Sister Sage 100% already knows it's A-Train. She's just knows that killing A-Train isn't useful for her goals yet.

Also nobody knows where he would have gotten the gun. After his suicide they performed a search for a missing revolver to see where the gun came from. One neighbor was indeed missing a revolver, however nobody knows how Vincent was able to break into the neighbor's house and know where to steal the revolver without any sign of a break in.

Another prominent theory was that a group of children were playing with their parent's revolver and accidentally shot Vincent. Vincent either covered for the children by lying, or was too addled and confused to know what really happened. After all he never said he shot himself, Theo asks Vincent if he shot himself and Vincent says "I suppose so".

All in all it's just a theory, which has as many holes as the suicide angle. We will probably never know the truth.

Here's every quote in the game about them stealing technology from civilians: 

Loose lips at the Responders HQ ended up leading to the Brotherhood of Steel catching wind of the project, which led to them trying to procure information and project assets from the Responders at gunpoint. However, even after being talked down by Maria, the Brotherhood would continue looking for Amy and her research. Amy learned that the Brotherhood was after her and she theorized that they were after her technology to use for their own purposes, even to create weapons. 

 -Fallout 76 wiki 

At one time we were the sole bastions of technology left on the planet. We set ourselves up as what could best be called 'technology police.' We hoarded the old knowledge and only doled it out in small parcels. Of course, it was only to those who we felt deserved it and had the wisdom to properly use it. 

-Matthew, Fallout 2

They're usually harmless unless you use advanced technology around them.

-The Courier, New Vegas 

Back when we were stationed at HELIOS, our scouts reported that a group was establishing itself in the area as a distributor of Pre-War weapons. Our Elder at the time, Elijah, was too concerned with getting HELIOS running and fending off the NCR, so he ordered us to leave them alone. It's time that we correct that oversight, and show this region that the Brotherhood is still a force to be reckoned with. I want you to visit these weapons dealers, this Van Graff family, and make an example of them. Leave no one alive. When the job is done, report back and I'll arrange for a team to clean up the site and retrieve the weapons.

-Elder Hardin, New Vegas

The Brotherhood used the battle of Hoover Dam as an opportunity to retake HELIOS One, and came to control the area between it and Hidden Valley. With no organized opposition, their patrols began monitoring trade along I-15 and 95, seizing any items of technology they deemed inappropriate. / Due to their temporary truce, the Brotherhood allowed the NCR to retreat from the Mojave Wasteland without incident. In the relative peace that followed, Brotherhood patrols appeared along major roads, harassing travelers over any bits of technology they had.

-New Vegas endings.

The Brotherhood are evil because they're a bunch of condescending raiders who will forcefully take your settlement's autodoc, fusion reactor and laser rifles away in order to "save you from yourself". As if hording all the dangerous tech under a pseudo religious military dictatorship is any safer for humanity.

The Enclave was the explicitly genocidal fascist faction. Nazis with power armor.

It's extremely debatable when the UK became a democracy. They simply became slightly more inclusive over time on who could vote, starting with just a couple thousand land owning elite in 1215, but I personally think they crossed the line in 1928 when they passed the Reform Act, which finally offered the vote to all white men in the country (before only one in five could vote). Although to be fair to America we could go with 1832, which opened up the right to vote to all white male landowners

You don't think a massive civil war over losing an election that resulted in the 750k dead Americans doesn't kind of put our current tensions into perspective?

We've had lots of sore losers, but you are correct no one has refused to cede an election before 2020, although it should be mentioned that it is purely a symbolic formality that began in 1896. Democracy doesn't gives a shit if you think the election was unfair, Trump's opinion doesn't matter to the outcome. We've had a couple of instances where the loser has ceded in an snide and insulting manner, like Republican Thomas Dewey in 1944 who snubbed FDR by conceding over the radio rather than in person, which in 1940s was the peak of passive aggressiveness.

Egh, I think the best part about learning about the past is realizing that what we're going through is not as extreme as it really can get.

We don't have massive trusts manipulating everything and we're no longer explicitly invading countries on behalf of fruit companies. It's bad now but it's gotten worse before and we survived.

Overall I think American democracy is simply showing it's age. It's already the longest lasting democracy period. Yet we've got all these incredibly outdated systems like single party voting instead of ranked choice, or the electoral college. It's really hampering us as a country.

Probably taking a page from Sun Tzu. When you find out who's a spy, you don't just kill them. That'd be a massive waste of a perfectly good spy. Instead you feed them bad intel so that your opponents might act on it and make a mistake.

Desert Rangers in Fallout 1 and 2 also helped people. Although they had a tenth the resources of the Minutemen at their peak until the NCR turned them into their special forces.

I'd need a source on other people telling him to chill, because from what I read his father was the one who was REALLY hard on the Jews, especially after Alexander II's assassination in 1886 was blamed on a Jewish conspiracy. Alexander the III passed the May Laws imposing draconian restrictions on Jewish people, and killed thousands in pogroms. Not saying Nicholas II wasn't also massively antisemitic, especially after his regime began to fall apart and he blamed it on Jews as the usual scapegoat in 1906, instigating a wave of programs that killed 2,000. Yet this was followed by another wave of programs in 1921 by all sides of the Russian Civil War that killed between 50 thousand to 250 thousand Jews. From what I read, his pogroms against Jewish people in 1906 was praised by the Russian populace.

