I thought it was some random russian dude named Montana , remember him before people hit 8k

it was different russian dude named something like Montana, Badman never had anything bad said about him but the fact that he was spectre spammer and his rise to top ranks started when spectre was giga broken, but he continued playing her when she became shit too so people stopped hating him

he wanted to become a streamer during his rank one times but he wasn't really entertaining and nobody would watch him specifically but just watch games of his spectre on DotaTV. So he quit somewhere in 2017-2018 to do something else because even back then he wasn't the youngest player

Edit: He plays occasionally but it doesnt last for more than 10 games

he used to play her even when Spectre had sub 47 winrate it was just his comfort character

hey man, Im a veteran player since 2009 and have been using Dotabuff until I quit in 2016. In late 2023, when I came back, my old friend, which has high mmr , introduced me to ProTracker. It's so amazing. Thanks for all the work you and your team do!


Cass never did Widow's job but better , and he received more than 3 nerfs to his last range lol, 1st and 2nd were when hitscan got their range reduced by % and Dmg halved in the last range , and then they removed 15 meters on his last range from 45 to 35 when they messed with his HP and he became absolutely the worst dps in the game because he has shortest range of any hitscan and he suffers from dmg reduction from last range the most , because he only has 6-12 bullets to spare. Imagine currently you need 6 headshots in a row (without enemy being healed lol) to kill a squeeshy from 35+ range which is ridicilous. I know that he shouldn't be ashe in that regard but Cass is the only character that is getting actively punished for being precise at range and 35 meters for the damage reduction he gets is ridicilous


somehow people say that buffing Cass last range would mean he will destory everyone but when he was in the gutter after they nerfed his range from 55 to 40 nobody said a thing besides people who mained Cass themselves

last part of that "cancelled" partnership clearly shows it was a troll. A corporate message would never contain something like that.

Sumail? Miracle ? GH ? Guys just retire let the prodigy Kuro show his true potential without you washed ups holding him back


bro I've been complaining about damage falloff for past 1.5 years since they nerfed it xD

that's how you know when this is streamer is mentioned here it's his russian hatewatchers lol, Reddit became very popular when Rostik got banned, and these roaches are trying their hardest to ban that guy because he always rages on his stream

it was late 2013-early 2014 iirc. He was constantly playing with NA's bests and popped up in streams, he was funny and I watched him until 2018 when I stopped playing CS

you need to be steam friends for some time now, you can't send it to randoms anymore

they opened EU servers a week ago and you can invite EU players there.

I guess Dota playerbase is cycling because I remember Pudge backdoor exploits from 2009, 2013 , 2014, and 2016/17. Basically every time Valve changed the map there was a spot pudge could hook the creep and remove backdoor, KotL, Chen and Wisp too at some point

People barely remember that his techies was one of the main reasons EG won ti5. It was permabanned everygame and if it wasn't EG would destroy any team.

If you exclusively play solo you can learn in easy lobbies which you get put in when you have gear score below or equal 25 (bottom of your inventory) you need to get the basics of pve and understanding of your class. Practically everything in stats and skills is readable compared to earlier days. Once you get used to basics you might get some friends to play with or watch some informative videos , really depens on you

I remember TimTheTatMan use it when Fortnite boomed during season 4 I think, it was summer 2018

now imagine if you had golden macaw with reborn and it procced the beatboxer, reborned and procced him again. +720/+720

Holy this reminds me of the first demo tests. Cleric players were so good with shields but with time and Ranger/Rogue and other metas it all went away. Nice fight! WP!

yeah it makes 0 sense logically and visually