I would say don’t bring it. 1.1k plus what you’d spend on parking you can buy a lot of Uber rides. Also, no one in California calls it Cali unless it’s ironically.

“The Derek Zoolander Center for Children Who Can't Read Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too” vibes

Oh, perhaps. Still doubtful. If average age of death is like 75-80. That means those people were born to like mid 40s parents. I’m not saying the data is wrong but there just seems to be some sort of skew

But why would 25-29 year olds be getting an inheritance but not 30-34? If anything I would expect that jump older

Something seems fishy about that data to me. 25-29 is too similar of a number to 30-34. Those 5 years should be more than a 20-25% difference

It’s not a whole group tho, it’s just 1 friend. And I guess that’s just because you’re always around yourself

Idk if that’s statistically true or not, but even if it is there’s no evidence or reason to believe it here. That’s like saying he’s a rapist because he’s a man and it’s more likely he is than she is. Like you’re just making up random things that don’t include any evidence in support of the claim

I agree, but there should probably be a ticket for cleaning it up, and then maybe even set standards like using a linter or something similar to set code to be consistent. And then do one refactor and be done with it

Yea this, if it’s girls night then that’s fine but there isn’t a bunch of other dudes there. If there are other dudes, that’s cool too, but then it’s not girls night. And if it’s not girls night then I see no reason you can’t bring your bf

Can’t you still get all the resort stuff regardless of room type? I guess I’m trying to figure out why being overwater is a must? Like you say, that’s super expensive and a once in a lifetime thing. But at the resort not overwater is much cheaper is it not?

So what the other 80% of the population don’t matter? If you want to compare each quintile or something sure. That would be interesting and I’d definitely upvote anything I see here with that info. But comparing only the poorest is as useless as only the rich. It’s also hard to compare when the poor in America are quite rich when speaking worldwide

Why would you compare the poorest in one country to everyone in another? That’s not comparable groups. I get you don’t like the statistics or what they say, but US healthcare is good healthcare. It’s just expensive

The outcomes are largely a misnomer. The increase in deaths are more than attributed to homicides, car accidents, obesity, etc. Once you’ve removed things that are clearly not the fault of bad healthcare, our life expectancy I believe is first. If you look at life expectancy rates at intervention it’s very high. The problem is we do a lot of risky activities that others do not so it’s very hard to compare.

:usc: :pac12: USC • Pac-12

USC is believe is supposedly around 15-20, moving up to around 6-8 once in the B10. Another vary interesting bit of that is USC has a lot fewer programs than say OSU. So the revenue per sport is still very high

Damn guess it’s time to take my 90% percent return and cash out now that it’s been mentioned on this sub

Sure, but using Reddit as any sort of ultimate source of truth is bound to be a bad idea 😂

:usc: :pac12: USC • Pac-12

Yea and no, it does result in fewer big games, but it still cuts out about 40-50 of the less financially desirable teams. Which probably would more than make up for the change. It’s more of an in between step on the way to a super conference.

:usc: :pac12: USC • Pac-12

My dude/dudette. As a fellow USC alum I cannot have you using a phrase like “it’s also unlikely that I could not get into USC now as the admissions criteria has tightened”. Instead of “unlikely” and “could not”, say it’s unlikely that I could get into… OR it’s likely that I could (would is probably better) not get into… I wouldn’t care but you having poor grammar while stating you wouldn’t be accepted today is just too much