Yea, I am not a relationship (or anxiety) expert - I do tend to be anxious and I have told my partner (also together about 2.5 yrs) what helps me feel reassured (words vs actions etc) and they've definitely grown into doing more of those things, especially if I'm having a tough day otherwise. But it's rare that I would say "I need to be reassured about your feelings for me." In the beginning before we knew each other very well...I didn't seek that out from them because they were still a relative stranger at that point.

I do wonder upon re-listening to these for editing etc if does any reflection.

What is “tiny”? What is “overpriced”? You have a lot of descriptions but no real quantifiers

100% related, she nods to it in the post about the change

Yea I think so. tbh I don’t really care to know the exact timeline, nor do I think it matters in the long run. I do think, as Ali told it on the Pod, he was planning on moving to New York/had previously lived there but it was in the premature phases when they first met

Yes, they met through a mutual friend. He has an apartment, according to her updates.

On an app ¯\(ツ)/¯. We’d Both been single for the better part of a year+, met for coffee, and now Sunday coffee dates are a regular thing (2ish years later)

I guess…why do you care? Are you getting married for your social circle or are you getting married because you love your partner and want to spend a lifetime with them? If I felt that much judgement from a social circle about things they weren’t involved in, I’d reevaluate why they’re in my life

Someone further up on this post commented that they did 2 weeks in New Zealand. I’ve had friends do Greek Islands (usually about 7-10 days), another did a trip around Japan. I don’t think there is a right or wrong, just different preferences depending on your priorities and budget.

ETA - the emphasis is on the honeymoon being a more “once in a lifetime” trip sort of deal or a much bigger trip than you would take annually. So it doesn’t matter in the long run when your anniversary is/when you take your honeymoon because you’re not going to take a 2 week vacation every year. You might take a bigger trip in a year when it’s a bigger anniversary (5/10 yrs etc) but not each year. If your goal is each year to be able to take an overnight or weekend getaway on your anniversary, that’s a lot less planning and time commitment than a honeymoon that happens once and is a longer trip.

In the industry I work in, our “busy time” is very seasonal so a lot of my coworkers have similar wedding anniversaries because that’s when they had time to plan a wedding.

There’s a big difference between a 2-3 hr car trip or an overnight in a nice hotel and a multi-week international honeymoon.

Also, not everyone does a trip or something equivalent for an anniversary.

yea, there's a lot worse things people could do in public. a lot of us totally forget how to play and relax and not be composed all the time.

Popsicles are really hard to keep frozen :( I brought freeze pops for a 100 I crewed last summer and had them in a hardsided cooler, nestled in ice, and they were indeed melting within about 90 min. Could have been the 90° day, could have been my methods, I dunno. They were still appreciated for the icy sugar water they were

I’m so surprised the bumble stuff didn’t come across either of their FYPs?!

But also it would be a good/interesting guest to have someone on to talk about decentering romantic relationships! Has anyone really done that? I can’t recall.

Not me, but my partner has a similarly physically demanding job.

Rest/recovery is taken pretty seriously. If you’re not already getting 7-8 hrs of sleep a night, find a way to prioritize that. Your body will need at least that much. He takes one full rest day a week and one cross train day (so biking in summer or skiing in the winter) to limit wear and mix up strain.

I’ll also say, if he’s in the middle of training for something, we’re not going out and doing extra stuff regularly - just simply doesn’t have energy. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/friends/family you are out and about with regularly I think communicating with them that you’re trying to focus on this goal for a few months is key.

eta: he ran just over 3:00 last year, has done sub 3 in the past. most of his running friends run more days per week than he does but also work desk/office jobs so it's definitely a balance

Second this. Hills will make you a stronger runner on the flats and help improve overall running form.

u/agreeingstorm9 If you use strava there’s a way to sort by segment in the maps and then you can sort to elevation preference. Odds are other people have marked off areas you might not have thought of as hills to use if you live in a flat area. Other ideas are bridges (often have a curve to them) and stairs or a box for step ups combined with lunges.

Congrats! It was definitely warm out there

She's a VP, correct? i don't think in that case resigning without a term date is super unusual. I've had supervisors in similar roles do the same - usually they start out telling you they're leaving by a certain month but don't have an exact date yet. When you're overseeing teams and accounts and need to move work to other people and stuff it's can be a bit drawn out.

Oh wow that’s surprising (and fortunate!) I pay for my own healthcare and my friends on plans where their employer sponsors it are always shocked at the cost when it comes up

okay, i'm glad i wasn't the only one who was turned off by this. I guess different strokes for different folks but I feel like even the smallest hint of jealousy is so icky to me anymore

wild, the expenses of going out on your own (thinking healthcare specifically, not sure what sort of liability insurance you need in that field) are soooo high

Even if you leave at 8, you’ve probably been awake since 6/6:30 to get ready since you’ll have to arrive at the ceremony dressed and ready to go. Awake earlier if you have kids or something else to attend to. So that makes for a long day to drive home on the backend of it.

This is for those who can comfortably sit for 2.5 hrs straight in a car, which not everyone can. Small kids, people with chronic pain, etc would likely need to have a mid-drive break in there.

Yea, being emotionally unavailable means you’re also protecting yourself in some way - by going for those who are in some way unavailable themselves (learned this one for myself lmao)