Monkey in Space

Excellent assortment . We get to hear everyone out. I like it.

I know Trump basically said he has no idea what Project 2025 is and it's ideas are ridiculous. I guess we'll know in November.

I saw the interview last night. What a performance he had. He was the best version of Biden I've ever seen. Cogent. And FU if you don't believe me.

2016 and they are coming out right after Joe Bidens horrendous debate performance. This sounds natural and organic.

Air Force dorms and DFAC should be sufficient. IF not then it's time to have a meeting in DC about why that is. The Army is having a discussion about mold right now. Maybe the Air Force needs updated dorms and DFACS? Not sure what the situation is on most AD AF bases. That's usually a basic thing provided to every Airmen.

Election 2024 is getting closer and closer. Gotta try to find anything against him that will stick. I can't wait until the election is over.

And it's looking like he's going to win. So this is just daydreaming. That debate last week did the damage.

One of the things that made EQ great was that your character was an investment. From the time you added points to Dexterity or Intelligence to their stats, you were invested. The race and class mattered. You had a completely different upbringing as a Troll SK in Grobb/Innoth than you would as a Human Magician in Qeynos/Oeynos Hills. The spells and abilities, the quests, the roles you filled that no other class could. It was a long but fun and memorable journey. That's ONE of the many reasons I love EQ.

Monkey in Space

TH is the future of the American scholar. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"Biden aides planned for his replacement for months. Then it all came together right after the debate was over".

Biden lied also. So with that lie eliminated it looks like even more trouble for the Democrats. They'll come up with something though. By any means necessary. Right?

The Democrats will need to pull some kind of trick because Trump is likely the winner come November. It will be interesting though.

Here we go. If Trump wins in November the other side will claim that everything is a "lie". This is going to be a complete mess with one side plugging their ears saying "La LA LA LA! We don't listen to lies".

And crazy enough, the lines in Flight Simulator back in the 1988 time range were fascinating enough for me. My imagination filled in the rest.


The YouTube image is wrong. It should be Reddit.

This is bitingly accurate. It will just end in tears I'm afraid.

Monkey in Space

The proper term is "female impersonator".