I felt that way for a long time. My life still isn't perfect by any means but I made changes to shake things up and put myself on a better path. There really isn't some secret thing you can do to make things better. 

For me I worked a dead end job for ten years and another one for 7 years before that. I wasn't happy at all and didn't know what to do. But i worked my ass off and applied myself the best I could. I was even doing the classes in khan academy because I didn't do well in school and wanted to apply to different trade schools. 

In the end I got lucky as hell and found a new company near me doing some crazy shit no one has tried before so I applied. It turned out that my skills at my old job translated perfectly to this new one. I found my groove and a niche that I didn't realize i was so good at. Not sure if it will work out but I've worked with and met a lot of different people that are doing things (very smart engineers, scientists and chemists, ceos to larger corporations). I've even got job offers from ceos from other companies I've worked with. 

Long story short you never know what's going to be around the corner. Just do the best you can and take calculated risks. In my experience as long as you give it your all you will stand out more than most.

I mean how old are you? According to my nephew im old as dirt at 35 haha. But I still get really excited about all kinds of things. I honestly have too many hobbies because I get excited and interested in so much stuff and I really like learning about new stuff. 

Anything that involves the outdoors fires me up from activities to flora and fawna. There's also just making things, especially leather work. I also get excited about music. 

My newest thing is my new job. Not only does it absolutely excite me but I feel like I found my niche.  I'm thriving and having fun for the first time at a job that also is trying to make a difference in the world by making plastic free textiles made from plants.

It probably depends on the breed/age. My lab/rot mix was a beast when he was in his prime and could out hike me like crazy. He pushed me farther than I thought I could go. Now that he is getting older he just doesn't have that energy and it makes me kind of sad but that's life.

Where whatever is comfortable because you will be on your feet a lot. But you should absolutely keep some shit kickers (as in big rubber rain boots) in your vehicle in case it rains. It turns into a mud pit fast.

I'm honestly glad they won't be doing any barn shows. I'm already bummed they cut their sets back but I understand why they did it. I would be really disappointed if they locked additional sets from them behind a pay wall. I will take less sets in addition to a combo set on the main stage if it means it still happens. 

Only thing that comes to mind is carnival type of shenanigans like a dunk tank that people throw balls at a target to dunk someone or those water gun games. Stuff like that. But scavenger hunts are a great idea if you can actually get people to spend money on it. 

One year at summer camp (I think?) there was a very small tent that some liquor company set up. (I think it was scotch or something that none of my friends liked). The deal was that you could come in and sign up or something, honestly not sure we watched from afar, but you could basically drink all you want until you got booted for being too drunk or left. That shit was such a mistake. It was really funny at first just sitting back, smoking joints, and watching people leaving super hammered until later at night there was definitely a larger than normal amount of people that were drunk and out of control. It only lasted that one day either because they went through way too much booze or because people got way too fucked up. It was honestly the only time I felt unsafe at a fest because of all the drunk and violent people. 

I don't know about any groups like that but I want to learn about sowing and stitching in general. I know about stitching and general leather work so I would be up for trading some knowledge. I have tools and materials for leather work and would love to do some knowledge trading.

I am a bit late to this but looking at your profile I would be down for getting high and watching some anime. Seems like we might be into some of the same things. I live over by junction city and I usually work 4 10s Monday through Thursday. Hit me up if your trying to meet up and make new friends.

This is the most comfortable war zone I've ever been in. This area is not that bad. I lived in the east bluff in the 90s. You folks have no idea how much better it is right now. If you are really that scared  then go get your ccw. Unless you are a criminal which explains why you around the violence.

Umphreys without Kris? You fucking heathen.

Hope for the best and plan for the worst. So basically start looking for new jobs. I was in a kind of similar position except I was in a company that was falling apart (at least I had been there long enough to see the writing on the wall). I quietly looked for a new job and found a job that was new and coming out of their start up phase and it was literally the most perfect fit for my passion and skills. It might be the best thing I've ever done but they might also fail but it is a very exciting operation that no one has ever done. I literally stumbled into it and so far it's the best thing to ever happen to me. 

At the end of the day go out and look for something new but if it really is a decent job just stick with it. Especially if you get a severance package and it will look good on a resume that you stuck with them until the end. But in all honesty it all depends.  I just lucked out on finding my dream job and it was only because I stuck with my shit job for so long that they wanted me and my experience. There are too many variables for whatever kind of work you do but don't be afraid of chances.

I prefer not to feed venison to people because there are too many folks out here hunting deer in the Midwest. I would rather keep it as a guarded secret.

I hear what your saying but their fan interaction is beyond most bands and that is one of their shining qualities but I think them pulling from Spotify is more of a business decision because they are known for not paying out for the amount of plays which is unfortunate because I also introduce them to people that way but you have to have some trust in the band. If you really support the band buy some cds for folks or pay for some downloads and burn them. At the end of the day I will always cough up some money to buy someone a live cd or burn one to get them hooked which will hopefully turn a person into a fan and give the band more money.

Honestly I fucking love nugs and anyone who complains about the price isn't the kind of person it's marketed to. I mean yeah I am plugged into 50 bucks a year but if they made me pay more I would. I listen to so much music and find new music on that platform. Literally my day is made being able to follow all my favorite bands and also finding new music. I stream at a minimum of 10 hours a day so it pays it's self off fast and that's exactly what it is marketed for and for us that use it like that it is so worth it. I mean I am watching umph live at red rocks for free right now because I'm a subscriber... what the fuck

As a user of both services and knowing how the industry works....that's bullishit. Spotify is known for not given artists their fair share and nugs is as far as I've gathered is paying out more to take over the jam band market. There really isn't anyone to blame. They deserve their cut and I will support who gives it to them and I will happily pay my share. Just my 2 cents from someone who has friends in the industry but not any kind of disclaimer at all.

I wasn't able to make it but I'm couch touring it. I just saw one of my dream sets at scamp but they are playing all the songs I wish I got. I guess that shows how greedy I get with this band and how much I love them and moe. But sitting here high as shit and watching them on my screen really brings back those fresh memories of seeing them at scamp on the rail and it brings the same happiness.

I love music and I love modern technology!!!!

I have the 20 year anniversary welcome sign!

From what I heard talking with management that's exactly what it will be. I was told they want to keep it small enough that everyone can camp in the woods and they are getting rid of all edm and only two stages.

I'm really happy for you and really mad at you at the same time. I seen that get thrown and I saw it land a few people in front of me and I knew I wouldn't be able to get it.

I really like how you can put your finger up there and use it for more detailed work like skinning but I wouldn't know how well it works until I actually tried it. I would love to try one out and see. Overall the handle is beautiful and it's a sweet design I've never seen before.

I have Merrell moabs for hiking in flatter areas that I've had for over 5 years and are still holding up.

I have a pair of Columbian boots I've had for about 5 years for hiking in not so flat areas and are still holding up.

I also have a pair of Crispi boots I only use for hiking mountains and stuff out west. They are some serious boots that I have abused hard and they still kick ass.

All of these boots I've walked through water with and store them in my basement. I clean them every year when winter comes. Except for my crispis I clean as soon as I get back from whatever backpacking trip I do out west.

There aren't really any places to camp in the area. If you are going to wait in a parking lot I recommended doing it in Peoria. Chillicothe cops are huge assholes and will definitely hassle you.

Please do not put my wiener in the fire