So if farage manages to force labour to run a minority government that's ok?

They started filling the card a while ago and made the show feel a bit special, hopefully they keep doing that.

I'm a hardcore AEW fan and I'll happily admit the gradual build of show cards hasn't been as good as it should be, leaving much of it to the day before on social media..

This card was built nicely over time with matches being announced a while back (tournament fixtures) then Garcia a week ago and then the Britt appearance etc, that's the way it should be.

People forget that the drop in ticket sales happened not long after the introduction of collision, I'd imagine people just aren't prepared to go to twice as many shows.

It will be interesting to see if dynamite gets a boost when Collision is in the Arlington residency and isn't touring with dynamite.

I think they want to capitalise on the elite having lots of belts for now and Garcia will be part of that breaking down...

My fantasy booking would see Garcia join his friend shibata with Joe and hook...

Joe beats Okada, Garcia beats jack, hook and shibata beat the bucks.

I started thinking of this because Garcia and shibata tagged a couple of times and looked great together, but then shibata got involved in the hook and Joe stuff... But then I was thinking, Garcia would fit in that group beautifully.

Making things up is fun 👍

You have to earn £38k+ to be issued a working visa, which graduate would be expecting that?

Almost every UK subreddit thread is people banging on about immigration who have no fucking clue how our immigration system works it's utterly embarrassing.

He already is a problem, the fact these people aren't represented makes things worse.

Centrist subs like this one massively underestimate the influence of farage and co, people on the left know how dangerous he is.

He's not done yet, and he's transitioning his racist rhetoric from the fringes into mainstream talking points very effectively. I'm scared to see how far he can take this.

Yeah it did end up well for Corbyn he got the best labour vote since Blair...

Is that what you want Farage to do?

It looks like starmer is going to have this landslide with less actual votes than Corbyn had in 2017...

They absolutely will not. You massively overestimate the reach of indie wrestling.

Most of the people I met at all in last year hardly knew who the AEW wrestlers were, just the big names.

There was a couple on my row who'd gone hoping to see Matt hardy, they were happy in the end because they saw Christian and sting.

I've been an Oku fan since the OJMO days, it was fun to see him there last year as an extra and if he was a guest in a 6 man on the pre-show or something that would be great. But Ospreay just isn't realistic.

A CEO of a business that size spending time negotiating a deal of such low value would lose the support of the board, it would be completely irresponsible.

Of course they don't, is this new to you? Businesses have talent acquisition departments to do this, the CEO would take the lead for very senior and high salaried roles but that's it.

Believe it or not, the CEO of my company had no idea I was hired and I really wouldn't expect him to.

Do you think HHH is setting the cleaning schedules for the kitchen as well?

Someone has never spent the day with senior leadership at a big corporation... He's going to have hundreds of people requesting his time every day, he'll delegate most things.

"Sorry can't take that call about that sponsorship deal, got a call about some random indie wrestler".

Where exactly would HHH be turning around to see a random person who's doing time in the performance centre, his office is Stamford?

HHH is definitely interested in some random 20yo who will be doing reps in Florida when he's negotiating $bn worth of rights deals, venue contracts, speaking to government officials about overseas shows... Yeah, a random kid, one of the mang that WWE takes on all the time is definitely the top priority of HHH.

I'm surprised people think he'd even know about this sort of decision being made, signing an unknown (at the time) indie wrestler isn't going to be a concern for the CEO of WWE