NTA - If he had changed as they say he would have gon over to you and/or your son and given a heartfelt apology, and ststed that he knew wht he did was wrong and begged for forgiveness...he did not, he left withou a word. Bullying to the point of near self-ending is beyond kids being kids. If your family is aware of where this bully led your son, they should be ashamed of themselves for even entertaining the thought of allowing him around the house, let alone your niece datiing the kid. She knew what he had done, and it didn't matter to her. Why would they expect you to support someone who has proven they do not care about your son, or you. Fucke her and her parents for supporting her in this venture.


NTA - just be glad that it is over with this guy and move on. I do agree with him that you should block his number though.


NTA - If someone leaves their child in your care, they should expect you to have them do the things you are doing. If you are supervising your kids at the creek, guess what, you will be supervising the other kid at the creek along side them. You cannot force your three to follow the one that was left in you care, and you cannot very well leave them unsupervised so you can keep an eye on the nephew. If she has a problem with you parenting/supervision style, she should not be leaveing her kid with you, and she cannot expect you to put your kids activities on hold so you can keep an eye on her kid while he sits and stares at his tablet. I guess they wanted you to have hime sit by your side on his tablet while you kept an eye on your own kids? And not allow him to participate in the dangerous activities that your 5 year old was also taking part in, but he could watch them have fun while sitting silently by your side.

I would only say you would be wrong if she specifically told you to keep him inside and you agreed to that. So if she asked you to put your (and your kid's) daily activities on hold while nephew was there and you said you would, then you might be TA.


But, you will never know where he is, no matter how much your wife tries to tell/show you exactly where he is, you still won't be able to find him.


NTA - But it sounds like you built this expectation of how things will be handled over the course of your relationship to this point, and it will take a good deal of time to reverse a lot of those expectations. While some things may be able to be addressed in the short term, several others will take time to change. Communication and baby steps. That is my only advice on this. He may (most likely will from the sound of it) need to have some reprecusions for not following through after proper communication to know that your requests for change are serious, but you have to stick to it. Change will come eventually and gradually if you are both willing to work on it. Make sure to include asking him what you need to work on for him, so it does not come off as a one-sided tear-down of him.

Best of luck!


NTA - And never talk to your SIL again either. They both suck and don't deserve to have a relationship with you.

If you do not already go, go to therapy to work on your mental health.

You could just go NC and not say a word, or let him know that you haven't forgiven him for his past deeds and will no longer be a part of his life. Either way, cut him out until you are in a better headspace. The same goes for SIL. She has made her view on this clear, and she is no good for you to be around until after you have your own mental health in a good spot.

Best of luck!


NTA - Your dad allowed your step-mom to toss you aside, and they had no interest in you from the time you left. They do not get to pop up for the good things that happen in your life and ignore the rest of it. It sounds like they have been hoping you would come back and offer to help them out (financially) of whatever shit they have going on that makes their life so terrible. Keep them at a distance as best you can. You told them the ceremony was upcoming and they showed no intrest in being a part of it...their loss.

Congrats on the graduation. Time to start that next chapter of your life, with that old chapter kept at arms length.


Even if it was fair market value, which it isn't, there was a clause in the "rental agreement" that says he has to provide space for HIS (and OPs) family when they come for a visit. He is essentially paying for a couple AirBNB weekends a month, significantly below what a rental would cost, and getting to stay for 2+ years. He cannot complain about anything!


NTA - If he is so unhappy with that stipulation, he is free to find another place for the visiting season so the house can serve the purpose it was purchased for, and return to the rent controlled environment when the season is over, or he could honor his agreement, and host visitors at OP's house like he agreed to do.

He is trying to back out of the on inconvenince he has with this situation. You bough a house for a purpose and he expects you to eat that now that he needs your help and is unwilling to pay it forward like he agreed.


NTA - And, as it sounds like you have a figured out, you have just as much of a husband problem as a MIL problem. You should start by refusing to attend anything she puts on where fodd will be served. Stay home and let hubby go alone, or with the kid, and pamper yourself while he is gone.

Or flip him the bird and hand him his walking (divorce) papers.

I would go with option 2, but you do what works best for you.


NTA - They got 31k a piece and you made sure they had no student debt. What more do these entitled heathens need? They are educated with money in the bank. They should be able to find decent jobs, unless they all got performing arts degrees (or maybe philosophy, haha), and make a decent enough wage to do whatever they want with their lives.

