If they prioritized pleasing LeBron they would’ve never let caruso go. Would’ve done whatever it took to sign Ty lue before they signed ham as their head coach. Probably would’ve just given JV the contract he wanted or go all in on a demar S and T. 

He gets a pass for TP starting as much as he did. Rui and Vando being out was def a factor. However cam should not have been getting the minutes he was for so long. Ham literally took out dlo or AR at times in the starting lineup for reddish. Did you forget that? Or how about towards the end of the season when cam was clearly still hurt but he was trotting him out there instead of giving the 21 year old Christie a chance? 

I mean he’s had his struggles in the playoffs for sure I’m sure that’s a factor and like you said he isn’t a tank commander but he is a good player still on a 18 mill expiring that def has some value 

I mean I grew up watching the late 90s and early 2000s and even I can say that the early to mid 2000s was some bad basketball 

I do. I have league pass I hop around the nba every night during the season and see which games I wanna watch. Lot of fun basketball out there. OKC was very fun to watch this year. Same with Denver, pacers, Timberwolves and others 

The NBA is really fun to watch idk what you are talking about. The playoffs weren’t great there were def some blow out series but overall I thought this was a fun regular season. 

That’s kinda his point tho who could’ve the lakers signed? They didn’t have cap space. Besides JV none of those guys LeBron mentioned we’re gonna take MLEs. 

It’s not tho. I ain’t even a LeBron fan I’m a laker fan but there was countless moves he was very adamant about that they did not do. Like ty lue for example. If it was up to LeBron they would’ve paid whatever it took for lue and his AC and he would’ve coached the lakers last year not ham. Also if it was up to LeBron they would’ve kept caruso instead they gave that money to THT. Y’all just wanna blame LeBron 

Bron is not the “real GM” you realize there was countless other moves LeBron has wanted the FO to do and they didn’t. If LeBron really was “lerealgm” they would’ve hired ty lue last year. Kept caruso. Signed derozen before the Westbrook trade. 

Not really. There was countless other moves LeBron wanted the lakers to make which they did not. Caruso, kCp, Jared Dudley. Ty lue. They didn’t do any of that. Yeah they listened to him with the Westbrook trade but he does not have his finger prints all over the roster. Y’all gotta stop listening to whatever BS you hear on firstake 

You bet result not Spain to advance and France to advance. You needed France and Spain to win in regulation which they did not 

I am a huge laker fan and I love AD I’m a big defender than him. Idk how you can watch this lakers team and teams played tons of drop coverage against us last year and think yeah we need AD at the 4 lol

100%. So tired of this AD is a full time 4 thing. I think at times against bigger teams with the right big next to him he can play the 4 still here and there. Lakers definitely need a backup center desperately but AD is a very good 5 in todays NBA. Not a 4 

First of all even 2020 AD played 40% of the time at the 5. Part of why the lakers were so good was cuz they had Bigs to play with AD at times but he still played a good amount at the 5. He also shot much much better from three that season. He’s also one of the best rebounders, rim protectors and shot blockers in the nba you want him closer to the basket on defense not near the perimeter 

Yeah monk isn’t like the others. Lakers signed him to a 1 year deal and he out performed it. Lakers were not able to pay him 

I mean AD is a center. The lakers desperately need a backup center 100% and one that could play the 5 with AD at 4 at times would be nice but that part isn’t necessary. And AD is definitely not a 4 in todays NBA he is a 5 and people need to stop with this he’s not a 5 thing 

Danny ainge is not just gonna give players away. I wouldn’t be shocked if he trades away lauri but it will be for a haul. They are in no rush to trade him tho. It seems like lauri wants to return to Utah so I could see danny ainge paying him at the end of the season and possibly trading him down the line. 

I thought I heard somewhere you would lose a second round pick eventually. Guess I misheard 

That’s a solid comparison. Only difference I would say is that lopez can still shoot well from 3 and a big that can do that is still very valuable. Could see some desperate team giving up a first at sme point 

Again that was not their plan at first. They were not planning to rebuild. They won 47 games in 2012. Kobe got hurt at the end of that season. They still kept pau and steve nash and ran it back they were just terrible. Going into 2014/2015 they basically went in to tank mode but that was not their original intent. 

Eh some teams in the west got worse. Denver is still better than us obviously but I think losing KCP was a big hit for them. Clippers have gotten worse. Mavs and warriors I think got slightly better but they could regress from last year. 

If I had to guess he wanted to go somewhere where he could start still. Also idk if a lot of teams were rushing to give him 3 year deals.