I love that this album has this kinda reggae thing going on some of the songs (it's just a vibe though)

Personally, probably my favourite SD song. One of the best tracks ever

Kid Charlemagne I think. The one solo I literally cannot believe was just improvised in one take, it's structured like a composition and apparently Larry Carlton just....did it. Insanity.

Are you not absolutely paralysed by using them?

I swear I've been figuring out how to use the same dog shit delay (it's actually great, I am dog shit) for about a year now....by itself.

Throw other pedals into the mix and my hair starts going grey.

lol I scrolled for a bit thinking "am I a dumbass expecting this would be every reply".... but you saved me my embarrassment!

They were privy to Tony's initial reluctance to lead, knew to varying degrees about his foibles/mental issues, and saw him as someone who will bend principles on a whim. It was all well and good when they were the beneficiaries of Tony's antics, but I think they all knew not to trust him.

Early on, they would have seen the conflict within his own family (his issues with his mother, openly using Junior as a "lightning rod" by allowing him to be boss) as a signifier of a treacherous person who shouldn't be trusted.

It's interesting if you contrast him to Johnny Sack, who was also extremely machieavelian/cunning also but didn't really show it in the open. I guess it goes back to the "strong silent type" thing...yes the show mocks the concept, but Tony is in many ways the antithesis of that and it causes him ruin.

There's also something about the overall decline of the mob which is more universal than Tony and his crew (when Patsy tries to shake down a Starbucks, it puts it on perspective)

I think that's a big part of the beauty of the show.... It has actually touched on a lot of deep themes (absurdity of politics, nihilism, death, suicide, loneliness) but because it's wrapped up in surrealism/absurdity, they can do it in a way that (ironically given how maximalist the show is) that's really subtle.

The last few laps was like a gladiator battle where they resort to more and more desperate tactics to get the upper hand. Brilliant to watch.

Although Reddit, in typical 'fandom' style, would like to imagine most of the grid like cartoon character best friends with an unbreakable bond, the reality of elite-level athletes is that it's fucking ruthless -- it's pretty much do anything to win. Personally I don't mind that at all, it's only under intense rivalry you get these stunning race displays.

If McLaren manage to tighten up just that little bit more, the future Max v Lando races are going to be nail-biting.

Horrific . If nothing else it highlights how good Max really is. 

Contract's a contract though. they'd be on the hook big time if they breached it. Re-signing him in the first place was an insane move.

It all seems to be in aid of this "I'm better than you"-ism. Not to get hippy-dippy, but If we all admitted that we're terribly flawed but just trying to get by, the world would be a lot less angry all the time.

My spidey senses telling me this will be a Max walkover. Hope I'm wrong 

Wait a min...this season's over already? I didn't even realise til I saw this and realised we've done 8 episodes!

Jeez -- I mean, I have family members with mental disabilities and I wouldn't take offence to that at all. People are so sensitive. Fair enough Yuki apologising, I get it's for PR etc....but the fact people genuinely seem to be offended by it in the first instance is crazy to me.

I wouldn't be surprised if they pull a Sam Hyde on Zach. There's tons of stuff he's said (ironically ofc) that would get him put on a shitlist

That's not acceptable, it's actually insulting to the musicians in the band. I've just joined another band and the first thing I did was learn their written songs pretty much exactly as they are. If you can play your instrument this is no great task.... Hell, you could even make suggestions but ONLY after you know the current song it stands.

If he's skilled as you say, then I think it's actually masking an ego problem and might think what you've written is inferior to what he can do.

I'm starting to find that musicians have a significant correlation with narcissistic traits, there's two main flavours -- the overt type, which is clear as day and they'll let you know immediately...but then there's the covert types, who come across as affable, friendly, agreeable and often shy/introverted. But you start to realise over time that they think they're unrecognised geniuses, and resent the fact they need other instruments to let them shine in the spotlight.

I wouldn't use F1 forums as a metric, you get nasty folk dwelling on the internet posting on these kinds of things. Most F1 fans have been signing his praises from day one.

He's been in the "I can win this" mindframe for the last 5 races or so. He has said he now has a car that can do it....so I imagine he's even tougher on his own performance because he sees it driven by the athlete and not the machine underneath him

Seriously, the dumbest/funniest catchphrase ever

Caves of Altimira, Aja, Glamour Profession.

Just something to get the "sound" off each those albums imo.

Although I think I've been comfortable with Caves of Altimira being my favourite SD song for quite a long time now. I used to go back and forth for a long time but I've settled on that exact song!