
Ha ha ha, called out!

On reflection I do think the specific incident was pretty marginal however the aggregate of the previous (which should have been penalised) probably factor in to the blaming of Max (the error being the stewards inaction).

Also I called out Lando for the second contact which caused his puncture :D

"I also wonder whether Lando could have done more after the first contact... I would have expected Lando to see the puncture and realise Max wouldn't be able to make the corner. 

The combat looks really poor.

Also, this is really impressive for a first game. Well done!

Yep, that's fair, but it can't be said that Trump wasn't tough on China. The current trade war was literally started by him.

  • China- CEFC: On March 1, 2017—less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office—State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to a Biden associate’s account. This is the same bank account used in the above “Romania” section. After the Chinese company wired the Biden associate account the $3 million, the Biden family received approximately $1,065,692 over a three-month period in different bank accounts. Additionally, the CEFC Chairman gives Hunter Biden a diamond worth $80,000. Lastly, CEFC creates a joint venture with the Bidens in the summer of 2017. The timeline lays out the “WhatsApp” messages and subsequent wires from the Chinese to the Bidens of $100,000 and $5 million. The total amount from China, specifically with CEFC and their related entities, to the Biden family and their associates is over $8 million.


He did. People seem to forget that pre-2016, China's threat was barely on the radar. Trump brought it into focus.

I'm to blame for Trump and Alex Jones.

I'd rather have had a positive impact on civilisation but any impact is better than none. I'll take it.

Don't shame me, please.

I listened to Terrence's appearance last time and after a while I found it almost breathtaking how he was able to keep coming up with unfounded, random conjecture on almost every topic. His ability to segue seamlessly from one area to the next by conjuring another ludicrous hypothesis out of the ether. He exudes the authority of a wizened, learned scholar with the logic of a Biden debate performance.

He's the cognitive equivalent of Brownian Motion: random, unpredicatable, boundlessly energetic.

It's fascinating.

I thought after his last interview that the perfect person to debate him would be Eric Weinstein - Howard could see what he would be with credentials and learning while Weinstein gets to gaze into a funhouse mirror.

It's the rich man's Terrence Howard versus the poor man's Eric Weinstein.

Don't begrudge me my entertainm- FOUR HOURS?! Fuck that.

There is really only one variable that distinguishes the two incidents - the result of the contact. Cars touch each other quite a bit in racing but in this instance, it caused a puncture to Max. You can debate whether he gave enough room, whether Lando could or should have avoided it or not but had it not resulted in a puncture it would have been a very different outcome.

Without it, likely Max turns into the corner, Lando stays on the outside and it's a drag race into the second DRS zone.

As it happened, Max was probably unable to turn properly and that meant he squeezed Lando off the track initiating the second contact which cost Lando his race.

It's actually relatively rare for contact to cause a puncture but here, both incidents caused punctures.

I've always been pretty critical of Max's wheel to wheel driving but I do feel he might be a little hard done by here. I also wonder whether Lando could have done more after the first contact. Admittedly there is very little time betwen the two contacts but these are the best drivers on the planet and I'd would have expected Lando to see the puncture and realise Max wouldn't be able to make the corner.

How were they "heavily incentived"?

I just thought they were weak and made a rod for their own back by not acting.


John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten, the lead singer of The Sex Pistols.

In a 1978 interview on the BBC he said the following about the much-loved BBC host and personality Jimmy Savile,

"I'd like to kill Jimmy Savile; I think he's a hypocrite. I bet he's into all kinds of seediness that we all know about, but are not allowed to talk about. I know some rumours."

The comments were edited out and following the interview, Lydon was effectively blacklisted by the BBC for decades.

About a year after Savile's death in 2011, the extent of his predatory behaviour, sexual abuse of (mainly but not exclusively) vulnerable children became apparent as well as the willingness of the BBC to cover to it.


The leniency of Max's driving against Lewis set the precedent that it was allowable and ingrained the behaviour in Max.

Absolutely zero surprise that he still drives like that under pressure.

There's "aggressive" and then there's "either I stay in front or we crash".

Also, him complaining about Lando's move squeezing him off the track like Max did to Lewis so many times...

Reports of Max's new maturity in wheel to wheel situations were greatly over stated.

Happy for you to have escaped!

As someone in a proximal situation, I want to ask a little about your sociopathic ex. if I may:

  • You say he is actually diagnosed - in my experience, they very rarely submit to diagnosis. How did you get him to agree to it?
  • Sociopaths are contrasted with psychopaths in causality; the latter being born or developmental, the former being due to specific trauma (as was the case with the one I know). Do you know anything about the past trauma that caused this?

I hope you don't mind me asking and I hope you have a great time on your Hen Don't!

Brighton about to pay $40m to break their transfer record on Yankuba Minteh.

Newcastle bought him last summer for 6m Euros and immediately sent him on loan to Feyenoord.

Leo needs to mature

So does Lebron.


Stupa won't put up with his shit like Garrido did.


Shame I didn't see any of Leo and Tino's matches because having watched them in the previous two tournaments, Leo was terrible. To the extent that I was expecting them to split.


2.6. Been paying for about 18 months.

My volleying is pretty decent, my virbora is pretty decent. My lobbing is generally on point. My coach says I have the best topspin smash technique at the club and I could be one of the best players there. He also says I am just about fittest person there and jokes that he can never wear me out.

The problem? I make mistakes. Lots of them. I make poor choices but more than anything I seem to have the propensity for making errors on the simplest shots. And then I make errors in clusters losing us games.

I still haven't figured out how I need to be mentally in order to just play normally. Today, in a tight second second set, having made every overhead I had gone for as the set got close I lowered the risk. Instead of hitting the vibora, I tried to play a softer, lower-risk shot to keep the ball in and keep the rally going. I dumped it into the back glass. I miss a couple of easy returns into the net.

Basically, I'm 2.6 because I'm shit.

I agree but I have more confidence that Stupa could regain his level than I do Lebron. Stupa only needs to sort his head out, Lebron has that, his ego and his body to contend with.

ChinGalan moving to the number 1 spot would allow improve the competition

I don't think there is any pairing in the world that can approach the top two at the moment but it would be good to see the draw mixed up.

I really don't think Lebron is an upgrade on Stupa.

I recently dropped a 9 inch gyuto while playing with it, seated at my desk. My attention was elsewhere as I reacted and the tang side (the handle) had actually hit my chair end on as it fell. So as my hand was going down to grab it the tip was pointed up, perpendicular to the palm of my hand.

The knife is not very sharp (is a zero grind but has no first edge) and the tip is rounded before I take it down a few mm to the final dimensions.

It still managed to make it pretty far into my hand.