So they marched day and night by the crumbling democracy

They have the violence but we have the effortlessly rhyming lyrics.

Wake up Samurai, we've got a wasteland to burn.

Nah, I would bet it was shirtless bros just being a bit much.

"It's stupid how people think they can get away with these doomsday predictions about something that already happened. The beer hall Putsch was inept and incompetent, hardly the work of some mastermind. It already happened. It's fine to make him Chancellor."

The utter shamelessness of this guy, not stepping down despite literally everyone else telling him to GTFO.

Please tell me this has been reported to Media Watch. They will have a field day with this.

Do you really think Chunky Dave is being mistreated, overall?

I put it to you that holding him up here was pretty harmless and he is doing fine, and this concern of yours is wildly excessive.

And yes, the expression and kick on him was funny.

Eh, seems a bit of a pompous take. Sure, there may be a case to be made for more diverse news coverage but this piece feels a lot more like his own particular bugbear that frankly feels tiresome.

Plus I also dispute the assumptions about China's rise and it being of more relevance. It isn't globally networked - culturally and politically - in the way the US is, and I don't think it will be for a very long time.

Besides, given the catastrophic implications of a Trump victory for pax Americana, yeah, it's not just "news porn".

As much as I would enjoy having more modding potential, I don't think we can say the corporate people "don't think practically". They have other criteria they are looking at - beyond even profit I am sure there are various legal and technical considerations as well.

They're being a different kind of practical.

A bit of context for your claims about BLM.

"To evaluate such claims, this study examines all homicides of on-duty police officers by civilians from 2008 to 2021 (n = 595) for ideological motives, and uses interrupted times series analysis to test for post-Ferguson trends. Ideological motivations were present in 12% of civilian-on-police homicides, and only 3% constituted terrorism. Right-wing motivations were far more common (6%) than left-wing motives (3%). Most analyses showed no significant increase in ideological civilian-on-police homicides after Ferguson. Although homicides with left-wing motives unconnected to personal revenge significantly increased after Ferguson, this only accounts for a small proportion of post-Ferguson homicides (4%). In short, there is no evidence that BLM unleashed a “war on cops” in which officers are increasingly targeted in ideological homicides."

I am in the same boat as you. Eagerly awaiting a fix for Xbox, hopefully one that doesn't require ditching this save.

The answer is easy.

Chrome can malfunction in your body and with no ripperdocs in our world you are screwed.

Brain Dances however, are reasonably safe tech and not as invasive.

You bring back a few headsets, some recording gear and collection of them.

You patent it and set about reverse engineering it.

Congratulations, you have become the wealthiest pornographer in the history of the world, which means you are probably richer than Bezos now.

You patent that shit, get someone to work reverse engineering it, and become the next Bill Gates - but of BD porn, so a billion times richer.

Plot twist: they're social outcasts from the rest of the galaxy because they're weird, awkward and talk too much. They have to go and socialise with species that haven't yet mastered interstellar travel because they are a captive audience who can't leave.

Isn't "no one believes all regulations are bad" hyperbole?

I would argue your statements have been more hyperbolic than mine, but anyway...

As for "bigger government" this is a generalisation embedded in a word itself. I didn't use that word for this reason.

So let's interrogate this term a little bit.

I would argue that it depends how you interpret the word. "Protecting people from government" means a strong civil society, independent judiciary, free media, as well an an executive that operates separately from a legislature.

In an authoritarian society you can just merge the judiciary, executive and legislature to an extent, and there is no free media, they tend to operate as an arm of the government.

In order to keep these things separate, you need a lot of laws and regulations. To keep media diverse you need monopoly restrictions. To keep corporate power from regulatory capture you need regulations. You need anti-trust and consumer protections for citizens.

These in my view make government "bigger" and yes they do protect citizens.

In places like Russia or China you do not have a well developed regulatory structure. You have selective enforcement of laws that exist and you do not have a separation of the key elements of government.

Is this "smaller" or "bigger"?

European governments are generally pretty "big government" with a bigger welfare state and stronger consumer protections. I would argue they also protect citizens from government much more effectively too.

"Big" or "small" government seems like a bit of an asinine distinction doesn't it? Which is kind of what OP is getting at.

"no one believes all regulations are bad"

There are so very many soundbites about generically cutting red tape and promoting small government with zero interrogation of what that means. I don't think this is a straw man argument whatsoever.

As for your comment about authoritarianism and being an expansion of state power - that's a very reductive take. Authoritarianism has contempt for civil rights. Civil rights are often protected via laws and regulations. A government can strip away civil rights under the guise of cutting regulations.

Baraqiel seems like a particularly good pick for LREs? His passive is designed for tankiness over the long haul, which is exactly what LREs need, plus his active has good range which means he can deal with the long ranged enemies that ruin turtle formations.

He seems practically designed for LREs.

All of your comments on Reddit are to spam your referral code. All of them. I have seen it before.

There's more like a dozen alien races on each side, and of those, only a couple on each side can actually engage in planetary based warfare. Most have to contribute other logistics or support because they can't go into combat without freezing in terror.

The goal isn't genocide, it is conversion, so most of the war is still effectively ground combat on each planet, trench by trench.

And yeah, humans are suddenly amazing combatants, far superior to anything either side has. In fact at the end of the first book >! The enemy side (which believes in genetic modification to make its citizens happy, united and compliant) gets so spooked by the new aliens working for their enemies that they immediately invade earth. Each planetary invasion usually takes a few centuries to resolve but they had never encountered a world that already had all this war materiel. They got curb stomped in a matter of weeks and had to pull out and adopt new strategies. !<

The trilogy of books from Alan Dean Foster "The Damned" also touch on this concept. Two alien factions are at war over philosophical differences regarding genetic modification and free will. They both abhor violence though, having long evolved beyond that.

Finding humans that still engage in fighting each other without total psychological collapse is rather appalling to them and yet also useful.

I just discovered that the Reddit Giphy section doesn't even have grandpa Simpson doing "a little from column A and a little from column B" and my day is ruined.

Edna Krabappel's vag memes died on their way back to their home planet.