Because Jason Isaacs is a handsome man

The scene with the sponge made me hate him so much

Ik denk dat Jezus hier vrij weinig mee te maken heeft

It's a good thing evolutionary changes happen on the same timescale as geological processes, or we'd really have something to worry about.

Dress pants are made of plastics that catch fire very quickly. And then they shrink rap to your leg.

Oh dear God the horror

Rest in peace, Oliver. You sound like you were the bestest boi:)

Don't mind me, I'm just stealing this because it is beautiful and I need to use this.

Oh holy Pie,

blessed be thy sauce

glorious be thy anchovies

may we feast upon thy crust,


-kitty, probably

Hims face saying "what are you going to do about it, hmm?"

Does anyone remember what happened back in '89?

I vaguely recall it had something to do with some big square, no?