Oh that guy! Forgot his name was Zach. Haha!

Does this count as chemical or biological warfare?

I get most of my parts from 3dmax. They ship from Northland I think. They're pretty good.

After recently dealing with this exact issue for a month, I switched to direct drive (sprite se neo) on my ender 2 pro. Never looking back.

Or from blaming the next government when they need to put more money into half finished projects with enough inertia to not be stopped. ie transmission gully

Would love to know what material you're using and wall + infill settings. This looks like a cool project, especially since hangboards can be so needlessly expensive, at least where I live.

The digitized versions of documents held by the archive have been an invaluable resource for a project I've been working on recently. It's hard to describe what a massive loss this is going to be moving forward.

Had the same issue with my ender 2 pro. Spent a maddening month troubleshooting the extruder skipping/skipping before finding out about the sprite extruder se. Got it and haven't had any issues since. Won't be going back to bowden any time soon, at least in my ender 2 pro.

They go back as far as 2014, so it's not a new thing either. She's always been "a bully".

Whether or not your believe cycle ways have an effect on nearby businesses, I call absolute BS on her income being "halved" because of it. Like, really? You've lost a full 50% of your income because your customers can't park immediately outside your shop? A florist that is opposite a hospital btw.

I had to go to a florist in town recently that didn't have parking in front. I just parked on a nearby street and walked 150m. There's easy parking on a parallel street right around the corner from her shop, as well as the carpark under the countdown right next to it. I refuse to believe the parking is even a measurable factor in her businesses income.

Also, it's a bit rich of her to call Genter a bully when her reviews show a clear trend as far back as 2014 of her being verbally abusive to her customers. I'm not saying Genter didn't do the things she said she did, but she shouldn't exactly be throwing stones in glass houses.

This is your source Newshub? Really?

Edit: To the one downvoter: Hi Laura!

Not really. I'd hazard a guess that many National voters didn't vote with this sort of outcome in mind. Apart from landlords, people seem pretty unhappy overall.

Grid is kinda notorious for getting in the way of nozzle. Perhaps your nozzle ran into it and broke some bits off the infill inside your print?

I'd give it a go again with an infill like gyroid and see if it happens again. Good luck :)

That's a new one. What infill pattern were you using?

It's not very often that there's this much of a turnaround just 6 months after an election though.

I think they've got bigger issues if a building is making them report a light earthquake in Wellington as extreme in Auckland.

Was looking for portal models earlier. Can you link which stl you were using? They look great!