They only seem to pay attention to their kids when they can film it and talk about being an autism mom for views lol. Like in her lives when her poor baby is laying there with a bottle thrown in his mouth.

Idk how anyone is able to film that much pushing strollers around. Stopping to prop up the camera and so on. It's like that trip was soley a trip for videos. No way it was truly enjoyable. Lol

Vero beach isn't cheap and food there isn't either. And going to Hawaii for 10 days in sept. Where does the money come from? Lol

Vero beach isn't cheap and food there isn't either. And going to Hawaii for 10 days in sept. Where does the money come from? Lol

Her attitude about money is honestly gross. Her biggest concern seems to be her makeup and buying overpriced clothes for her family to make content. I feel like her husband is just hoping he can be a stay at home dad and her social media pay the bills lol

Jportwood going on Disney staycation while her husband is unemployed is really wild to me. It's so weird her literally using her husband getting fired for content. Idk why anyone likes her

Why does she do lives at 10pm in full makeup and those horrible eyelashes. Why is her husband still in a button up and hat in his house at 10pm. LOL

Shes as fake as they come. Most legit disney influencers don't even like her lol

She didn't say anything except that he got fired

I think the whole "making content out of her husband getting fired" is super weird. But truly, there is something very wrong with that woman

I'm sure influencers who get sent every bag or thing from different companies don't even use it. It just sits in their closet or they sell

That was my thought. Like trying out a new Starbucks drink and BTW hubby lost his job 😊 also it seems crazy to me that the day after he loses his job now him being unemployed is part of their content. The tik tok she just posted saying "using this time while you are unemployed to answer questions at the polly" 🤔

Did jportwood19 really say although it's bad her husband lost his job at least they will be on social media more and they can go to Disney more? Like what level of delusion is this? Losing the single income with a family of 3 kids but at least you have more disney days? 💀

I feel like all her content lately is about how to do the most expensive things "on property". The sushi, coffee, the four seasons and now diapers. Idk who she's trying to impress

It seems like even though she's always talking about how they do what the kids want, it seems they are always dragging them around just in the name of content. Honestly I can see why people bash these disney moms when they see her stuff and it's just so forced and cringe

What's confusing? They had a good mix of all types of creators honestly. Kinda nice to see

Trying to find a direction for her page doesn't mean acting overly fake though. Something about her seems so off

It just doesn't feel authentic. I initially liked watching her because I felt like she was just a mom taking her kids to disney all the time, and living far away and not going alot that's my dream. but now I feel like it feels fake, overly showy maybe? Who needs 4 starbucks drinks in one day? Why would you drag your kids to every disney resort in one day for a video? Going to every character meal, it just seems like she's trying so hard. It's unfortunate, I did like her initially. But now she's super cringey. Never thought I would say I like Alice more when she basically is an Alice clone, but Alice seems more real now 😬😂

Did deanastyle really get her kid an annual pass just so she can post content with her kid at disney lol. Was it even for the kid or just for her to have disney mom content now lol

I'm trying to wonder what the point of that travel agency hosting her to so many events. Whats she actually doing at the events that's worth paying for her to go? She does the same (if not worse) than everyone else going and posting stuff like every influencer does lol and those 3000 stories of no real information are great huh lol

She posted a story about this thread lol 😂 but I see how this post is poppin off and yet no one has come to her defense 🤷‍♀️

I think she deleted the stories. I didnt see them earlier and they should have been there. But then again I feel like anytime she rants like that she deletes them pretty fast

The amount of times she's set up a camera to film herself crying for a reel was enough to tell me she's just wanting attention.

Literally everyone for years now. Using tik toks made by creators and then sharing them on IG like she came up with them. Not an original though at all