Do I need a GoPro?

I work in the US and my family stays overseas. They’re coming to visit me for two months and we will be sightseeing A LOT, and we would also be going on hikes to scenic views. I will be travelling to visit them as well and have some international trips planned for the next couple years. I like documenting all moments and I own a DSLR and a good set of lenses. I am quite good at photography and have had a couple of wedding gigs & shoots.

My DSLR is clunky and heavy and I don’t think I can effectively take it everywhere with me and constantly use it as well. I can use my phone which is great, but I’d like some more opinions on whether a GoPro is worth it for the purpose I’ll be using it for. I don’t plan on using it UNDERWATER, but I’ll probably use it in the ocean and stuff where it might get wet.


Edit 1: Thank you everyone. I think I’m going to upgrade my phone and use that instead of spending so much on a GoPro.

Claire liked the attention. Phil was outright flirting and ogling. There’s a huge difference.

Do you have a brand of beef liver you recommend?

OP, I think you’re inadvertently giving your puppy “attention” when he does a bad behaviour. Based off of what you’ve said. You’ve a busy job and he seems to be doing everything possible to get your attention. I’d say set a timer for every 1.5 hours to take him outside, give lots of attention to him when he’s displaying even the minutest good behavior and TOTALLY ignore him when he’s acting up. If he pees or poos inside, calmly take him to his crate without making eye contact. Leave him there without giving him any attention until he settles down. Use any enzyme based cleaner to clean up the mess, leave a tissue soaked in the cleaner on the spot he peed on, unless the surface is reactive to the solution. Once the tissue is half dry, add some hydrogen peroxide to water and use that to wipe the surface again. The hydrogen peroxide will neutralise the enzyme cleaner, making it easier on your nose.

I’d highly recommend feeding him on schedule. Then note down when he poops. There is usually a routine there.

I’d also recommend socialising your puppy at least once a day and taking him on long walks too. That helps get the pent up energy out and it might make him better behaved.

My puppy isn’t food motivated either so I’m saying all of this from experience. Of course it might work differently for you, but I really hope your days become easier.

I’ve had him for a month now. And I did go to the vet twice for his shots, during which i even had his poop tested. No problems there and the vet did check his throat and ears to see if something was bothering him. I strongly believe it’s the “spoiling” I did the first week he was here. I wish I earned enough to just give him the freeze dried food all the time.

I don’t want to give him human food as my bf gave him a small piece from his plate ONCE and since then he’s been begging every time I sit down to eat. It’s been a month of training him “away” but he still gets so excited that it breaks my heart each time to deny him.

But the egg is a good option as I can make that just for him. I’ll definitely try adding an egg to his food and see how it goes.

This is something I didn’t know. Neutering increases appetite? Maybe that’s why he’s being so moody about food right now. I tried chicken & rice and lamb & rice. I also tried two different brands- purina pro plan and acana. He ate it for two days and then turned his nose away the third day. Maybe I should try beef, he did love beef in the raw food I gave him. I’ll definitely try the bone broth as well thanks so much for the suggestion!

Yes it was a lesson learned. I will let him figure out that kibble is his food and raw food is treats. I’ll definitely try heating the food with warm water! Thanks for the tip!

Four month puppy not eating well and I’m worried sick Nutrition

I recently got a Maltipoo puppy when he was eight weeks old. He wasn’t from a breeder but from a friend’s friend who didn’t expect his dog to get pregnant lol. The vet gave him a clean bill of health.

The person who gave me the puppy also gave me a pedigree and said that's what he fed the puppy. However, when the puppy came home, he wasn't eating, so I tried some raw freeze-dried food as treats to make him feel more comfortable in his new environment. He really likes the raw food, but it's not a consistent option as he might end up not eating it too, and I can't afford to feed it to him as his primary diet. I'm open to supplementing his kibble with it. The problem is that I've already purchased high-quality kibble for him, but he only eats it for two meals before getting bored of it. He seems to prefer kibble when it’s new.

