I didn’t watch other videos of hers, but looking at the picture it appears she does only have one 🧐

My bad, the picture isn’t the best! But, Yes she is missing a leg & she is in a body suit

I will definitely read that book, thank you so much! He has stated before that it’s overwhelming and it makes him feel negatively, so I’ll 100% give him the support that I can. You’ve given me a lot of insight, thank you!

Thank you! I know his mother his helping him (she’s helped him before) and I just want to do what I can despite not being there. I appreciate you!

Supporting my boyfriendnsfw

My boyfriend is going through withdrawal currently and I have no experience with it. He just moved to Texas and I’ll be moving in with him in 2-3 weeks. He started his sobriety journey today and is withdrawing. My question is should I give him space and only text him when he texts me, or should I randomly send messages of support? I don’t want to be overwhelming, however I want to be there for him. What’s the best thing for me to do?

Edit: He is staying with his parents during this time while he is withdrawing. His mom is very familiar with how to help and will get him medical help if need be. Thank you for the concern everyone, it is extremely appreciated through all of this.

Gorgeous fish! I’m so happy he got a chance at life!


I’m so tired of crying. I’m tired of the over thinking. I’m tired of my jealousy. I’m tired of my insecurities. I’m so tired of myself. All the therapy, the medicine, home remedies, & etc have not helped. It’s like I’ve simply put a bandaid over a gushing wound in hopes that it fixes everything. I’m exhausted. My house is a mess. The person I’m so obsessed with.. honestly some days I don’t know if he sincerely cares for me or if I’m an annoyance. Who knows with how much I over think things. Nothing could be wrong at all but yet things are always seemingly wrong to me. I hate my brain and my logic. I hate it all. I hate being me. I wish I was someone else. I wish I was remotely normal, whatever that even means. I am mentally drained and I only have myself to blame, but all I ever have is a bandaid.

How to find out if it’s legal to dumpster dive in your citynsfw

Hello! I tried googling my city but I have found nothing on it it is legal or not. Would that mean it is legal? And can I dumpster dive in any dumpster unless there are signs posted otherwise?

Half a year...

It has been half a year since my boyfriend stopped having intercourse with me. We have been dating for over 2 years. I’m 23, he’s 29. I know this isn’t normal. I know what this means, I’m not dumb. That being said I can’t bring myself to leave/move out because this is the first place I’ve felt like home in since I was a child. How do I walk away? It wouldn’t just be him I’d be leaving. I’d be leaving my home & for the time being my cat because I can’t bring her to my moms house. I would get my own place ASAP though. How do I do it? How do I let go?

Stuck package

On April 22nd my package was handed over to delivery partner. I believe my package was delivered to USPS (there’s a sorting facility in Hebron, Kentucky which is the location it was sent to). I live a state over and am getting anxious as to whether or not I am going to receive my package. Is there anything I can do? Or any way to check on it? The tracking number won’t work on any website outside of 4PX and it’s a Chinese company and I can’t contact them to verify anything. I will contact the company I bought from (anibiu) once they are open (they’re currently closed for a holiday). Thanks for the help!

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That’s extremely helpful! Thank you so much, I was beyond confused by this! Also I didn’t know that had to do that, that’s very good to know going forward!

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I don’t believe so. He sent me some paperwork about BPD and asked if I experienced any of what was on the list (I said yes) and that was it. I’ve seen him for multiple visits but no test yet.

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Tonsil stone! Squish them out!!!

That’s a crazy amount to have to deal with. Your professor really is messed up. People like that get joy out of making others miserable

Professors can be such shitty people. I don’t get it. I’m sorry, But you got this for sure

One day at a time, right? This ones almost over.

At the bar alone.

Title pretty much sums it up. I’m miserable in life. I want to cease to exist. I needed to be in a public place but it isn’t helping my mindset. I don’t want this life anymore.


I want to give up on life. Not die, just give up on everything. My last source of happiness left me... I feel so empty.

We broke up
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