Her wardrobe shifted back a bit too. I love that being together has allowed them to be their authentic selves

Pen looks incredible in pic 1 and Colin looks incredible in pic 2. I like how post-engagement they’re 1) the most attractive they’ve ever been, and 2) no longer wearing the armor they were before. She’s not in the drastic makeup and bombshell attire, and he’s not in the swashbuckler cosplay.

I loved Simon. I thought his character perfectly nailed the brooding, tall, dark aristocratic romance hero. RJP played the character with a little bit of camp as well which I appreciated.

Is that stereotypical romance novel hero my type of guy? No, but I think it’s important that Bridgerton started out faithful to romance books and then chose to veer off once that base was established.

I’m also biased toward Simon as a character because I had a difficult childhood with a cruel parent and also avoided marriage and children because of it. It was refreshing to see that represented.

They gave him no sex appeal on the show :( I get why, the season was about Saphne. But the actor had the chops and looks to pull it off!

The actress has explicitly stated she doesn’t want people to discuss her body.

The show has made it clear that Penelope the character is considered undesirable because of her clothes, hairstyle, and social skills. It’s not about her body.

So I don’t see why we need to make it about her body and her weight.

He did really well with what he was given to work with. I think the writers could have done a lot better to beef up his characterization and give him some more dialogue.


Yeah it’s depressing to read that people are boiling this down to tropes. I guess for some people who are really immersed in the world of fan fiction, they view art in such a reductive way. But I would guess that for most people it’s about the acting, the actors themselves, their chemistry, the costumes, the writing/dialogue, etc.

My favorite season is my favorite not because I prefer the “trope” but because the acting and chemistry were the most convincing. Meanwhile my least favorite season is the one with the trope I relate to most.

And then my husband’s favorite season is the one with the best balls and grandest set design 😂


The only thing I don’t like about this photo (I realize it’s a composite) is that he’s styled to look older and she‘s styled very youthfully. I hope on the show they style them in a way that downplays the age difference, if she is in fact cast as Sophie.

I believe Jonny Bailey and Simone Ashley have the same age difference but they styled them in a way that you couldn’t really tell. Plus they gave the characters matching backstories so they felt like they were at the same life stage.

Colo-rectal Surgeon [40]

In his comment reply, he said he got camera lenses and some Ferragamos (I assume that means shoes).

Colo-rectal Surgeon [40]

He commented saying she got him camera gear and designer shoes.

They’re talking about how she’s the mistreated and overlooked sister which is very similar to elements of the Cinderella story. Just because Sophie is directly inspired by Cinderella doesn’t mean there aren’t Cinderella elements in other plots.

Use fattier meat in the burger. Don’t squish them while cooking.

Was hers the book with the ?

Lol I loved the season but you’re not wrong. It’s very frustrating to see the characters behave idiotically over and over again. For some people, that makes the payoff at the end that much sweeter, but I can see how it would turn other people off.

I don’t know what universe you live in, but big boys are huuuugely popular in mine!

I thought they were setting her up as having financial problems

Cracks me up how you guys make up random things to get mad at and then fight about them.

Why is he not doing this research himself? He should be jumping to find recipes to nourish post partum moms.

Pressure cooked on the cob for just a couple of minutes. It concentrates the flavor like no other cooking method.

The actor himself is very attractive outside the show, but I don’t find him attractive while styled as Colin. Never been a fan of mutton chops and I didn’t love his makeup this season either.

I don’t shop at Costco much because it’s almost 2 hours away. When I tell the Costco employees that I live in a whole different state, they still don’t leave me alone about the upgraded membership. I’ve done the math to prove it’s not worth it based on how much I shop. I’ve even showed them the math. It’s bonkers!

No, you’re sabotaging yourself by continuing to live with her.

Unpopular opinion but I find flashbacks corny :/