Not sure but don’t pick anyone up on road, female or not, could be a trap with someone waiting at gas station. I commend you for helping but it’s not a safe world out there. An Uber driver here texted his wife “last delivery than home”

He was found the next day, killed and dismembered. He was ambushed, a bigger man too. He never made it home

Stay safe 💙

I had a 12/$60 last week. 3 days, Target only. I only do 10-15 orders a week. And sure I want my ratings dinged with all these new 360 customers. Passed. Well I did 2 but they were PMs. We rarely see bonuses, doesn’t bug me

You feel like you’re fine as dog owners? You give the basics and take dog to daycare. You’re far from an abuser but an animal is 24/7, like a child.

I just found out my 14 yo doggy has cancer. The treatments are costly and will be hard on her and she’s 14. So we opted to let her come home. Not my first dog, not my first dog with cancer. I’ll know when it’s time.

In the meantime I don’t want to leave the house. I want every moment with her. I’m sticking to a job I hate bc it’s flexible and I can work when I want to. I worked from home for 10 of her 14 years, she is used to having me here.

You may be good dog owners but you don’t need a dog imo.

We did bit a new washer and dryer. Ours . I’ll buy a cheaper set (like what was in here) before we move out. LL doesn’t even know. Tired of the used pieces of crap that tore up my clothes.

Dishwasher is pretty easy to install, my husband has done ours and others.

But it’s prob LL job to get you a replacement. Check lease. I’ve never replaced any appliance in a rental. Always the LL, we were completely out of it and out of whatever appliance until the LL found one.

They have to be charged before you can pardon them. Many took bench trains.

As much as I hate Trump , this is false, he couldn’t hv pardoned them. He didn’t win so there is that and I believe all trials were after Biden took office. A president cannot preemptively pardon anyone. No president can.

And they can kiss my ass, I’ll take less orders. When they need me, I’ll get one of my 200 preferreds.

I finally got dinged after 2+ years at a 5. A 4 star. Order had organic blueberries and do not sub. I told her not in stock but still offered regular blueberries, all else was organic.

No answer . I called. No answer. I did not get blueberries.

My guess is denial bc unspecified issue so she wrote something . But my texts are there with proof!

Still a 5 but bugs me. She became a DND. Rather get a 1 so I never see her order again

And ESA and a service animal ate two very separate things. The latter is protected under the law, whereas an ESA is usually not. The kicker is, with a service dog, can’t even ask for papers.

Maybe states have amended ESA laws. Seen one just the other day had his ESA jacket on. This dog was nuts, barked the entire time in store, growled at many ppl, and lunged bc one of those retractable leashes and owner paid no attention to it, let him go as far as he could, leash wrapped around people’s legs. Tell me how that emotionally supporting the owner?

Yeah I’m jaded. Yes I have 3 dogs, total dog lover but the ESA need the same type of training as a service dog imo.

Downvote, don’t care. (And my dogs are 11, 12 and 14, very well taken care of but I take them to the park and maybe bank drive through.)

We just had to do this. Husbands mom died 9 years ago, in Illinois. We moved to Florida 9 years prior to her dying.

At death , house was left to him and his 2 siblings. His sister and nephew lived there for years. Then we get a letter from the county, house would be auctioned for past due taxes!! No one told us the sister and nephew had left and stopped paying taxes.

We paid taxes up.

We had to get a lawyer. He had his brother and sister sign away their rights to house. House had to be totally gutted, they can’t afford to pay a 1/3 of that each. We can. They signed off and now house belongs to only me and husband. Just received a new deed the other day.

Highly dount your aubt will do this. Get a lawyer. He can take her to court and judge can make her hand over will, which you need. It’s basically like doing probate way late. You may owe your aunt taxes if she has paid those all this time .

Get a lawyer so it’s done correctly. As executor she should have filed the death papers and all that shortly after death of grandfather. Or if you know attorney grandfather used, they will have a copy of sill too

I don’t know what’s been done on that land, if anything. A friend did this with her parents land and someone farmed it. She got a check every so often as the property was basically rented out to farm it. Another piece of land had wood turbines on it and she got checks for that too, the government is paying you to have turbine on that land .

