Rosemary. That’s my name but I get Rosemarie a lot also. Unfortunately more people familiar with the movie.

I saw on the PWTs instagram that they went to a children’s hospital and sang it to a little girl with that name . So sweet.

I dated a 26 year old guy when I was 39. It was fun and I was newly divorced and not looking for anything serious so it worked out great for a few years.

Yep if you get too much Botox in the area above your eyebrow. It happened to me once so my doctor did it differently the next time and it was fine

It’s generally considered that if you test positive for HSV-2 then it can be transmitted by all types of sex and can occur anywhere.It’s hard to estimate the exact number because the test is a blood test for the antibodies. It really depends- for example, a young urban dweller who has multiple partners and is pansexual will fit the higher numbers. The lesions themselves are rarely if ever tested. Hope that helps- my expertise is data but my clinical knowledge is limited. Maybe an ID doctor could pinpoint further.

The estimates vary, but the latest data indicates that HSV-2 oral infection is around 12 - 15 percent and HSV-1 is around 50 -80 percent. The variability is related to age, gender, sexual orientation and geographical location.

I am 65 years old. I am 5’5 and easily stay between 115-120. I do work out but do not diet. It’s just my genetics.

Is her chest getting even flatter?

Epidemiologist here. With current sexual practices, you can get both types in both places easily. I think the treatment is the same but I am not an MD.

It’s really tasty either way. I just adjust the spices.