Yeah, that would have been a fair way for it to work, I'd have been more accepting of that

Yeah, like.. that would be a natural progression for the series, for sure. Like, what is the alternative. Dexter just keeps murdering people forever, happily 'doing the right thing'? ... that's not a story, that's just 'monster murder of the week' which would be kinda weird

It should be like Hannibal. You know he's bad. You are watching him do bad things. You should be wanting him to get caught and stopped, and it should be a thrilling ride as to how it happens

I mean, you might not have been working the job long, it sounded kinda soul crushing pretty fast.. and you seem young. So maybe a year or two. And Abigail is doing University courses online, so she could be 19-20

You could literally be the exact same age, I never got the impression the player character was intended to be particularly older than the romance options

Especially in a cyberpunk game of all things. Shits got transhumanism in it... why are they all so unadventurous?

It's one of the more maddening bit of Rune Factory games that. There are always very attractive older people that you just cannot romance. They're just there, looking better than all the other options, infuriating

More harem endings would be good

Tbh, I could believe it's rose tinted. I coulda swore blind mega drive (genesis) games had colour manuals, going from memory.. but nah, other than the covers they are indeed just mostly greyscaley

Might be we're just remembering the highly vibrant manual covers

I was wondering that too lol. "No it's not for defence. I have a sword to attack people with"

Crazy you got downvoted for calling out this incredibly blatant bot. Just looking at their posts and it's like... yeah

I course OP knows. They're a bot too

Take a look at the stuff they post and it's all the same format, lol

I was legit worried about whether I'd get into the game when I first played RE4 Remake. Like, I hadn't played any of the other remakes or anything, and had only really played RE2 yeeeears ago before that, but it looked neat and thought I'd give it a try

And having that as the start was fucking ROUGH

"But suppose you throw a coin enough times...
...suppose one day, it lands on its edge."

"No laws against the Pokemon, Batman"

Said on the other sub that the bucket just went to an emergency stop, probably because of the speed and the fact it was continually rotating.

Probably a safety measure in the event of the driver passing out or a lever getting stuck or other such things. Because they weren't a proper operator, they didn't know it would do that

I mean it's not like those were the choices presented to him. It was more "Do this, I won't make it go fast, I promise"

And then he was just a fucking cunt once the dude is tied in

Yeah, my parents were pretty homophobic, so I didn't rate my chances with the transphobia either. I was certain that I wasn't cis about 6 years ago, at 35. But I just kinda repressed that, cause I've lived with my parents my whole life and didn't exactly have a high paying job or anything.. so.. didn't rock the boat

With both parents now dead. Ain't nothing holding me back but me, and I'm trying to stop doing that as fast as I can

I assumed all cis people had such thoughts.

It wasn’t until I read the dysphoria bible and realised that we didn’t need to know we were trans from childhood that I began to accept I could be trans

The more I experimented in femininity the more gender euphoria I got and then I knew.

Oh hey. It me. Yuuuup

I didn't even know about the gender euphoria, and just reading about that was like "... oh. Ohhhhhh. Yeah that would explain those almost orgasmic feelings when someone in my online roleplaying groups thinks I'm actually a woman RL. Kinda obvious in hindsight"

Someone had to point out to me that having constant shower thoughts wondering if you were trans was, in fact, not a cis thing to do

Yeah, it was only when I was 35 that I saw a thing pointing that one out. I'd not thought having those thoughts was that unusual .. .. and even then, I'd convinced myself I was just maybe a bit gender fluid or something. In utter denial about the fact that in pretty much any roleplaying, or fantasy, or bedtime story I'd be thinking about to try get to sleep and such I made up about possessing shapeshifting powers... I spent all the time as a woman. Consistently. Always about that

As soon as the egg finally cracked it's like the blinkers came off and suddenly I realise ALL the stuff that I was crazy in denial about and.. it seems so weirdly obvious. I used to consider myself introspective and everything ...

