Haha! True. Wii play tanks is pretty great, if you ignore the score and just try to reach level 100 together. I’ve never had anyone upset over that game

They get to be the wise old mentor type, that’s true! That is pretty cool 

I agree. I also feel weird eating faux meet that’s too meat like. I’m vegetarian because I don’t want to eat meat. I don’t want imitation either

Mario party. It’s so powerful it ruins relationships that don’t even exist yet

Tbh though try a coop game like overcooked. 50/50 most fun youll ever have playing a game with this person, or it’s just mario party again but in a kitchen

You can make it not dark by having it be your stronger monster leading the weaker one in a training session

Fire magic’s a really good one. Ive seen some other good ones like binding magic (tracking quarries, making magic bonds with allies and loved ones), rune / spell circle magic (if elves are stereotypically naturey and dwarves gruff, humans are stereotypically obsessive), divination magic for our many cultures’ oracles, I suggested golemancy for humans’ tendency to be able to see anything as a friend There’s a lot of generic answers but there’s also a lot of cool ones in this thread :)

This gives me the image of a hardened warrior walking directly through a fireball cast, on their way to put an end to this goddamn war

I love it. Works even better if humans are rare

I love the justification you came up with for fancy magic diagrams. Not only a justification either, but a purpose as well. That makes it much easier to actually design a magic system using spell circles 

I was going to comment on how humans will add just about anything to their family unit for no other reason than to have them around. Humans are hypersocial and will even befriend inanimate objects in extreme situations. 

As much as humans get memed on for wars, Id give them healing magic, some kind of sympathy magic or mental linking magic, or golemancy - golemancy being a blend of technological thinking and the ability to see anything as a potential friend 

This is an incredible comment, thank you for sharing. I’m just starting to look for a therapist now, and reading this and knowing that people like you are out there wanting to help makes me feel so much more comfortable with the idea of going to therapy. I’m sure it will help, the many, many people who’ve told me how great it was for them can’t all be wrong, but for some reason it was still intimidating. Thank you for being you, for doing what you do, and for sharing all of that here :)

Right, he’s one of the non-turnscale drake leaders. I included Zelkr in the non-turnscale count as well since it’s not confirmed either way. The point I was trying to make is that 2/4 is an extremely high proportion given how low the actual proportion of turnscales is in the general population.

I’m convinced that the Drakes’ hate for turnscales was originally manufactured by leadership in order to create a class of people under intense pressure to level. Drakes’ biggest military problem is that they’re too competent at war, and so they end up with precious few high level combatants. Now, Drakes love their safe cities and their “civilized” warfare. They’re not going to change their way of life just to get a few more of their people to be higher level. So Drake leadership long ago decided to force a certain class of people to go through hell on the daily in the hopes that they’d produce high level fighters. And the plan seems to be working. 2 of the 4 Drake national heroes are known turnscales, those Drakes being Zel, Sserys, Chaldion, and Zelkyr. It would be 3/5 if Saliss decided he wanted to lead - and either way, he’s one of the highest powered adventurers in the world, probably the highest powered on Izril. 

I think this is one of the ancient and evil plans that Chaldion referenced to Grimalkin when explaining why he wouldn’t help rescue his apprentice 

 Edit: my poor choice of words is causing some confusion. The 4 Drake species-wide leaders Im considering are Zel, Sserys, Chaldion, and Zelkyr. Two of them are known turnscales (Zel and Sserys)

Ozai respects Zuko as a master assassin and uses him against his political opponents? Zuko is given succession rights as a way for Ozai to attempt to avoid being Azulon’d. Azula, while still being a prodigy firebender, is not nearly as useful or threatening and so gets ignored? 

I immediately thought you were talking about pokemon for a second. Probably since fairy type is immune to dragon type

I do, but sadly this password is for both logging into my computer and for another critical system. They’re forced to be the same, and I can’t access my password manager for it because it’s required to open the computer in the first place.

It’s ridiculous 

Yeah Id like to spend my reroll token please