume is nearly flawless for me. I only ever suspend, and game is always waiting for me

Same here. Great glasses. Which adapter do you have?

I revisited it recently after watching it at least 50 times as a teen. Definitely better in my memories.

Can’t wait for the new one though.

If the game modifier gives coins I try to prioritize trader, otherwise I try to get at least one each mavis and Greg then get more traders.

Do this every time. Get annoyed when I see a goblin when I’m already goblins, then don’t get him next chest.

I have a pi hole running in my house to block ads. My wife complained that when she hits the first google result it doesn’t work. I told her to stop clicking ads and click the actual results.

That’s very good to know. What sort of issues would I expect with them for normal homeowner residential type projects? I’m usually only replacing fixtures or outlets and always test the death stick on a known hot line to make sure it’s working first.

I’ve got a good fluke multimeter I’ll go back to and skip the shortcut.

Exactly what I was hoping to hear with actual tempts to back it up. Thanks for the reply!

Definitely affected my wife in that way for the worse. It's not universal though.

They were brought about as a less dangerous option compared to 'liquid' silicone filled implants. As 'gummy' silicone implants without risk of leaking increased in popularity, saline is not as necessary.

Actually have a friend who was having tons of weird health problems for a while that doctors couldn't pin down. They finally figured out it was her old silicone implants leaking and poisoning her.

holy shit i had no idea either. guess it runs in the family.

So my wife's mother fries minced garlic until it's fairly crispy then keeps it in some of the oil.

I assume this is just as dangerous?

I did quite a bit of that when I was replacing all the outlets and switches in my house.

Then I had one where I touched the wrong wires accidentally. it immediately burned up 4 inches of solid wire and left a DEEP gash in my tool.

New policy is power off, doublechecked with non-contact tester. No exceptions.

Good to know. I've definitely exceeded that (1250) limit before but I sure as hell won't anymore.

My daughter is trying out for highschool cheer right now and I told her it's literally the most dangerous high school sport you can participate in. Highest risk of injury and most serious injuries.

Same. I put off a second play through because I didn’t want to be couch or chair locked and literally didn’t believe people when they said it ran well on deck. I thought a game that beautiful deserves a proper setup.

I’ve got like 80 hours on the game on deck and love the handheld experience. Runs and plays beautifully.

My first was also a carmona in the PNW during winter. I gave it back to the guy I bought it from before it fully died. Despite my best efforts I couldn't keep it happy.

My wife bought me a bonsai tree for my birthday a year or two ago. It was a 13 year old fukien tea tree (Carmona) that was beautiful and flowering regularly.

I have never been so stressed out in my life trying to care for that thing. I'm in the PNW and it was winter time so there was just not enough light or warmth for it.

I ended up getting a small ~2x3' plastic greenhouse inside, ran a humidifier with a tub into it, and had some artificial lights to give it some energy, and a fan to circulate the air. It was doing ok but still dropping leaves like crazy (which fukien are known for doing if you even look at them wrong).

I ended up giving it back to the guy who sold it to us to rehab in his greenhouse. Definitely did not get that zen feeling I was supposed to.

If I tried it again I would probably get something that survives a bit better in the PNW, but it would likely have to live outside most of the year where I would not appreciate it the same way. Also we travel for multiple weeks at a time so I'd have to find someone to care for it in my absence.

They generally form wholly owned subsidiaries in each state to prevent regional disasters from causing national company bankruptcy.

I’ll say there can be quite a bit of variability in quality of generic batteries. Many of them (certainly the cheap ones) are using recycled cells so lifespan may not be as good as oem. It’s still probably worth the risk due to huge difference in cost.

You don’t want to weight of a high cap battery on a common hand tool, and you don’t want the capacity of a light weight hand tool battery on a blower or mower.

I assume there are reasons why the ego tools are 56V or whatever as well instead of a more common 18 or 20V.

You gotta follow the John Huston and Humphrey Bogart approach. While filming The African Queen, most of the cast and crew became sick from drinking the local water. Bogart and Huston, however, never fell ill from the water because they only drank whiskey.

Out of sight doesn't even matter in san fran. They target rental cars, hit the rear window, and fold the seat down to check the trunk. This happens even in prominent tourist spots like fisherman's wharf.

They steal any luggage and have organized fencing operations to deal with electronics and legal documents/identities.

Best advice I've seen was from Hawaii. If you visit some of the more "off the beaten path" beaches, leave the car unlocked with the windows down. Unfortunately this doesn't work too well in a city unless you want a transient sleeping in your car.