Honestly, a bit stupid to be caught by a fixed speed cam. Because, unless you're a really good boy or girl, you need to maintain your "reserve" or "buffer" capacity for the unpredictable jokers on top of bridges and at the sides of the road.

Rook sac, but if you had somehow miscalculated, immediate back rank mate for black.

User name checks out.

And I agree, but higher organism evolution generally works too slowly to care about human activities.

None in Middle East, India, China

Three of the oldest cultures hosting cradles of civilisation, and of course JK Rowling didn't imagine any major schools of magic having formed there. Figures.

When you're on your knees you can grit your teeth around even the hardest problem and tame it.

She is beautiful, and they look great together. Wishing them all the best in their lives together.

I was about to post about capsaicin. Birds (principal vectors for distribution of chilli seeds because they shit far and wide, spreading seeds) lack capsaicin sensitivity in VR1 receptors in their beaks, respiratory and digestive tracts so they're not even affected by terribly hot peppers. Whereas we puny humans (meant to be discouraged like other mammals from eating peppers) are exquisitely sensitive to capsaicin but go masochistically seeking the shit out.

When you post, it's public.

When you post nonsense, people can call you out on it.

First day on Reddit?

And if you paid attention (as well as grew some common sense) you'd realise that rageposting on reddit makes no difference whatsoever. Writing to chess.com might.

2019 F87 M2 Competition

I feel good. Truth in advertising.

I drive an M140i (along with an M2C).

No. It's less than what I'm earning and my job already feels like a prison, so I'm good on all counts.

Give me some time to harden myself. Now cover me as I blow this whole thing wide apart.

"Come with me son, I'm a poleethman."

God, I hope someone gets that reference.

Yes! Rageposting without any references really helps!

That sounds like an implied AND condition!

For those who love the 80s-90s era of Heavy Metal,


often referred to as "Hair" or "Glam" metal.

Death Angel is great, but it's not glam metal. Nothing wrong with people pointing out you have the wrong subreddit. r/thrashmetal exists. No need to act all butthurt. FFS.

What, exactly, is your point? Why are you regurgitating generic pdfs?

By the way, the EC was envisioned by the Founding Fathers to disregard and discard totally unworthy choices the people had somehow made.

Obviously, that's not democratic. But it is what they intended, as a final check and balance.

Now tell me this - do you think if Trump ends up winning all those red states, the EC is going to throw him out? He is a convicted felon. On multiple counts. And that was a trial by a jury of his peers not some politically motivated BS rigged by a judge or something. Trump was found guilty by his peers. And I bet the EC will have no issue ignoring its function and putting him in power anyway.

How is that a positive thing? Might as well let full democracy have its day. And hey, if a majority of Americans really want the guy, so be it. Just don't have this dog and pony show anymore.

Your hypocrisy is showing. The present system is anything but democratic. In principle, the electoral college can not only go against the voters' choice, but even pick someone they didn't consider.

Don't bring up ancient history about civil rights. Changes to social attitudes were already happening gradually, and it wasn't the politicians ramming things down the public's throats. And now, if anything, it is the MAGA led GOP that is posing the existential threat to not only civil rights, but women's rights and common decency as well.

So, as "someone not affiliated with either party", you would welcome a truly democratic approach with no electoral college, right?


I'm 49 now, almost 50, so...

Are people in this sub really so young? This isn't r/sgexams or something.

Anyway, I'm old enough to remember watching TV on a B&W CRT.