Christian (LGBT)

Not mad, just trying to prove my point that homophobia is wrong as homosexuality harms nobody.

Christian (LGBT)

That says nothing about same sex LOVE. It only talks about same sex lust, again, being homosexual isn’t about who you have sex with, it’s just who you want to be with, the same way heterosexual is, only one is same sex and the other is opposite sex

Christian (LGBT)

even if it was unnatural, clothes are unnatural, the internet is unnatural, have you ever seen an animal attack only homosexual ones? HOMOPHOBIA IS UNNATURAL.

unnatural does not mean anything,

and natural does not mean anything.

cats breed mostly through rape, that does NOT make rape ok.

Other animals dont wear clothes, doesnt make clothes bad.

oh and by the way, Scientists found that 78 percent of animal behavior experts had seen some degree of same-sex sexual behavior in animals during their research.

Christian (LGBT)

Lust? You really wanna make that claim? Here we go: Even conservative non affirming theologians would have a hard time finding a Biblical basis for condemning same sex love. At most, they could argue the Bible comments on certain sex acts (such as 'sodomy', or sex acts between two males more broadly) but there are 0 Biblical references to same sex love or romance. The issue here, of course, is that those people consider homosexuality to be intrinsically and exclusively lustful or sexual (they consider homosexuality to be a form of hyper-sexuality, an 'excess' rather than a different orientation). This is why anti Igbt rhetoric often attempts to sexualize gay people; it is easier to dehumanize same sex couples when their relationships are reduced to mere sex acts.

Christian (LGBT)

You’re kidding right? You do realize that a larger percentage of penguins are homosexual than humans, being homosexual in not unnatural

Womp womp, I’d rather not pick a side between a criminal and an elderly dementia patient

Christian (LGBT)

Yet the Bible says that all sin is forgiven and equal as long as you love Jesus, or do you ignore that part?

Yes because this will totally convert people

Christian (LGBT)

Can you provide evidence? Because saying “any biology class” doesn’t give me any information to work with.

Christian (LGBT)

Can you provide any scientific evidence showing that it is harmful?

Christian (LGBT)

Do they explain why love between two people who happen to be the same gender is wrong? Or is it a “our god says so” situation?

I’m sure glad I was a VERY messy child

Literally me, I have adhd, autism, and ocd

Sounds like people need to take it out immediately so they can weed out gold diggers and… mentally unstable (in a dangerous way) people

He’s just training his immune system:)


Same here, Jesus told us not to hate, so I will not hate

dear god, the upvotes, how.

husk is adorable he deserves head pats

The window in the background:)