Again, get a lawyer. She will have to answer him or the judge.

I open mail that’s not mine quite often. We moved into this house 11 years ago. I don’t expect to get any mail besides my own, at this point.

I’ll open it and then realize it’s not mine by content and then I look name. 99% of time it’s junk. But I’ve gotten social security stuff before for a guy that lived here 20 years ago??? That’s just so odd and such a long time ago, it’s not on purpose so no malicious intent.

Why do ppl have only negative connotations of trailer parks? My mom lived in one in her empty nest years. It was nice as was the court, it was upper and strict AF

Where I live now, super nice trailer park near the beach. Lot rent is $1800!!! It is also unkept extremely well, only 11 trailers in it. I know the owner and she keeps the rift raft out. I will say I would never live in a trailer park right across street from ocean but that’s bc of canes.

Yes I’ve been in nasty trailer courts. But I’ve been in nice ones too. Yet everyone downs them. I do Shipt. Give me a trailer park order over a mansion order any day and my car is like a month old (I’m only part time, mileage lines up with normal mileage, I don’t do rideshare bc people will ruin interior. And way too many miles.

And I bet the house is GROSS! Like hasn’t been cleaned and unkept in years.

Well I have the freedom to support whoever in the politician world.

Ugh!!! He will not get prison time. He has no criminal record!!

He’s amping them up with worst case scenario and he knows he won’t be jailed. Sure the guidelines say up to 4 years but judge has great latitude. He’s been a fair judge and again, no proofs, which bodes well for any criminal.

Prob have to buy a ticket to the festival to buy them! We have strawberry festivals here in Florida bc Plant City strawberries are the best!! It’s like $15 to get in.

Just drive near festival, someone will be selling for much cheaper at a roadside stand, same berries!

Free treats. Not even free tickets to festival. And a 6.5 hours of “free labor” HIRE HELP FOR YOUR BIZ. No one becomes a food intern unless maybe it’s some famous chef. Wtaf?

That trial had 30 some witnesses, it wasn’t all on Cohens testimony. Trump has dodged the laws for years , about time it caught up with him!

I’ll pay more to not sit at WM for an oil change. The no appt stuff is crap. We get rewards on Shipt too. I pay $50 for a synthetic oil change. It’s a chain oil place, very happy with them.

It isn’t just small dogs. I’m in various stores all day for my job, it’s not just small dog owners. and the big dogs leave even bigger piles of shit, which owners don’t usually pick up.

When I take my dog to vet, I take poop bags , just in case.

Isn’t a dog problem, it’s a ppl problem . I’m so over the ESD and fake service dogs. I’ve seen true service dogs. They don’t move from owners side, they don’t bark. Then you have someone that buys a legit service dog vest and it’s totally clear it’s not a service dog. Barking, pulling on leash, acting crazy.

I totally support proof of a service dog and I mean legit proof, not some $20 internet form.

Grief never goes away, you learn to live with it. Lost my mom in 2020. Lost my dad in March 2023. Lost my brother in July 2023. Just found out my dog has cancer this past Friday.

I still cry, almost every day. You learn to move on. I work, go to beach, walk dogs, I live on. But Your heart and soul are forever changed. I feel like my heart is like Swiss cheese , holes all over.

I’m not laughing. I simply watched the justice system do its job! He’s simply pissy bc he didn’t win. Had it been a win, it would have been a “perfect trial” in his eyes.

He isn’t above the law!

I actually agree. Such a small sample size and ppl lie or say what they think you want to hear. I still think he will lose and lose big!

My mom put in her will that NOTHING could go to her 1st granddaughter. Granddaughter shows up for my mom’s bed (mom slept on couch). Was slept in maybe 10 times. It was actually a bed I bought mom and I had receipt (well it was In desk next to bed) I ran her ass off, followed moms wishes to a T.