All of these are great but not widely life altering. I'd take either the bag or the shoes those would make some vacations/camping very different.

Depends on whos world/manga they fight in. Goku always grows to the exact power level he needs to win (except against cell). Saitama always grows to the power level he needs to massively overkill his enemy. Goku is a hidden soft rule of his anime, in Saitama's manga it is a hard/overt rule.

Cause, man, these godd@#n food stamps don't buy diapers

And there's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life

And these times are so hard, and it's gettin' even harder

Tryna feed and water my seed, plus teeter-totter

Caught up between bein' a father and a prima donna

Baby-mama drama, screamin' on her, too much for me to wanna

Stay in one spot, another day of monotony's gotten me

To the point I'm like a snail, I've got

To formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot

Success is my only motherfuckin' option, failure's not

Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got

To go, I cannot grow old in Salem's Lot

So here I go, it's my shot; feet, fail me not

This may be the only opportunity that I got

To be honest looks like a single mom want a husband/a father figure for her son and likely in a bit of a hurry. It sounds a bit rushed but everyone has there own time tables.

My wife and I started dated at 14 and 15 and are still together in our 30s at some point we did exactly this.

Probably Neutral good

Chaotic good when I was younger

Still not a law for the sake of law person but I very much believe in not doing harm to other people as a guiding moral principle.

Spectre is another character though that varies incredibly. I has been a long time since I read the injustice comics but I don't remember spectre doing much.

he has done some pretty good stuff, but he is ridiculously bigoted and shows some signs of pretty significant mental illness.

Neither of those things but Slim Shady is legitimately very talented

Wish this guy live streamed his reaction reading the last book he is in for a wild ride

They fly around one piece world and blow up every ship from the stratosphere.

I think it is okay to do it ONCE as long as you have a good reason you want to make this moment memorable/different than the norm.

It is not more wrong than anyone who teaches their religion and prevents their kid from learning about others.

Preventing your child from learning about how other people live/believe is not a good thing.

Strong, hot, a lot of personality, preferably with purple hair?

Comics are not consistent in power. The above scenario is specifically injustice superman and the feats of this superman are not as high.

  1. Cowboy Bebop/Violet Evergarden

Honorable mentions: Hajime no Ippo, 86, Eureka 7, Anohana, Mushi-shi, Baccano!, Kaiji

Life time pass Chick Filet - Don't feel guilty milking as much free food from them as I can

Tech set - That is thousands of dollars a year

College degree - Computer science (I'm bad with computers and it has good synergy with the tech set

I saw the teleport wanted it and figured most people did as well. I picked the work out efficiency

With enough distance Ozai could kill him with a quick lightning bolt. However Amon is fast and stealthy if he has surprise or starts up close I think he beats Ozai easily.

Blue, would give up my son for anything even though you Red would make me more money.

If you like sad anime 86 is good if you like a little scifi/action in there.

1 I posted an example of a black person being attack by a group of white people from 2 years ago and one from 1 year ago. The fact that you said it happening every 5 years in your previous comment shows you have no idea about the frequency at which these things occur.

Can you bring up a video from this week, last week and the previous week? Since you are the one demanding recent videos and you are the one stating a specific frequency of every week.

Now if you you quite exaggerating for the sake of demonizing a racial group all while crying about how you can't state things without sounding racist you could say something true and I wouldn't bother to push back. If you said a white person is more likely to be attacked by a black mob than a black person by a white mob. Honestly I would be inclined to believe you though it would be better to have actual data/numbers. If said that in a particular place/city/neighborhood a lone white person should be careful if approached by a group again as long as the actual data plays out that could be good advise. If you are just try to make people paranoid about black people and play identity politic than piss off. The original comment was stating there were no videos of white people attacking black people and then you statement was well white people might attack a black man once every 5 years. The short of it black people dangerous white people not dangerous.

There are certainly neighborhoods where if you try and pick a fight you are likely to get your ass beat. You can likely point to a lot of mostly poor black neighborhoods where this could happen. There are also poor white neighborhoods that I could walk down the street with an anti-trump or pro-biden shirt and get my ass whooped as well. If you want to talk about why here is something you may want to think about white people are the majority in all states (except Hawaii) and in most cities even. Most poor black neighborhoods and urban areas will still have plenty of white people living nearby or passing through. In poor rural mostly white areas there are often very few black people and those that do live there are VERY aware of places they should avoid.

As I stated before there are 2 types that you generally do not want to get on the wrong side of. 1 - People with very little power who feel like they have very little to loose, 2 - People with a lot of power who believe they are above consequences for their actions.

People in a mob can feel like they fit into both categories so you should be doubly careful.

It is perfectly possible to give people advise to be practically careful without being snidely racist. It is quite the opposite of proving you are not actually racist to say something in the most racist way possible followed by but you can't say that because I'd be called racist. No shit, if you say things that are obviously framed in a way to say group X is dangerous/bad than yes that is the definition of a racist statement. I believe the parent comment was <A pack, That is black, Is likely, To attack>. I can walk into a black barber shop without feeling afraid (Don't recommend it honestly unless you have curly hair worst hair cut I ever had) I can visit a friends black church or black college w/o being afraid. I am not going to be afraid of every group of black people and I am against someone trying to make everyone believe they should be. Most cities and even neighborhoods you would consider dangerous you can also generally walk through just fine 99% of the time if you are not looking for trouble and actively try to avoid trouble but there are dangerous places that you need to be more careful. That is true whether you are white, black, Asian or whatever in those places. Most areas were a white person needs to be careful a black person would also be there ass beat if the went in picking a fight (note it is still more dangerous if you obviously stand out).

If you like Angel beats go Anohana next if you want a good cry. Maybe Summer wars if you need a less sad pallet cleanser.