Awww, he drank some blood from people on drugs and now he's a wizard!

Astlibra Revision. Made by one guy over 16 years in japan. It's very 2d ys, faxanadu, Dragon'w Crown, etc like. The game is insanely good with layers and layers on mechanics that unlock as you play that keeps any grind you have to do giving you something all the time. Equipment teaches skills and gives more mp when you master it, getting you to try everything out. Different weapons have different feels to them, and the combat feels MEATY and satisfying to get massive combos.

The story also goes completely bonkers in a good way and does something I never saw before with its theme. The music is killer, and the graphics while odd at first you get used to. The game was so good and well received the artists from Dragon Crown and many music artists whose music he used from license libraries actually helped out later on, and with the DLC that is basically an entire new game level of content. It's one of those games I wish I could play for the first time again because spoiling any part of the story and game would be a disservice.

I'm having the exact same issue and its making the game unplayable. I'm using ps4 controller as well. I haven't found any way to get it to fix itself other than a complete restart of the game. I can't even easily exit the game because it disables mouse input too and it switches to some bizarre keyboard keybinds that aren't ones I've set myself.

Ok so instead of offering game advice, which I always support Astlibra Revision as its a damned good fun game, as someone who has been through long periods of free time due to being disabled and going through what you describe my best advice is: take a break from gaming. Seriously, Gaming is one of my favorite things but when you have nothing but time you can overdo it.

Go camping, go fishing, go do something else you enjoy for a couple days. Don't force yourself to game because you like it, it'll just make it worse. Just a little time doing something else you enjoy or even just trying to get out and socialize or do other activities can reset your drive for playing games.

Holy crap people here are falling for the stereotype and have no idea about how the real world is for homeless folks. Yeah some spend money on drugs but at the same time its their ONLY form for entertainment. They have zero access to tv, internet, etc and humans need SOMETHING. You know what the first thing you get as a homeless person is? Food. You get offered LOTS of food with nowhere to store it all and keep it safe to eat. Know what people need the most to help them out of their situation? Money.

Seriously you'd get so much food and people acting high and mighty when all you needed was some money for food later. Money for a hotel room, money to get yourself clean, money for a basic cell phone, money for a po box. Money makes the world go round. The choosing beggar thing with homeless rejecting food isn't ALWAYS because they want drugs, its because they already ate and need money. Try asking if they already ate. The amount of homeless that spend it on drugs is lower than the stereotype,

I'd rather give cash to someone in need and have one of them spend it on drugs if at least one person gets honest help. Its easy to judge without knowing or being there yourself. It is boring as hell to be homeless, and the judgement you get when it can be no fault of your own is degrading and dehumanizing. God forbid you ever get hit with a medical bill or raised rent that puts your out on the street too, or in my case a hurricane. Its stupidly hard to even find work as places will toss your resume when they learn you are homeless just because they judge you. That judgemental attitude is what keeps people stuck on the streets. Sure there are folks that will never leave the streets but there are many more who actually need that little help to get back on their feet.

That kind of sucks but I get it too. I just know it annoys the ever living crap out of the workers, especially when most know you aren't caring about the salt you just think it will get you super fresh fries. A local franchiser that owns a few other fast food places to has a batch aside for people like that because it holds up serving times. This guy is so crazy about the serving times he pits each store against each other and has a big display showing who is doing badly and will send warnings to whoever is working if they fall behind.

Needless to say their turnover is pretty insanely high.

supercaliflagulousenespialidocious and its probably still wrong. Yes, this was on a spelling test when I was in school for some stupid reason, and yeah I'm old.

I just delivered a bunch of them today so maybe its just your local franchise? They are super messy and wreck the wendy's paper bags though so heads up there.

Taco bell's double decker taco. Sure it was just a soft shell taco cemented to the outside of a hardshell taco with refried beans but damned if it wasn't tasty and filling for cheap.

I've watched people order no salt fries thinking its a hack to get fresh ones, then dump their own salt on, then bitch and moan they are too salty and demand refunds. I don't even work at mcds and I've seen it, I can't even believe this was on the store.

Protip: the no salt thing doesn't mean you get fresh fries and it tends to annoy the workers. If its fast food at anytime busy those fries are CONSTANTLY fresh. In fact if they have unsalted batch THAT is usually sitting longer because not many people ask for those but people trying the "hack" sure do. Hell just ask if they can give em a quick dip again to warm them up and crisp them, some places will do that. Takes less time than a whole new batch of unsalted. Not everywhere will do it, but haven't run into one that wouldn't.

Skyrim and oblivion. I can get into them for a little bit but I get bored pretty fast and stop before I get anywhere.

Drop a huge glass jar filled with marbles down the stairs that will drive them away.

