You'd be 100 pct correct. Plus wealth isnt taxed like income. Those investments are tax free. Cause we all know taxing the billionaires would be "socialism" so ler us all enjoy the 30-38% we pay for them with the full appreciation for those "job creators"

Hmm. Don't get a house. Get an Airstream :)

Right. Plus income can be gone with a lityle pink slip just like that.

I'd have opted to living in a trailer park in Colorado first. Lol

Concern? You substantially overrate your relevance. I am merely pointing out that some of what you have described might be a felony.

Hmm. I hope you mad damned sure none of it can be traced to youm

Not that I see data for. Typical case is woman in her 20s having implants and fillers , even botox. Those temp outalys are around 2k and up . each time. This at a time they SHOULD be investing earlier for growth. Not having an oh s crisis at 45. Note agree nothing wrong with someone having a fscelift at 48 or 56 if she can afford it

What analysis have you done on this? My gurss is none.

3 is both flattering AND healthy looking. I'd avoid too dark or light. A sandy blonde or bronde is perfect for you.

One last thought. I am older now, over 50. So maybe I've had too many years to think and analyze and observe but here goes. When you marry someone who left their spouse for you, you're getting someone who LEAVES their marriage. Maybe they "grew apart" or "wanted different things". Well, still. Vows were made. It has been my observation that the next one doesnt fare any better.

Of course. Interestingly I was dumped for someone older. But dumped is dumped. I have had both money and little money. My opinion is so long as you have health insurance and a roof over your head what most matters is the type of person you are with, their disposition. A kind person with a gentle disposition who is supportive and communicative will make you infinitely happier than a critical , reclusive one with a fortune. Look for that.

I am sorry. And second, your feelings are perfectly normal. It's interesting with the sanctomonious religious folk that want to dictate how we all live, can throw it to the wind in a millesecond when it isn't convenient. My best thoughts: As JFK aptly noted, life is not fair. Know time WILL significantly deaden the hurt. Ignore the folks who say you have to forgive. Don't unless you WANT to. You actually CAN move on without forgiving. Know if justice comes it will more likely be years from now when he gets a chronic medical like memory loss or cancer and she is either stuck spending her prime years taking care of him and the next 20 alone. Or takes his money and divorces him.

For right now you MUST forget everything and get the best divorce attorney you can. A year from now all that will matter is your settlement. Do NOT get caught in emotions. There are no do-overs with settlements.

Next , start spending a little time remembering who you USED to be. I mean who were you at 8-13yrs before distraction of cliques and crushes and the material. Did you love nature and the outdoors? Horses? Canoeing in the mountains? Dancing? Go back to that. Find meetups and people who do these activities. Have no motive but doing what you love. Look for volunteer activities, weekend paid positions. Make new friends that have nothing to do with your ex. This is where you will eventually find your next HAPPY relationship with someone available to you.

My .02. Take or leave of course.

Don't worry. You still get to pay triple or more the tax rate they do.

Love it!!! So true. Quit whining and WORK!!!

I got rich myself first. Money marries money baby.

Education is the reason people are having fewer kids. That has always bern yrue everywhere. Read more and opinion less

They aren't pretty. They emphasize lines and flaws. only can be pulled off on women in their twenties with full lips. AND even then I'm not sure. Lol