Thanks for taking the time to write that lengthy response, Much appreciated!

I don't really know what I was expecting, but seeing Renaissance spawning in the middle of horn of Africa before even reaching Constantinople kind of felt weird. But then again, as you stated it's really hard to program these types of things in, when even to begin with the concept itself is weird and hard to put into words, let alone in a game.

But I didn't know there were alot of people making similar posts about this on the sub, I posted this without thinking very deeply about it or it's supposed undertone, I was just being a little scared playing as Eth and having to potentially face better tech'd enemy. But i apologies if I offended anyone.

But I don't even think the people who make similar posts are doing it out of some 'racism'. The name of the game is Europe Universals - it's by it's natural supposed to be about Europe. I don't think Portugal fought against Africans with cannons when they landed in the Cape or kilwa?

Are you arguing that between 1400s up until the 1800s there were essentially no technological gap between Africans and Europeans? They just shut themselves with vaccines and prayed to life mashing guns and started hunting them down in the jungles?

Yes. But they didn't use cannons, or superioyr military. They just used superior tactics, strategy (since they new the terrain better), better moral and had more manpower

So how do you think they colonized Africa? Sheer will power?

Korea was poorer then us at one point. Especially after the war they were literally eating each other. It was dire. They people were very illiterate. There was basically no hope. Everyone had given up on them and only feeding them like they were toddlers....and look at them now! Technology saved them and jumped them above all of their peers. Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines...etc all had it way better and received the same amount of support from the outside world. Yet they didn't invest as much in tech as Korea and they feel behind. Technology is the only way to actually become high developed first world

Do you think they are gonna change the name to be more inclusive? Since the game now is far more broad it's scope then just Europe

I don't know what you wrote in the first half.

But the issue with that is it makes the colonization game really tidies. And It feels so ahistoric to have to fights against tribes deep in Africa with cannons, it breaks the illusjon and immersive nature of it.

How is Harar's great project not extremely overpowered?Discussion

The year is 1457, The renaissance has presumably not even yet been seen outside of Italy in Europe, yet its already growing at .25% in Harar, east africa? why? will this Monument also grow all the other institutions? this seems awfully a-historic, even my Eu4 standards.

This means that east africa will essentially keep up with Europe in the teach race. So by the time Portual, gb, france..etc arrive they will essentially have parity in mil tech.




Lol yes there is. I have been at 150% -200% alot trough out the game. But rarely been a challenge to get out of. But once you reach 300-500% range expect at least 3mil rebels and at over 600% prey your CPU can even handle it. But I have never gone past 600% so I can't say. But there is huge difference between 101 and 300%

Start another war meanwhile?

But then I won't have enough mana to peace out the new war, meanwhile I have 4 million rebels tearing out my country

i have 65% ccr. so usually i would get like a couple of rebells...but i didnt even have the mana to core them so i didnt matter. i stayed at above 160% to long

There are 2 main ways to get more from a peace deal.

War score cost and admin efficiency.

Diplo idea gives you a flat -25% on war score, the manuments in Malta and Meca gives you another -15% each. As the mughals I also get another -10% from owning all the provinces in the east Slavic culture group. And if you have mercenary and Diplo ideas then you unlock a policy for another -10%. I probably left out a couple others, but that's where I get most of my war score cost modifiers.

Another one is admin efficiency. The higher you adm efficiency is the greater you can take. I had I believe 65% adm efficiency from having max absolutism, the Granada manument, having daccan as a vassle and from high admin tech.

So together they make it so each province's war score cost is super low so I can take that much.

Nah I like to do things raw. I eat it up...after killing a few million rebbels....but who is counting. At this point it's all just numbers. I get like 50k men a month

I only have -65%. How the hell do you get to -95%?

That was the idea. But I got over 4mil rebels...and now am kinda of regretting it

Yup. All of that pluss...eastern Slavic culture gives mughals another -10% war Cost, and mercenary+ dimplo gives another -10%. And mercenary+ amdin gives another -5% core cost. I found alot of similar things. I think I have stacked pretty much everything there is to stack, atleast as the mughals.

Attemting WC/One faith as timur/mughals/caliphate. I stacked a bunch of War score costs + core creations costs and admin ef and now i can one ko any country(expect commenwelth which requires 2 wars still)...

I dont have any subjects situated in Europe or any christian subjects for that matter, expect for some colonies in the new world. But burgandy was fully catholic when i annexed him. (and i am a Muslim)

no, as The caliph of the Muslim world, i cant be the empror. But Burgandy is/was emperor (he is dead now. rip)

but how does that explain how i was able to select barrois. the provinces are literally next to each other with a fort in the middle of both of them, how can i select one but not the other? (and i had not seieged down any fort, when i took the screenshoot)

thanks for the reassurance, i was a bit worried. and yea. someone told me its cushtic gives an extra missionary, but maybe nubian also gives?

Thank you for taking the time to write that. Much appreciated.


am i still on track to get one faith or is it hopeless?Image

so i have never done this before so am not sure if my rate of pregress is fast enough to get it?

started off as the timurids, went for india asap and switched to mughals. and now have malaca and south east china cost and a big chinese vassal of X i. i have allied Ottoman rivals to contian them but still they are huge and a bit scarry, with even more trops then me and better quality too, since i didnt invest in mil ideas. economy wise i have just started to turn a profit and my manpower has now recovered also...but for most of the game i was in the negative and constant 0 manpower. i have around -65-70% core cost.

Also any other tips you have to make this run faster and more enjoyable is much appreciated, also which direction should i focuse on? china, ottoman/europe, kazan (but currently allies) or even no cp afrian opm? and what should be my next idea? was thinking Religious ideas, myself.

thank you!!




