New York’s & ABUS have saved a couple of my bikes. Spend the cash and save your ride.

Tubes were thirsty I see. Is that an East Coaster Amp? 🤣 Traynor….UNDERSTATED CANADIAN AWESOMENESS!!!

Aahhhh the famous Pedicure Specials I see. Wax your toes and watch your TT times drop.

Why? DuraAce hubs, Open Pros & hand built=BOMB PROOF!!

Clean,cut and polished lugs….just look SEXY!

That’ll be a really long nap for sure. 😮

I think Jagr was in his late 30’s during the Original 6 Era. 🤣 JK

Oops! I know that their straps are great. However, IMHO the messr bag….not so much. Not bad, but I have owned better. Nice people n decent product.

If they’re NOT Canadian, it’s a recent thing. I’ve been inside their shop/plant a couple of times AND I did not ride across the Atlantic, I rode across Bloor St. Lol

A question not a criticism?? You sure YNOT are UK based? Recently? I’m in Toronto and have been to their plant/shop on our westside. I own their Medium Messr Bag and waybill/tool pouch. Just asking because I actually watched them stitch my phone carrier.


Sweet ride Friend, congrats on your score. Now go ride the heck out of it.

Exactly! It’s the reason he ‘unretired’ to beat the assault beef. As a result CUJO got ‘done dirty’ by the Wings.

Great way to start your ‘unbiased’ tenure Greg. 🤦‍♂️

Interesting hood Friend, that bike is pretty sexy for sure. Love the bell placement too. 🤣 Where I live, we are required to have a bell on our bikes too. I keep mine on the right side of my forks.😝

Install a helium tank to your bars and see. If your wheelies aren’t longer at least you’ll sound…well….you know.

That HAS TO BE TOUGH for her to see. The pain she must feel, I just cannot imagine her grief. Yet this will be an iconic image of profound bravery and resistance that will never be forgotten. My deepest condolences Mam.

Just add a front fairing and shave your stash, you’ll be so quick that you’ll get younger by the pedal stroke.

Old school riders & Bike Polo players ride like that. With that little chainring, why not a polo player?