I didn't want my pet to become a picky eater, so I decided to get a scheduled feeder that rotates the food away after thirty minutes. I was hoping that this would encourage him to eat, but unfortunately, it seems like it hasn't worked. It's already been ten days and he’s only eaten like two days worth of food.

I’m at my wits end with him as nothing seems to work and he doesn’t seem like he’s food motivated either. He seems okay, is pretty active and drinks enough water and I give him zesty paws multivitamin and bone broth in an attempt to bridge some of the nutrition gap without spoiling him. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. HELP!!

4 month old puppy is not eating well.Nutrition

I recently got a Maltipoo puppy when he was eight weeks old. He wasn’t from a breeder but from a friend’s friend who didn’t expect his dog to get pregnant lol. The vet gave him a clean bill of health.

The person who gave me the puppy also gave me a pedigree and said that's what he fed the puppy. However, when the puppy came home, he wasn't eating, so I tried some raw freeze-dried food as treats to make him feel more comfortable in his new environment. He really likes the raw food, but it's not a consistent option as he might end up not eating it too, and I can't afford to feed it to him as his primary diet. I'm open to supplementing his kibble with it. The problem is that I've already purchased high-quality kibble for him, but he only eats it for two meals before getting bored of it. He seems to prefer kibble when it’s new.

I didn't want my pet to become a picky eater, so I decided to get a scheduled feeder that rotates the food away after thirty minutes. I was hoping that this would encourage him to eat, but unfortunately, it seems like it hasn't worked. It's already been ten days and he’s only eaten like two days worth of food.

I’m at my wits end with him as nothing seems to work and he doesn’t seem like he’s food motivated either. He seems okay, is pretty active and drinks enough water and I give him zesty paws multivitamin and bone broth in an attempt to bridge some of the nutrition gap without spoiling him. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. HELP!!


“I probably should have shut up and worn something else” This one sentence is proof to how your childhood and MOST of your adulthood has been so far. My heart goes out to you OP.

I am guessing your bf found out you were dating someone else and now that the tables turned on him, he is being a hypocrite. Don’t waste any time thinking only about him, and I think you should talk to your bf about his double standards. That communication will bring you clarity towards whether your current relationship is worthy of your time anymore.

A college degree when they aren’t sure what exactly they want to do yet

Not feeling like you belong somewhere. The feeling that no place is safe enough to be called “home”.

I used to shrink into myself if someone confronted me. Didn’t matter whose perspective was the right one. I would just feel myself curl up and back into a corner within myself. Then thinking I was “protecting” myself I would assume they were going to leave me or hurt me and I would mentally distance myself from them first.

People pleasing and turning to humor as a mechanism so people do not see the actual hollow shell I actually am. Never relying on anyone and always having the feeling that nothing is constant even when I have things to be happy about.

Working through all this is therapy. It’s hard. But I’m trying to heal the inner child.

I’m living in Jersey City, so I can definitely take my time and explore it properly over a period of time. Thank you so much for the detailed answer! I think maybe I need to revisit my plan about where to start from. I lovvveee spicy food and can tolerate A LOT of heat so I’ll definitely check out halal food. I always assumed I won’t get veggie options there. Usually the rice is cooked in stock making it non viable for me. I’m quite fit and can walk a lot at a stretch so I’ll try to hit as many spots as possible while still keeping the experience chill.

When they sleep too much or too little. When they keep cracking jokes even when the situation doesn’t call for it. Usually I find this means they don’t want others to see how depressed they are. When they move slowly even when they’re not physically tired, as if time moves slower for them.

The muffins and legendary preserves sound promising. I’ll buy them to take into the park!

Oh my god! I’ve never had jollof before. Will definitely check this out.

I’ve never heard of this place. Thank you for the suggestion! I checked out the menu and the sandwich as well as the salads look great! The description makes me think it’s extremely packable and will travel well as well.

Oohh yess! I recently saw an Instagram post about how late they’re open and how good the food is. Will definitely check it out. What would you suggest is the best one to get there?

Yes thank you for reminding me!! I’ve wanted a bagel from Liberty bagels for so long now. Is the everything bagel with scallion cream cheese good? Im a vegetarian. Can’t have lox.