You say she was a good mom, but her kids attitudes would say otherwise. Sounds like she raised them to have a sense of entitlement. It sounds like they wanted to cruise through life until they got some large inheritance, like some trust fund babies. They excluded you this entire time and want you to give them something with what in return? Even if they try to be in your life going forward, that still does not entitle them to anything. Make sure you die with zeros in all of your accounts and leave whatever you do have to charity.


NTA - Who the hell thinks it is a good idea to put a camera in any childs room, let alone a teenage boy.


NTA - your car you decide who can use it. That is a huge personal investment to be told you have to share with someone, especially teens, is nuts.


NTA - You planned ahead and paid in preparation for the flight. What was stopping her from doing the same? I have a flight in August that I already paid for the extra leg room seats and I'm 5'8.


NTA - He is being selfish, unreasonable and a bit of a baby. You should be responsible for taking care of a situation that he put you in; the nerve of him with that statement. Frankly, he kind of sucks for all of this. Next time "your" car is blocked in and he is home take "his" car. That is another way to address the issue in those instances.

Have you considered just parking in the driveway, and not in the garage. I know it is inconvenient for you, but then he has no choice but to park his two vehicles in line. I would try it for a bit so he develops his patern/process and then switch back to garage parking and see if he switches back. Just a thought. There are other things you can do, I have just always loved passive aggresive approaches.


NTA - Compromise does not mean lie to yourself about who you are. You offered a compromise by wearing a women's suit and not a men's suit. What was her compromise? You are who you are and she is not accepting that. If her attitude does not change, she is leading you down the road to becoming a statistic. She may need to educate herself on the stats for trans teens. She will lose you one way or another if she is not careful.

You need to protect your mental health and be true to yourself. You may want to reach out for some counseling; there may be some free programs in your area for queer youth, so look into that. ou need to let her know that this is who you are and she needs to accept that, or your relationship will erode, quickly.

Bets of luck!


NTA - So he was literally out at a bar and stayed knowing you were waiting? He blew you off and expeted you to wait for him. He showed you no respect. Ditch him!


NTA - Funny she didn't say anything about it for the months of secret period, but now that it is out there you can no longer hang out with your friend. No girlfriend should ask you to change your other relationships once you start dating unless there is something unhealthy about them, let alone to change your relationship with someone you have both been friends with for so long. Plus her knowing you ended your last relationship due to your ex's insecurities with you having female friends.

Insecurity and posessiveness are not parts of a healthy relationship, they are more like red flags. And nothing happened with Maddy until the other relationship was over, not like she is implying. Bottom line, she can either accept and respect the relationships you had coming into the relationship (male and female), or your relationship with her is doomed to fail. Unfortunatle, I don't see how this doesn't impact the whole friend group in the end.

Best of luck.


YTA for the way you put this post and update together. But they are AHs for the double standard. It is either all equal with no roles (accept those agreed upon in the partnership), or you have roles and specific people are responsible for specific tasks.


NTA - Totally inappropriate and disrectful to your bride. This is a day to celebrate your union and the start of your life together with her. To dedicate anything to your late wife tells your bride she is second choice and always will be, that if only things didn't happen the way they did you would still be with LW and not be mrrying your new bride. The money part of your post is completely irrelevant. If you want to have a happy marriage, do NOT have any dedication to LW...and really think about inviting her family to the wedding. The fact that former MIL invited herself is gross IMO. You don't have a real relationship with them, so it is odd for them to be there. It sounds like your mom is seriously over-stepping, and definitely preffered LW to new bride. You need to sit down with your wife, let her know how things have been going down, ask her what she wants and follow that up with mom to lay it out and TELL her how it is going to be. Make sure you tell her this is your decision so you are not creating a rift between new bride and mom.


YTA - She is an adult who can make her own decisions. You are absolutely a control freak. She doesn't need your approval, she asked her judgement free friends their opinions, not for approval. Where is the dishonesty in what she was doing? Nobody cares how firm you are on your decision. You are lucky she hasn't gone scorched earth with your relationship. You sound insufferable to be related to. Try to advise her on life and not dictate it for her.


NTA I guess, but how dumb is this man? He thinks one of your twins is his and the other isn't. I believe this is possible, but not very probable; no idea what the chances are and not going to google if it is even possible. And he has his visits with the children, why not get a test kit and test them while he has them with him? This sounds like a whole thing of just trying to create conflict.

Edit: horrendous spelling


NTA - But I think you could find some compromise. You do not need to spend 30k to have a nice vacation. Fix the roof, as your first priority as that could lead to a significantly larger bill if not addressed. Go on vacation, keep it around 5k. When you get back, start evaluating the costs to start addressing upgrade projects and take it from there.


Then it is her decision to not have you watch her dog. But yeah, protect your pet.