I’m surprised no one mentioned the trend of younger women wearing massive T-shirts that cover their shorts making it look like they’re walking around without bottoms on.

Complete opposite here, after watching Whiplash I started messing around with drumless jazz tracks and really took a liking to it. Such a unique style of playing.


When I was on recruiting duty I’d take the $75 meal credits we could claim every month and buy all my shippers tan belts with the cobra buckles. Found them for a good price and bulk ordered, told them it was something I wished I had when the MRE/Dfac shits hit at the worst times. But also, fuck the belts they issue.

I’ll second this, almost everyone in my unit does something completely opposite of their MOS. Keeps it interesting at drill and brings a wealth of random knowledge to the teams.

Just tried to go as a 68W to have as a secondary MOS and the November class had 52 people on the waiting list. You’d think they’d offer MTT courses. P

Bought the cheapest acoustic set I could find at 18 with no musical experience, played for 2 years and then gave it away before moving out. Just snagged an electric kit last year at 30 and picked it right back up in a few hours. Thankfully YouTube is full of lessons now and great resources, I just had to wing it then.

Never had a desire to go anyways for numerous reasons, but being killed by “worst aid” seals the deal 😂

After watching this sub for a while, I have deduced that I’m NEVER going to India for this sole reason.

Don’t quote me on it, but I’m pretty sure we have 35 slots on our MTOE. There are at least two 35 series in our BN that I know of, one of them having a deployment with the unit in the past. You can find the listing of all CA/PSYOPS units on the army reserve website and then just reach out them on facebook or email the poc directly.

USACAPOC is always sending teams out the door to various countries, it’s an ETP to take a 35-series in lieu of a 38B if it would benefit the teams.

I keep all the above plus my reference cards for radio reports/requests, also snagged some of these battery organizers for dirt cheap to keep 4 AA and CR123’s on hand. You can also find super thin calculators at dollar store, I use mine all the time for drip rate or med dosage calculations as a medic.

We talking actual baseball cards or civil affairs type “baseball cards”? Either is an acceptable answer lmao

RN - Burn ICU 🍕

Forest Whitaker eye intensifies*

RN - Burn ICU 🍕

It’s either that or “BBQ’d Betty/Bob” for the red traumas 😅

RN - Burn ICU 🍕

We’ve had several 6+ month stay patients that never shake the ICU delirium and will scream nurse every 5 minutes, we all just scream their names back. Same-same but different.

RN - Burn ICU 🍕

Alternative: “NUUUUUUUURSE!!!” while call bell is in their hand

Solid setup, are those bungee inserts for the estaac kiwi’s on your belt? If so, who makes them?

RN - Burn ICU 🍕

We get quite a few travelers with no burn experience which is understandable since burn units are not super common, but holy shit does it make it rough being charge. It takes at least 3-6 months to become somewhat comfortable and familiar with picking the right dressings and taking admissions on crispy 1:1’s which means everyone else has to do their burn baths for them while they stand awkwardly in the corner. We’ve had some fast learners, but majority of the time it means charge has to manage their patients all shift.

RN - Burn ICU 🍕

I still don’t understand hospitals that have both and continue to call them both “NICU”. Current facility calls baby land neonatal critical care center (NCCC) and neuro is NSICU.


This. The notorious balding spot on the back of the head needs the complete opposite of thinning out.