Your parents don’t seem to understand that having a girlfriend is not a life goal- if the right one comes along and Orr’s into your life task great but also that’s it

I don’t know if it is, just my nerd guess I wouldn’t out rule it when taking about game designers the

I understand the feelings arising when people talk about you or you feel they do not need to prove a thing to anyone

Instead focus on the people that do not talk about you or you feel comfortable around. Join the local dungeons and dragons club, the computer programming one or the book club or glee club or where ever the kids that don’t judge or are similar to you in mindset.

Go find your people.

The rest are normies and probs not your tribe

Redshirts From very first Star Trek series the crew in the red shirts always die, any mission / combat scene no exceptions - and it has later become a term for any expendable character doomed to die

This poor fucking infantry is a redshirt and even wearing a redshirt

He’s a red shirt 😂 I don’t know if it is a Star Trek reference or just a nerd one, just my nerd guess

I wouldn’t out rule it when taking about game designers

That sounds like someone repeating what their parents said. If parents talk like that at home, the kid thinks it’s okay. And/or following influencers that discriminate. I am certainly not excusing the kid, that’s absolutely awful, but often that’s where it comes from.

Person med hr/personale erfaring her.

Hvis pletten er relevant for dit arbejde kan det være at de afviser dig, som andre her er inde på.

Uanset hvad, ville jeg råde dig til at fremvise den, Hvis du bliver bedt om den Det værste er at lyve om det.

i langt de fleste tilfælde er det du nævner o din attest ikke relevant overhovedet. Med mindre du lyver om det og bliver fanget i din løgn, for så udviser du fordækt / uærlig adfærd, og kan blive afvist af den årsag.

Hvis ikke du bliver bedt om det, er det ikke anset som nødvendig.

First off, I’m not OP

second of, here’s a really crazy thing: you and I do not have to agree . At all.

Let me first say that I am Danish, not that it should matter in this at all

Then let me say, OP I am sorry you have to be attacked in here for observing.

Then, Guy:

There are definitely things wrong with Denmark that bother me despite being Danish, none of the above. But your answer is very strange.

You agree with OP that Danes have little understanding of what sexism is. Then you progress to say, but that’s okay because Danes aren’t bothered by such things as sexism.

I’ll tell you one thing, and that is: Danish women are very much bothered by sexism. If Danish men aren’t and that’s who you speak for, well then isn’t that just the definition.

Then you get defensive, and then and attack her….. And then you attack me for pointing that out.Oh, and tell me to go live in a different country, than my own, Because I disagree with you.


Right here, you make Danes look really bad

No shame in not understanding the concept of phd level methodology or Historiography, but I cannot go further into it now frustrating as it may be

I’m not sure that You understand what criticism is.

Uuuuh, you also get a ⭐️ for illustrating with your fellows, that OP has some good points 🤭

Who is making fun and what federation is EU? I’m confussed

Uhm. I am danish. Or maybe that wasn’t a reply to my post. Not sure tbh

Most probably is. Thou I’ve only lived in Ireland long term other than here. I just loved living in Ireland. I could see some things that I thought we did better at home (at the time welfare fx and psychiatric health system). But Irish people I met, also thought those things sucked by comparison, so I haven’t had that experience

Dig! Dig! Chop! Chop’

That was yet another super sensible comment which you replied to in a totally erratic way…at this stage you are up to gold medal for proving OP s concerns

💪🏼🏅thank you for the team effort

⭐️ You just illustrated OP’s point exactly. You performed above and beyond expectations - no sensitivity but 🏅😁 aggressiveness and possibly zenofobia Super well done 👍

Also, op is most likely a highly trained expert and pay quite a lot more than the average dane in taxes, so OP please do not listen to this random Redditor😁

I like how you really didn’t get defensive at all 😂

I mean I did leave a margin, So what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

It kinda just illustrating some of what OP is talking about. See a person not incredibly defensive would say, uh that’s interesting, and would be able to discuss, and not instantly disagreeing on subjective experiences or accepted academia on the field, just sayin’

That really depends on level of autism and related issues like sensory dysfunction. When ptsd is added to the mix one can maybe achieve a state similar for good periods of time but will be a constant measuring of outside and inside factors which is a full time job and cannot be explained if you aren’t dealing with it yourself. It’s a whole n’other level

I think it’s a matter of ‘when’, not where. I went to primary/sevondary school in the last 80’/ early 90s and studied universities In 2000 then phd and lectured in late 2000s till now

‘Where’, when speaking of Denmark, isn’t really a factor, as the curriculum is as was standardised for public and most private institutions in Denmark (a variant being individual teachers approach and some forms of private schools).

Oh sure, the West Indies were mentioned in the curriculum, but if you ever pick up a 2. G history book from then it would probably be 10ish yrs older. Our share was glossed over, and it was mentioned that slaves had it good compared to I other places.

The danish responsibility in the slave trade was a small part of the larger international slavery curriculum while a much larger emphasis was on other nations terrible deeds. The Von Scholten film was even suggested as part of the curriculum from upper channels, need I say more?

The recent (10-20 yrs) the curriculum has changed due to historians largely from my generation and younger, making an effort to change the narrative through different channels. I myself worked in the West Indies archives while putting together the exhibition in the national museum which turned the whole thing on its head.

But for +40 danes - unless re-educating themselves - it’s still largely believed that we had little or no hand in that ‘nasty business’

In Copenhagen there is a little known tour I can recommend if you are interested, One can do a guided (online) walkthrough of all the places built on slave money by noble and prominent families, along with statues of sugar cane barons and other slavery related public figures, who all made their fortunes in slaves or related enterprises. There are some other forgotten spots on the tour and I can HIGHLY recommend it

As a Danish woman who has lived abroad for many years, I have the same observations as you.

Knowing from own experience growing up in Denmark (and from my observation as a historian), I can say, that there has been systematic ‘branding’ almost indoctrination from education, politicians and media throughout the decades.

Danes have grown up been told that there is no corruption in Denmark, but we are the best in the world when it comes to safety, that our educational system is the best in the world, there is no racism in Denmark, that we had no part in the slave trade etc

This is far from the truth, and the otherwise reasonable standards have now slipped so much, that it’s becoming more visible to some danes.

So what can I say, are usually don’t discuss the aspects head on with other Danes, there’s just no point unless it’s people that can have a genuine discussion and back-and-forth about the subjects

I’m also a bit wary of discussing it with all expats as some expats are certainly just unhappy with not being home, and everything is wrong with everything . Again, intelligent I gauge which people are worth discussing this with

I’m not sure why I have a different aspect - if it’s the academic in me looking at all perspectives, or the living abroad experience, that other ways of doing things can be better/Denmark can improve in some ways

Anyway, that’s my two Cents ☺️