Hypochondriac by brakence! it's such a slept on album, the best production I've ever heard!

There's a possibility, musicians constantly look for inspiration from other artists. I really don't know anything about Taylor, and wouldn't know anything about her newest albums lyrical symbolism and content.

same! this photo gives crazy Harry Potter vibes

Theres some decent samples on bandlabs, same with looperman.

if you look at the top right of your screen, there's a little box with a "-" shape in it, you can scroll in that box to adjust the size of your playlist.

Brakence, specificly the Hypochondriac album! the production levels are insane

The Hypochondriac album was my first taste of brakence, and for me, the wildly unique samples he uses. Both the vocal samples like (exclusive), "king" and "bloom to death" and the glitch samples played a big part in my love for his music. The way he infused them with the guitar and piano in the album is so perfect.

Ok but like 5g is little crack for my ear