Dude was an antisemitic piece of shit, but not more than everyone else was. The pogroms didn't begin with him and they definitely did not end with him after.

Tsar Nicholas wasn't even in St. Petersburg when Bloody Sunday occurred, that was a huge reason why it did happen, as the protesters became agitated when they believed he was hiding from them. Meanwhile he didn't even know about the protest. The shooting didn't happen on his orders, nor anyone's really. One of the soldiers fired into the crowd on impulse and the situation spiraled out of control.

Tsar Nicholas was deeply troubled by the massacre, and responded to resulting outrage by promising the formation of a series of representative assemblies, also known as Dumas, to work toward reform for the factory conditions that started the protest in the first place. Unfortunately, Nicholas's incompetence bungled those reforms, pissing people off further.

This isn't exactly Mao starting the cultural revolution because Russia's destalinization campaign caused him to be come existentially afraid of his legacy. Tsar Nicholas was a weak willed fool but he wasn't a megalomaniac.

God no, the dude sucked as a monarch. Yet he's one of the few autocrats I read about who if he didn't have any real power and lived in my neighborhood I'd still invite to the backyard barbeque (assuming he got over the 19th century racism and homophobia ofc).

That's true, the guy was racist as hell. Although we should put that into context, as both his father and his grandfather performed antisemitic pogroms as well. Not saying that makes it okay, just that he wasn't exceptionally evil in that regard for his time and place.

True, I personally think that is just more evidence of him not really knowing what he's doing. It wasn't like he was callous about it, he described Bloody Sunday as being "painful and sad".

Even Nicholas I do feel a bit bad for. By all means he was a shitty monarch but he was also supposed to be an incredibly loving father. I remember reading that after abdicating once he got over the initial humiliation he was quite relieved as it meant he could spend more time with his kids.

It wasn't really Nicholas's fault that his dad intentionally didn't train him to be a national leader, nor was he directly responsible for things like WW1, the Khodynka Tragedy, or Bloody Sunday. He was responsible for the Russo-Japanese war though, and all the horribleness the Okhrana got up to.

It's less of a French-Brit mashup, and more like 14th century France mixed with Arthurian legend mixed with Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

I mean, their system of government is literally a strange woman lying in a pond distributing swords.

Regardless faction wise they do have longbowmen, but they're called Herrimaults and they're more like Robin Hood's merry men. Been wanting a Herrimault dlc for Brettonia for ages now, with Bertrand the Brigand as the legendary lord.

There's so many more interesting ways to do a five year timeskip too.

Just have him chase a spaceship into a black hole's ergo-sphere and let the time dilation cause a five year timeskip. I know Invincible doesn't usually care about real world physics but it's still more plausible than a creature that is hardcore into Utilitarian ethics sending a dude five years into the future out of spite. Utilitarianism's whole thing is to maximize good regardless of personal feelings.

Holy crap you're right. They didn't even adopt him in real life, nor did they train him. His real coach was his father's friend. Cutting out A-Train's brother was exactly what Blindside did.

Tuohy's did let him live in their house because his family was sometimes homeless. They also used their influence to help him win a football scholarship. Yet he was pissed because he was already a well respected athlete and an academically successful student before he met them, yet their movie portrays him as being an idiot who couldn't even read.

It seems like people within the same family get very similar powers. Judging by Ryan, and now Hughie Sr. getting phasing powers like Hughie did.

Could be those sheep were all from the same litter. Or perhaps just straight up clones.

To add to that, that condescending and paternalistic attitude towards black people is the same people used to justify doing a lot of evil shit to black people.

Also associating African American culture as "uncivilized" despite the fact that the massive socioeconomic problems in those areas are due to deeply racist policies like Redlining (only offering government loans to white people), Slum Clearance (intentionally building freeways and waste zones in majority black neighborhoods), and White Flight (white people would move their businesses and money away from black neighborhoods).

You also just need to read about the Tulsa Race Massacre to understand what used to happen if a black neighborhood became wealthier than their white neighbors.

It came close towards the beginning. The Japanese were correct in that the American public would get sick of having tens of thousands of their sons be blown to pieces on two square kilometer islands that nobody could pronounce.  Unfortunately for them, they underestimated how bloodlusted Pearl Harbour made us, and the images of Japanese war crimes against white civilians in Hong Kong and the Philippines.

War is always a contest of wills. Who is willing to pay the sacrifice required in order to gain their ultimate war aims. This why countries like Japan believed they could beat us, as they were willing to sacrifice everything, and they thought we wouldn't do the same.

America wasn't willing to pay the price required to gain their ultimate objectives in Afghanistan, while the Taliban were. That counts as a victory for the Taliban. They got everything they were trying to get, while we walked away with nothing.

I thought the games explained it as she's been chilling in the Warp with the Lady. Now that the End Times are starting she's been sent back into the Mortal World, but due to warp shenanigans almost no time has passed for her.

People were using Sealand passports for criminal activities. Scams and money laundering ECT.

Granted Sealand stopped issuing passports because of this.