This doesn't make much sense. Are you saying being proud of yourself is bad?

Not to mention their super out of date textbooks and shit. You know what they all say about things like ADHD and Autism? That people with them are literal burdens and the goal of therapy isn't to help them, it's to make them more tolerable to people around them.

Same philosophy applies to pretty much every other mental health issue, especially CPTSD. The goal is to make you pliable and convenient for everyone else, not to help you. Its just most obvious with ADHD and Autism because they blatantly say it instead of hiding behind overcomplicated messaging.

Because the therapy industry as a whole is fucked up and acknowledging that means you want people to die or something silly like that.

Apparently ER doctors don't expect that. ER doctors are some of the worst doctors. Sure, they might save your life, if they decide you actually aren't faking for attention.

I've heard it a bunch from and toward different people. Its extremely common for SA victims to be told they are sinners, primarily because these terrible people think of it as "sex before marriage."

Edit: Also, if married the justification is "adultery." If your spouse is the one committing SA, then it's also somehow a sin on the victim. It doesn't really matter, they'll find a way to say the victim is a sinner.

Be prepared to fight with the doctors. Most people don't expect to have to and sometimes, rarely, you don't, but doctors generally do not have your best interest in mind and are far more likely to fight you if you've been dealing with something for a while, regardless of if you weren't able to see them before or not. I'm not saying this to discourage or scare you, I just know that if you've spent your whole life being told it's not a problem and then doctors don't listen to you, too, it's easy to just think they know what they're talking about when they dismiss you.

This type of victim blaming happens literally everywhere. Its fucked up to try to say it's only from one place like that.

I see. I don't really think there's any easy way to express that abuse from a therapist often comes in a hard to see form, unfortunately.

Why is the name crass? That's what it is, therapy abuse. Abuse doesn't need to sound flowery.

I was abused by a trans man and I also am a trans man. I've been accused of being a cis woman making it all up to spread hate when I tried to talk about it.

I feel uncomfortable with people that look like him, obviously. But that doesn't mean I'm transphobic like some people like to insist. Its wild how abusive people who claim to be inclusive and understanding can be.


You should feel fine about it because it doesn't invalidate you in any way.

Edit: Your own trauma shouldn't be used to force others never talk about their own and tiptoe around their own feelings.

I'm seeing that happen here a lot more lately. There's a fear of silencing male victims and it's making it very easy for men to be awful toward women and nonbinary people. You don't see men going "not all men" to other men (unless they're trans in which case they very well might because they don't see them as "real"). They're using male victims as a shield for their misogyny.

Hi, I'm a trans man. This isn't the argument you think it is. We aren't tools for you to dismiss real problems and make up arguments.

Tell your partner you don't like being called cute and adorable

The fact that good therapists are rare should tell people something about the mental health industry.

Part of the training. Abuse like this isn't allowed to be common.

Thank you. Music is really hard and I have lyrics, I just can't play anything. Its exhausting. I appreciate this.