Neither of my kids were talking yet at 8 months old, but whenever yours can talk, they’ll name their toys better names than we oldies could ever think of. I loved my little sister’s names for her dolls. Salad Baby and Banana Baby were her favorites 😂

I’ve been trying to picture this flavor combo and my brain is saying “no” but my salivaries are saying “god, yes”

Well, I may be in the teeny tiny minority here, but I don’t like leftovers. To me, the texture is never the same as freshly cooked and reheat temperatures alway seem uneven and I hate those cool spots in what’s supposed to be a hot meal However, I eat leftovers all the time. I’ve been cooking for my family for 25 years and will do anything to avoid cooking another meal when I can, and leftovers is a practical way to do that. But I don’t love it, and often I’ll leave the leftovers for my husband, who loves them, and selflessly eat a sleeve of Oreos instead

I put in our sun-facing windows, between the glass and the closed window blinds, reflective panels, like the kind you put on your car’s dashboard against your windshield on super sunny days. The closed window blind keeps it in place. Makes a reflective layer on your worst windows. After the heat dome, we bought a roll of that material and I cut pieces that fit in all the windows so we’re always ready, but you can also use the ones made for a windshield, it’ll help even though it may not cover the whole pane.

It’s a nice combination of flavors and makes the pasta look like you did something cheffy to it 😂

Oregano. It’s how I always do pasta. Butter and oregano. Is simply perfect.

Good form, in my opinion!

It’s just good manners 🤗

Exactly, it just feels polite to identify myself. Custom, definitely

Lol! Caller ID also ruined prank phone calls 😂

Everything was different. You had a whole different sensation of privacy, for one thing, and all human interaction felt more immediate and personal because it was by phone call or in person. Or you wrote a letter. I still have a note he left in my purse 30 years ago. It says , “I am thinking of you at this very moment.” I kept it in there for years so that every time I saw it, I felt like he was thinking of me 💕 But internet offers amazing possibilities and opportunities that we didn’t have. My son met his wife online and they’d never have crossed paths in real life otherwise. And you can still use your phone to call and say hi, or leave a note in a purse. We just forget that we can.

That’s exactly what I do! “Hi, it’s your mom.” You know, in case the caller ID, assigned ringtone, and fact they’ve heard my voice since birth all fail.

It's just infinitely more logical than what lots of people say: "Hi, it's me." Really - what additional information does that sentence give the listener?? Our way is the way

Koko would be super cute, too!

My husband and I met before internet, and for years, even after we were married, I’d identify myself by name when I called or left a message, like “Hi, sweet face it’s xxx” and he’d say, “yes, I recognize your voice” or “yes, I actually know who you are” but it was a habit so it took me a long time to stop. Now that I think of it, I think I might still identify myself when I leave messages for my adult sons 😂

She says there isn’t a similar group for men, as far as she knows, but she recommended SMART recovery. She says it’s co-ed and really good.

Junie, Rose, Naomi, Amy, Emma, Lisa, Aria, Clara, Clare

A friend who used to live here had a great experience with a group called Women for Sobriety. Community and sharing without the higher power part.

I think of my body as a mechanical clock and moving my body as winding the clock so it can tick for another day or two. Has proven less overwhelming than trying to picture long term exercise commitment. Also my dad started working out in middle age and now, I’m his 90s, still moves like a much younger person. I want that in my 90s, to be able to dance when a great song comes on. I’ll just keep winding my clock.

Shuffle pig is a good band name

Ruth Quiethoney