Damn, I found this post while scrolling through popular

Y’all alright?

No horse shoes and no liars dice. A real tragedy

Level 2 Shop Owner

You can use tweezers to get those out.


If you can’t get them out, take it to a shop, they’ll be able to get it out easily and might not even charge for it

To each their own. I haven’t owned a puffco but plenty of my friends have and I’ve wasn’t a fan of the shape of the bowl and glass. I have the switch and my girlfriend has the EVO and they both are great.

With, unless his face is scarred like Insomniac

I use a Doctor Dabber Switch and even though it’s expensive it’s fantastic. I’ve always hated Puffco’s.

4, easiest to get off the tool since I take hits out of an E-Rig

Level 2 Shop Owner

If you go to a Samsung authorized center, then they will have to replace the whole frame, so maybe that’s why you were told that.

The buttons are replaceable though. Depending on if the plastic pins broke off inside you might have to open the phone


This is why I think X-Men works better as its own universe separate from marvel, as much as I love seeing the characters interact. In a world where there are so so SO many super powered individuals who get their powers from a myriad of ways, people hate this one specific group.

If you’re a mutant and you’re getting hate all you have to do is be like “nah actually I got these powers from falling in a vat of goo”

You think the store only takes 6% of each sale? That’s definitely not how it works. With my Square system at work, if I wanted I could pull up every credit card number.

Level 2 Shop Owner

Yeah it’s either damage from heat or something is underneath pressing on the screen. Either way it should be something the shop can rectify without needing a refund.

Unrelated but is that a restaurant above the field?

I mean, he’s gotta be taking the piss out of us at this point right?

Thats hilarious. They need to add the Lego falling apart sound whenever you knock out a dude

I mean, almost everything Apple puts out says “Filmed on iPhone”

Surprised they didn’t jump on the opportunity to do the same

Level 2 Shop Owner

Sure, but if they mentioned they replaced the display, and they having issues on their display, wouldn’t that be the first thing you try replacing again?

Level 2 Shop Owner

Never in my life has a seen a failed antenna cause a display flicker like that. It says they replaced their display and body.

Level 2 Shop Owner

Considering you just changed the display, It’s probably a bad display. Idk what this other guy is talking about. That would be the first thing I would try

You also kinda gotta put your mind in the head of a business owner. Let’s say you own a small business. It’s your lively hood. It’s how you feed your family. You would want the best workers possible and If you were given the choice between a disabled worker and a non disabled worker for the same salary, you’d pick non disabled every time.