This is a question I ask my wife on a daily basis. She is overwhelmed by everything at the moment. I’m worried that she’s unhappy with me or our marriage and I don’t know what to do. Here’s some background info……I met my wife 5 years ago on Match talked a bit through text and phone and decided to meet for a date. I knew immediately that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. She had a son from a prior relationship that I have since adopted and we have two beautiful daughters together 4 and 5 months. My wife’s prior relationship was bad, her ex beat her in front of her son and she also had a mentally and physically abusive father. I bear the brunt of a lot of that baggage at times even though I’m not abusive in any way. I feel like I do a lot for our family, I coach football, baseball and basketball for our son. Taxi the kids everywhere, cook almost all the meals help clean the house provide safe place for my wife, son and our daughters. I try to be a positive male role model to our family. It takes a lot of me to keep everyone up and running. My wife and son require a lot emotional support on top of all the other things I give my family. I get up at 530/6am to help get the kids ready to leave for the day while my wife gets ready to leave for work. I stay up late helping her pack her stuff for the next day and get the diaper bags ready for the morning. What this all boils down to is this…….her uncle texted me this morning asking if I’d like to play golf next Thursday at 4pm. Her other uncle and one of her cousins are playing too. I called her at work to ask if that was ok. I told her what was going on and said would you be ok if I did that? I don’t want to leave you with all 3 kids. I know that is a lot. I don’t want to leave you holding the bag so to speak. Her response was……..I feel like I’m always holding the bag…….everything is over whelming to me right now. I said ok I’ll say no it’s not a good time. She snapped back and said no you need to go. Now I feel like I’m in a no win scenario. She’ll be pissed if I go and she’s gonna be pisses if I don’t. I feel like I’m a very supportive husband and give our kids and marriage all that I have. How can I help her more? I’m frustrated and don’t know what to do.