My advice for that is the following

First off, check for diet friendly foods. Weight Watchers and stuff in my country.. their ready meals are fantastic these days.. both tasty, filling, and also pretty low in calories and salt. Start calorie counting and work on that.. you'll notice when you count calories that some stuff is just insanely high in calories and you probably didn't realise just QUITE how much. I say go with the ready meals cause tbh, when a lot of us get into situations like this, it's because we don't like actual cooking and just want simple shit. If we did like cooking, there'd be a high chance we'd be cooking healthier meals with fresh ingredients already.. so.. yeah

But the thing that I think helped me most was just not eating when I wake up. Used to be I'd have a breakfast or some biscuits with my tea or blah. I just stopped doing that

It turns out that it's called 'break fast' for a reason, and that the fast bit is pretty damn legit! I don't get that hungry in the morning UNTIL I first start eating. Once I start eating, I start getting hungry and eat every 2 hours or so

So.. I just don't eat for like, 5-6 hours after I get up. I'll have one cup of coffee with some sugar and that's it. When I DO start eating, there's only about 10 hours left in the day before bed. Now, I don't want to eat in the 2 hours before bed, because that tends to make me not get to sleep well... so, that's now 8 hours left of day to fill with eating

With two ish hour gaps.. that's just four meals. A lot of the dieting meals I mentioned are only like, 300-350 calories, and quite filling. So that there is only about 1200-1400 calories even if I was eating ready meals all day.. which, I don't. As I said, they're actually pretty damn filling, so I'll usually only have a couple, maybe 3 on rare occasions. The rest I just fill with light snacks to get myself up to my daily calorie limit, which I'm currently on 1500

One thing which you might do when you're starting is if you find yourself not as hungry on one day and go under, to leave it and stay under. Thinking you're doing especially well. Yeah, I learnt to stop doing that... cause then I'd start feeling a little faint or something occasionally. You do actually want to deliberately eat a little more to make sure you get to the calorie limit you're working on, so you've got enough nutrients and energy for the next day and blah. Don't sweat it too much if it's 50 off or blah, which means you also don't need to worry if you go 20 over occasionally or such.. but if you're more than 50 calories under your limit, I'd eat an extra snack to get up to it personally.

Start checking weight vs calorie count. A lot of the really rubbish stuff to eat is around 5x or more the calories per gram. Stuff like crisps (chips), rich biscuits and chocolate bars are usually on this level

Try and stick to food which is 2-3x for snacks, and for actual decent meals, 1x. The diet meals I mentioned are usually like 400g but only 300-370 calories. Part of why they're filling and still good for you really

Ice cream is pretty good actually, a lot was only 2x on the ratio, I only realised that recently so I bought some to add to my snacks. Other stuff I tend to snack on is yoghurts, grapes, and cheese biscuits and crackers, which are my guilty carby pleasure

The first time I did a calorie controlled diet, I let myself have cheat days. I've come to consider this a mistake, partly because of the aforementioned bit of 'Shit has a lot more calories than you might think'. Sure, a takeaway is nice... but you don't know how much stuff they're putting in it, probably crammed full of salt and all kinds of needless calories. Over time I've cut out most takeaways unfortunately, due to not knowing the figures of them

But yeah, I just don't do cheat days generally. It didn't help me, but might be different for other people. If I do want a rare takeaway or something more calorie intensive, I just make sure that's the only real meal of the day and still work it into my calorie count, instead of saying 'Fuck it' and not counting at all

There's still a time for those fuck it days, mind. Stuff like getting out of hospital, personal bereavement.. yeah, shit happens with life. Treat yourself for one day and you'll be fine. I personally think it's making the cheat day an event that fucked me over before. If you have a cheat day every Friday... you'll look forward to that. It'll affect your eating habits. You'll probably regularly overeat on Friday and take away a lot of all the good you did in the week. Just treat them as rare occurrences, not a regular thing

That and they just suck at it. The matrix was fun as hell in the damn genesis version of the game. That game is OLD

Decker is also a fantastic little free game that's pretty much like the old matrix stuff too

It's just gonna be like Ben's costume. And it's just a giant yellow arse, and if you look close enough, Kirsty's face is peeking out from inside the cheeks

I tried buying a digital PS game one time. Then I went on amazon and bought a physical copy for like £20 cheaper or some dumb shit

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with consoles? There's a reason I'm not gonna buy another

Yeah, I hadn't seen some of the bits from the Until Dawn trailer either.. but... could just be they were from routes nobody tends to take. I did get surprised a while back when watching some people play it and they had stuff happen I'd never seen happen to anyone else