Imagine an MMORPG with fortnite mechanics

Put ur weed in a mason jar and put the whole thing in the oven, minimal smell

Only none of the things u stated are actually facts. The only fact is that she was unable to push him off. The story could be so much more nuanced than what you are assuming.

There are also literal cases of drunk women intiating sex on sober men for which the men are charged with rape after, your last statement is so nonsensical.

Are you purposely being dense? Im literally agreeing with u under the premise that the dude was barely, or not drunk.

Im simply stating that there is a possibility where the guy is as drunk as her and its just an unfortunate set of circumstances.

Again, assuming the dude was drunk, he also wasnt able to give consent according to the definition that you provided.

Unless you assume sex is something a man does to a woman and not a mutual activity. But thats a whole other conversation.

Again, im not trying to say she is not valid for feeling assaulted. That is very valid.

But imo, when trying to figure out wheter someone is guilty of rape. You should look at it logically from their perspective, regardless of feelings involved. Otherwise everything is fair game.

See, in the real world, people do not always ask for consent. Their is something as non-vocal consent, where it is clear that the other person is consenting. Given the things OP writes about the interaction. It is not wrong to assume that the guy had good intentions and assumed non-vocal consent was given.

By your logic, i get raped few times a week. My girlfriend doesn’t ask for my vocal consent.

Therefore, when non-vocal consent is assumed, it is definitely up to the other person to give some kind of sign that it is actually not given. Otherwise you are just destroying an innocent parties life whilst they had 0 negative intentions. Wouldn’t you say thats a bad thing?

The complex culture:

-meow, get of my land, meow.

• meow, no, meow.


And this is exactly why real rape cases are not taken seriously.

He could have been drunk as shit and still have some faint memories of the night before. If he is not aware of anything malicious having took place, then how can you assume the person inherently committed a malicious deed? Rapists know when they are raping someone, they’re not stupid.

If a drunk person cannot consent than by legal definition, they both raped eachother. As i said before, the ONLY situation in which i will agree that the guy took advantage is one where he was completely or nearly completely sober.

OP literally states she didnt say no, didnt push him off and orgasmed. Can you please explain to me how a presumably drunk guy should take this as a sign of non consent?

I feel like this is the answer.

I will make a gross assumption here but it feels like they are in a sexless marriage. And its just being forced into perpetuity. Hubby doesn’t get laid so he ogles other women and has some resentment for the wife. Wife sees this behavior as disgusting and therefore has no interest in her hubby. Cycle repeats.

Ill go against the consensus here. Im sure you feel assaulted just as im sure he did not assault you. Both things can be true. If ur both drunk as shit and getting it on and you are seemingly enjoying yourself without attempting to remove yourself or explicitly stating you are not consenting, how is the dude supposed to know you dont want to? Get a written consent form whilst he is impaired out of his mind himself?

As someone else mentioned, sounds like you have a drinking problem, which i advice you to seek help with.

In the extraordinary case that the dude was entirely sober, yes he took advantage of you. But assuming you were both indulging in alcohol at a party, this is regret over rape. This does not mean you cannot feel assaulted and suffer the psychological consequences. Im just saying, if he was drunk too, i dont think he did something “wrong”.

2 things:

Men valuing women’s virginity does in no way correlate to men looking sexually at kids

Men would not care if u started to value mens virginity. Its just that men do not value men’s virginity as they are not interested in men anyway. But the beauty of it all is that nobody is stopping u from judging men based on their sexual history.

Then start outraging at mens bodycount. Are you 12? If u want to vilify men with a high bodycount, aint nobody stopping you lol. Men wont be outraged by mens bodycount because most men are, get this, not sexually interested in men anyway.

You shouldnt talk about other peoples mothers that way lol. My mom isn’t perfect, yet she is a great person. That’s what my dad knew too, and now they are back together, happier than ever. People are not defined by a single mistake. Thats what communication is for. Your dad clearly communicated through threats which is different from not communicating at all.

Cheaters arent immature and selfish. Cheating is an immature and selfish act, but not a defining one.

Yesyes, u also poop golden nuggets that smell like lavender. I get it. People can do wrong things for the right reasons. And we shouldn’t write people off on a single mistake. Thats why my parents are back together, happier than ever.

Thank you, I greatly appreciate it!

The one thing i hate most about reddit is this god-afwul feeling of superiority. They all think their shit doesnt stink. People sin, but they are not defined by their sins. Redditors just cant seem to grasp that. But its nice to see someone like minded here :)

Scrolling to your comment history, you are the other side of the same coin lol. You HATE hate men lmao

All these comments are wack. My mom cheated on my dad. She did not just cheat on my dad. She would bring a man to the house when my dad was on business trips, let him sleep in his bed and ask of me, about 12 years old, to not tell my dad under any circumstances. My dad would grill me after coming back and this went on for a few years even. I saw what cheating did to my dad. I also saw what it did to my mom. She knew she was putting herself over her kids, but even I, a 12 year old, could see how much it was eating her alive. She did not want to break up her family. But its not an always an easy choice. She missed the warmth she once had in her marriage and felt stuck in a relationship for the sake of her children. She knew that she was the bad guy in the situation and it put her in deep depression. I know my dad was not perfect, nobody is. Cheating looks very one-sided but cheating RARELY happens because someone just wants to get laid. The situations are always a lot more nuanced than that. Ofcourse your dad made wrong choices, but he is still your dad. Blaming Lily makes no sense. She should not meddle in your life but she is not the one who cheated. Yes, she is a “homewrecker”. But only because your dad allowed her to be. But why did your dad allow her to be one?

Have you thought about why he wants full custody? All these chronically online people will claim its out of pettiness and to get a win over your mom. But maybe it is because he loves you so fking much and doesn’t want to lose you. Ive seen plenty relationships in my surroundings where someone cheated and the other person turns the kids on them.

You are older than I was. Communicate. Communicate how it hurt you. Communicate how you do not understand why. Communicate how this whole situation is affecting you. In the end he is still your father and as you say, he know what he did was wrong. If he knew it was wrong, did he do it purely out of selfishness? Or was his marriage just slowly killing him inside.

Ffs, I had to see my dad run out the house during lunch to go cry around the corner. And when i followed him and asked him why he was crying (It broke my heart to see him like that), he told me. “Your mom doesn’t love me anymore”. That shit killed me inside. It messed me up. Gave me trust issues. Made me see the ugliest side of my mom. She is still my mom. She loves me dearly. She cares about my dad. “She put herself over her family”. -She would have fucking died inside if she didn’t. As i said before, cheating RARELY happens in a vacuum.

Als je een nieuw woordenboek koopt zal je dan ook de betekenis “figuurlijk” vinden bij het woord letterlijk. Heeft tegenwoordig 2 betekenissen

Yall hate Elon so much that u can’t even see how wrong this Yann dude is lol.

Its a bunch of yapping in an attempt to redefine science.