Fostering adult cats for years I can say that some cats just do this. Its not marking or spraying here I think some cats just like their feet clean and knock stuff off, or its a way of scent marking, or some just do it for attention. I have one here that loves to do it on cardboard boxes and make the loudest noises she can in the process.

I get them after EVERY delivery. Its driving me crazy.

There was a study and a few documentaries on the source of this. Turns out mega pastors in the past decided their loss of power to the government and loss of ability to be racist as hell after the civil rights movement was a huge money loss. They were unhappy and got together to find something else to use as a proxy. This is where the anti abortion movement came from for the most part. They gathered on to fringe ideas and things they could manipulate the public with easier to maintain control AND keep pulling in the huge numbers. Racism paid them a lot and they lost that, so onto whatever else got their new golden toilet it was. I believe the bible warns about people like those.

Sadly as a seat of power and respect for many people it makes it easier to sway them when its used for evil and greed.

The main overall antagonist of the Shin Megami Tensai series I'd have to say. A selfish "God" who destroys entire universes for whatever reason and forces them into a cycle of destruction and recreation by forcing some random people within it to decide what happens. Someone dislikes his tweet? You must die. Other gods getting dangerous? You must die. Humans said something hurty wurty? You must die. Bored? You must die.

Dude ended so many lives its impossible to even fathom the number. Probably couldn't even make the number with current computers. All out of selfish vanity and fear of losing power.

I want to be the guy. I did it on the hardest mode possible, which is the one before impossible because that actually was. I thought I would challenge myself as a gamer. It didn't feel good when I finally won it just felt like hell and a relief. I never want to play those kinds of games again pretty much anymore. I swear that game took years off my life from stress and anger.

It's not even a finalized rating yet. Give it time for the final rating. it's still preliminary, as in the rating atm is what they have so far. EF ratings are important also for insurance reasons so its important its done correctly. I used to be a plumber and had to deal with insurance they will toss claims for any reason. Also science demands testing and reviewed results. It takes time. We shall see the final rating later.


EF5 is a damage scale rather than intensity. El Reno was one of the strongest tornados in history with some of the highest wind speeds ever recorded on earth and had a low rating because it didn't hit much. Greenfield radar MAY have broken the wind speed record BUT that could have happened BEFORE it hit the town. Also when it hit town the funnel had narrowed quite a bit from when Reed's famous multivortex octopus footage was taken, and other chasers were taking data. It could have been even stronger in town but with the narrower cone it could have danced down the street and those EF5 winds could have avoided any WELL BUILT structure. It's part of the big flaws of the EF scale and scientists with way more knowledge than we have are both working on the final rating call AND ironing out the EF scale.

And again, Greenfield is still not set for rating. This is only what they have so far and declaring it EF4 so early is exceedingly rare. We won't know for likely quite awhile as extremely strong tornados are actually HARDER to rate and sort damage ratings. It LOOKS EF5 to the untrained eye especially when you are not there in person with the engineering and other knowledge you need to determine it. Trust the science and let them cook.

Considering someone who threatened me with a shotgun that I called the police on and had a report sent to doordash was STILL ordering for years after? They don't give a flying crap. It took the dude getting drunk, lighting his house on fire, and threatening police with a katana while naked to FINALLY be off the platform. I warned a ton of dashers about them. He did it to many others. DD DID. NOT. CARE.

You can look up the guy on the net, he hit the florida man news circuit when he did his crazy naked with a sword stunt.

I used to be able to get video games, books, and other neat things for my collection from these places. Disabled guy so income is limited and it was one of the few ways I still could collect and play older game. Now? These re-salers have giant box trucks that pull up on days the stores stock everything and swarm in the second the store opens. They will rip games out of your hand and take everything not nailed down that isn't an old garbage sports game or broken piece of garbage. EVERY pawn shop, thrift store, and charity shop has them show up.

You can't even find usable paintings or pictures, lamps, or kitchen utensils anymore either. They snatch up any working pot, pan, toaster oven, etc and leave behind garbage. There are people who REALLY need these things and rely on them that can no longer get them. You can't even find any decent books outside reader's digest published junk that nobody wants.

Its bad enough competing with all the snowbirds here in florida who tend to ransack the stores when they arrive then sell it all back when they leave. I shouldn't see people outside begging people for good silverware and plates before they sell or donate them, but I do now.

I hope they are ok too! This is almost exactly how my spinal fracture happened. Disabled for life because of a distracted driver going 80+ mph and slamming into the back of my truck. Crashed it like a can and a bunch of other cars were damaged. It is one hell of an impact.

There was a pitfall 3d game on the psx where if you fell like, more than two inches you'd just die. It made the game unplayable! Well, one of MANY things that made it a steaming pile of garbage. I've seen some bad fall damage games but never THAT bad.

Rune Factory 4. NOT 5. People keep saying Stardew but rune factory has a mix of action rpg, monster collecting, story, AND farming sim stuff. Everything levels up and has a good loop.