Oh fcs people act like it’s the end of the world. Just don’t do it on trails.

Downeast they will call it “Potland” dropping the “r” sound but nobody drops the “d” specifically

There was a brand new Moog Sub 37 synthesizer for $900. I should have…

Definitely. Might even come down later for moose soup!

When it’s hot and dry the clouds can dry up and you get cloud residue

M1 MacBook Pro. Switched from a gaming pc a little over a year ago. Besides the challenge of transferring over projects I want to finish, my production is totally streamlined and my machine doesn’t get in the way of my creativity. My how times have changed. Now the real challenge: my creativity!

lol “new” water? Very Coke of them.

There are an infinite number of ways to use the many tools available. Use the tools that help turn the ideas in your head into reality. For me sometimes that’s grabbing a drum loop to set an idea to, then maybe I’ll keep that drum loop, chop it and twist it into something new, or replace it with my own pattern. Other times I’ll start by crafting a snare in operator and going from there. There are no rules in terms of how express your ideas.

Hardy makes radio country and he’s good at it. Radio country is just one aspect of the genre as a whole. Artists like Childers and Bryan don’t belong next to radio country because thats not their thing, yet they are wildly successful despite what the radio plays.

For me it’s all about the groove. Needs to be syncopated/bouncy, not just straight womps like riddim but in the pocket enough to be somewhat predictable and not too experimental rhythmically. This is what gets me bopping my head. I find songs like this in all the subgenres but most of the best bangers do fall into that bro step/mainstream category.

Speaking for myself, Maine can feel like a black hole when you were born here and want to make it out, but haven’t been able to. Very limited opportunities for young people. Maybe not in southern Maine (most of us down the coast don’t really consider that Maine). When the most exciting event of the year is an ice cream social or the 4th of July celebration, things can feel… limited. If you just want the simple life and aren’t interested in having opportunities/ different kinds of people in your life, it can be great. But I’ve always wanted more and am excited to be leaving soon. I may come back to retire when I will appreciate the peace and quiet that Maine provides.

Get off reddit and make music 😉

Turn off some of the notes/pick a key, this helps

Yes absolutely. I was listening to my new track almost nonstop during work today (I do landscaping) and taking mental notes for the “final” mix. It seems crazy but I’m glad to hear I’m not alone!