i definitely wondered about my highest mountain. The one in Puerto Rico is a paltry 1338 m, and the lowest it usualy gets is around 12 C at night on winter, which is not bad at all.

TIL Guajira Department has possibly the largest Muslim population in any part of latin america, in addition to a large amount of Christian Syrio-Lebanese Arab ancestry amongst the population.Human Geography

Guajira Department of Colombia has an Indigenous plurality, which deals with significant poverty, while Criollos (which often have Arab Christian ancestry in addition to Spanish, Indigenous and other) and Arab Muslims (which are less assimilated) have much more minfluence in the economy.

Despite GF's reputation today, I feel the DS games were very good at looking good without trying to do something way too advanced for the hardware. I would describe the look as very late era SNES with Super Fx chip.

Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 is probably my favorite looking non cel shaded 3D game. The Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light is even better but its clearly trying to look 2D.

Square Enix and its satelite studios usually worked wonders. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 still holds up despite trying to look like the PS2/PSP games.

Its very good looking, but i frankly think the overworld sprites are really tiny even for a GBA game, and could had been even better.

That was definitely it. It was easy to assume a game was "meatier", even though i9n practice the 3D engine is still mostly for aesthetics and the gameplay mostly took place on a 2D plane. Zelda, many RPGs, NSMB. That aspect was pretty dissapointing after the promise of Mario 64, with only ocassional stuff like Kingdom Hearts, and oddly enough, a lot of licensed games, using a 3d camera.

I´d say either HGSS or BW1/2. I feel some Kanto/Johto Pokemon had better sprites in the former that were not used in the latter two. I also have mixed thoughts on the new back sprites in Gen 5, which are very pixelated and have odd poses.

Exacto, el protocolo es bien tedioso y contraresta lo relajante, tambien no puedo beber regularmente por medicamentos. Soy mas bien el tipo de persona que me gusta descubrir playas nuevas, o snorkeling. Nunca he intentado surfear pero quiero hacerlo.

For all senses and purposes, there is no legal way to play Gunstar Super Heroes on GBA since like 2007. A typical smartphone can download a PS2 game in an hour or less.

Porque los jóvenes aman tanto la playa y la gente de más de 40 casi odian hasta meterse en una piscina? Diálogo

Se que usualmente es por los achaques, pero me pregunto si hay otras razones? Mis padres y abuelos y sus amigos antes eran locos con la playa, pero ahora como que les da bien lo mismo, y a veces siento que ni es por los achaques na.

Stayed in the Colombian coffee axis, in Quindio between Armenia and Circassia (most towns are named after Mediterrranean/Near East places), it is a really good place and very safe with year round perfect temperature but Manizales is the prettiest of the big cities but also less warm since its close to Bogota weather and elevation.

Miraflores being on a cliff is insane. The colonial core is gorgeous.

Colombia has pretty good beef for very cheap, they serve grilled Churrasco at your typical cafeteria.


Medellin is great, it has stuff like Colletjer and Torre del Cafe, and has the usual brutalist stuff, but it doesnt have as much European style buildings although i do admit the skyline as a whole is very pretty, especially with the mountain backdrop. but Downtown Bogota has better architecture. It has the colonial section, Neoclassical and pretty nice modern high rises. The skyline is among the best in South America (the mountain backdrop adds a lot of points though) outside of the South Cone, Mexico, and Panama City,

Tecnicamente, los Mexicanos tambien tienen derecho al termino Estadounidenses por que el nombre completo de su pais es Estados Unidos Mexicanos

El pueblo de Arecibo no tiene ni pa mantener la alcaldia. Esta todo jodio aún por los estándares de PR.

Por mi urbanizacion en Arecibo han habido perros realengos y usualmente se tardan varios meses en que alguien los coja, o los matan con comida envenenada. Honestamente me parece algo intencional que se robaran al perro de el solo porque se saliera un ratito de la casa, quizás es algo del área metro.


I love how they all look like hippies but Ozzy is this proto emo/goth pretty boy.

That's the bad thing about creators driven cartoons and auteur movies. Nobody is boycotting Looney Tunes and old Hollywood films cause of Harry Cohn and Jack Warner.

Exacto, mi padre se crío pobre en el campo, le dio todo a su empleo por amor al arte, pago mis estudios (soy hijo unico) y enviudó antes de retirarse. Ahora está viajando y comprándose el carrito que siempre quizo. Eso sí, vivió en una época en que ser gerente de tienda era un trabajo estable, y su percepción es el que el ELA y el capitalismo fue lo mejorcito.

My personal pet prevé is referrimg to the Super Nintendo as the Super NES. Its just not a very appealing name, and Nintendo should had just called it the Super Famicom if they hated referring to it as a Nintendo.

Yo nunca lo llamo KFC, siempre Kentucky.

Puerto Rico a veces es bien hive minded. Los estadistas solo hablan de neoliberalismo.

I feel people conflate classic Capcom, Konami, and Square, and heck, even Sega and Hudson Soft game design with "classic Nintendo gaming". Praising Nintendo for things more associated with their third party developers up to the SNES. People say turn based JRPGs are very Nintendo, yet Nintendo doesn't even do that genre a lot, and the PC Engine also had a lot of JRPGs. They also say Mega Man is a "very Nintendo" game.

Igual que las novelas Turcas tienen sus valores y clichés. Lo que pasa es que es bien fácil ver a Hollywood como lo normativo por pura saturacion cultural.

Por cierto, nunca me ha encantado que las películas de Marvel les encanta poner referencias del ejército y política reales, lo veía medio charro.

Otro valor bien americano es la personificación de los perros, que no es un valor universal. Sólo miren como incluso los ultra republicanos se ofendieron cuando una gobernadora mato a un perro.

Lo de la casa de dos pisos no tanto ha sido mi fantasía, sino el apartamento de Friends en el medio de Nueva York.